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2016 Primary Debates Thread! 2016 Primary Debates Thread!

02-26-2016 , 08:50 AM
Originally Posted by nyc999
The best part of last night's debate was the 30 seconds when all three candidates were talking over one another (with the camera framing the 3 perfectly) while Wolf was crying in the corner because he lost complete control.
Should help TRUMP increase his lead.
02-26-2016 , 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by tomdemaine
Yes, you can actually either be
1. A racist moron
2. A privileged "3 sigma" douchebag in it for teh lulz
3. A bootlicking worshiper of authority looking for the alphaest strong man.

Obviously you can be some combination of the above too. But those are the only 3 circles in the Venn diagram.
I don't believe I'm any of those. I support Bernie>Trump but at this point Bernie is basically drawing dead and it's going to be Trump vs. Hillary. I'll be voting for Trump solely because of how much I detest politicians and basically many if not all of the systems we have in place. Disruption to those systems is more important to me than any other issue. I'm fully aware that President Trump could actually harm lives. I'm willing to take that chance for the overall betterment of the country if we're able to actually destroy the system and rebuild it better. I attribute literally every single problem people face on corrupt politicians and I consider Hillary to be one of them. There are politicians I would vote for over Trump. Hillary and Rubio just aren't them.

I also think he does have more upside to be good than most of you seem to think, however unlikely that is.
02-26-2016 , 09:49 AM
How will trump, who spent decades specifically part of those systems, destroy them?

Why would he?

He is the most politically corrupt person in the contest by a large margin.
02-26-2016 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
How will trump, who spent decades specifically part of those systems, destroy them?

Why would he?

Because he cares more about people loving him as a great president than he does about increasing his net worth from 10 billion to 15 billion. His entire goal as President is to have people like him and have a 100 ft Trump Monument statue erected in Washington DC once he's gone.

He is the most politically corrupt person in the contest by a large margin.
This gave me a good laugh, thanks.
02-26-2016 , 09:56 AM
Originally Posted by adios
No way this could be construed as a personal attack from a mod of this forum.

Originally Posted by Wooders0n
I don't believe I'm any of those. I support Bernie>Trump but at this point Bernie is basically drawing dead and it's going to be Trump vs. Hillary. I'll be voting for Trump solely because of how much I detest politicians and basically many if not all of the systems we have in place. Disruption to those systems is more important to me than any other issue. I'm fully aware that President Trump could actually harm lives. I'm willing to take that chance for the overall betterment of the country if we're able to actually destroy the system and rebuild it better. I attribute literally every single problem people face on corrupt politicians and I consider Hillary to be one of them. There are politicians I would vote for over Trump. Hillary and Rubio just aren't them.

I also think he does have more upside to be good than most of you seem to think, however unlikely that is.
It was the royal you, rather than specific but OK maybe douchebag is too strong in all cases. The above is your privilege showing though. Im guessing nothing trump is likely to do to minorities nor the culture of hatred he is fostering has much chance of affecting you too personally so you can take the chance of "disrupting the system" without much of a potential downside. Muslims, Latinos et al don't have that luxury.
02-26-2016 , 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by tomdemaine
It was the royal you, rather than specific but OK maybe douchebag is too strong in all cases. The above is your privilege showing though. Im guessing nothing trump is likely to do to minorities nor the culture of hatred he is fostering has much chance of affecting you too personally so you can take the chance of "disrupting the system" without much of a potential downside. Muslims, Latinos et al don't have that luxury.

If Trump were calling for the expulsion of WoodersOn and other rapists I don't think he'd have your support.

Also, he's absolutely part of the system. He was buying politicians. That's part of the system.

Trump wants adoring fans to be sure, but he doesn't mind enemies. Representing his supporters and crushing his opponents would be awesome to him. Loyalty. Fascism. Yeah, insofar as he's against the system, it's because, lol democracy, why would anyone care what a bunch of losers think?
02-26-2016 , 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by tomdemaine
It was the royal you, rather than specific but OK maybe douchebag is too strong in all cases. The above is your privilege showing though. Im guessing nothing trump is likely to do to minorities nor the culture of hatred he is fostering has much chance of affecting you too personally so you can take the chance of "disrupting the system" without much of a potential downside. Muslims, Latinos et al don't have that luxury.
This is fair, though my wife is currently a non-citizen permanent resident alien from South America so there would be some potential downside to our family maybe. Probably not though at this point. I don't think he's actually going to do anything major to harm the lives of Hispanics. The wall is a non issue for me. I don't think it will ever get built and if it does it's not really going to do anything anyway. His treatment of Muslims is much scarier, especially the torture stuff. Thing is, the other candidates aren't going to do much for them either. Hillary, Rubio, and Cruz are all complete war mongers. At least Trump is able to say Iraq was a disaster. It's much more about being anti the other candidates than it is being pro-trump.

I don't honestly feel he's going to "make America great again" largely because I doubt America really ever was all that great. It's probably as great now as it's ever been, and still mostly sucks. Hillary Clinton isn't going to make it better for anyone who isn't directly contributing to her personal wealth though.
02-26-2016 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by tomdemaine
It was the royal you, rather than specific but OK maybe douchebag is too strong in all cases. The above is your privilege showing though. Im guessing nothing trump is likely to do to minorities nor the culture of hatred he is fostering has much chance of affecting you too personally so you can take the chance of "disrupting the system" without much of a potential downside. Muslims, Latinos et al don't have that luxury.

You are deflecting. That isn't about me. It is about you and your post and the rules. So you're stating if I call someone a douchebag I won't suffer any kind of repercussions ? Puhleeze. FTR I think the POTUS race is pretty much a complete clown show, be it Dems, Repubs, and/or the media.
02-26-2016 , 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by Wooders0n
Disruption to those systems is more important to me than any other issue. I'm fully aware that President Trump could actually harm lives. I'm willing to take that chance for the overall betterment of the country if we're able to actually destroy the system and rebuild it better. I attribute literally every single problem people face on corrupt politicians and I consider Hillary to be one of them.
This makes no rational sense. How does this "rebuild the system" even work? Ultimately the politicians are selected by the people so why would anyone think that a rebuilt system would be better than what we have now?

And how is the "system" destroyed? Trump's bad policies? His penchant for conspiracy theories? Does he rebuild the system through sheer force of will?
02-26-2016 , 10:24 AM
02-26-2016 , 10:24 AM
WoodersOn - I don't see how further polarizing of the American public, demonizing of minorities, and complete ignorance of facts/logical arguments will help your country or do anything but make the current political situation unbelievably worse.

It's legitimately mind boggling to me that people think this.
02-26-2016 , 10:30 AM
I'm not saying it's a 100% lock that the system will be destroyed and rebuilt, just that with Trump there's an actual chance of it which makes him >Hillary to me.

Ways in which this can happen range from Trump is such a complete disaster that we realize we need to do something differently as an electorate and never let ignorance prevail again to Trump being the greatest president of all-time and we realize we should never ever let the typical politician in charge ever again.

I want the entire thing to burn. The electoral college. Delegates. Super delegates. Caucuses. Parties. Everything.

Corruption is defined as having or showing a willingness to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain. Trump has no doubt been that throughout his career. But I really don't think he will be that as President, mostly because he hasn't been dishonest. He's saying some abhorrent things, but he's being honest about them. The thing I cannot tolerate above all else is the constant lying. Hillary is a liar. One of the biggest liars in history. I just can't vote for her. So it's a question of either not voting or voting for Trump. My vote for Trump might not even mean anything in NY but I'll feel better about myself for doing whatever I can to give the middle finger to Hillary and her like.

If it is Rubio vs. Hillary I will simply not vote for either.
02-26-2016 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
WoodersOn - I don't see how further polarizing of the American public, demonizing of minorities, and complete ignorance of facts/logical arguments will help your country or do anything but make the current political situation unbelievably worse.

It's legitimately mind boggling to me that people think this.
From that it could get better. With Hillary Clinton there's no chance of that happening. We're at such a low point with the system that the space between now and where Trump could take us at his worst is minuscule relative to how much space their is above both for improvement.
02-26-2016 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by Wooders0n
Because he cares more about people loving him as a great president than he does about increasing his net worth from 10 billion to 15 billion. His entire goal as President is to have people like him and have a 100 ft Trump Monument statue erected in Washington DC once he's gone.
Wouldn't that be the goal of any person who takes the time and effort to run for president? Surely Hillary wants a statue more than she wants tripled speaking fees in 8 years?

But more broadly, isn't the constant desire to give people what they want one of the major problems with the system? People want lower taxes AND robust social spending AND a huge military AND a roaring economy. That's why we have a huge debt.
02-26-2016 , 10:36 AM
What are the objective measurements that we're at a low point and there's no where down to go?

What's the golden age look like? Have we seen it before? What does a 'win' look like with Trump?

Because I can describe the worst case scenario. It's things like Nazi Germany where someone uses basic hate to destroy a democracy.

This idea that things are 'so bad' now is made up (by both sides).

Edit: I'm not saying that Trump will lead to Nazi Germany. Just that if we had a spectrum of political situations (that the world has actually seen) from worst to best - we're MUCH closer to the best than the worst. So thinking there's nowhere to go but up is just dumb.
02-26-2016 , 10:40 AM
Bernie is not really a revolutionary. He wants to roll the system back to before Citizens United, but he's not even trying to do the other stuff you're taking about.

And Billionaires do not want to disrupt the system. Think about it.
02-26-2016 , 10:44 AM
Hell, I don't even need to go outside of the US for my spectrum of worst to best.

You literally had a civil war with an absurd cost. But somehow you think:

We're at such a low point with the system that the space between now and where Trump could take us at his worst is minuscule relative to how much space their is above both for improvement.
02-26-2016 , 10:44 AM
he hasn't been dishonest
Trump has certainly been dishonest.

Some of those may not be "lies" in that Donald Trump actually believes them. But, God, if he believes them that's so much worse.
02-26-2016 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by Wooders0n
The thing I cannot tolerate above all else is the constant lying. Hillary is a liar. One of the biggest liars in history. I just can't vote for her. So it's a question of either not voting or voting for Trump. My vote for Trump might not even mean anything in NY but I'll feel better about myself for doing whatever I can to give the middle finger to Hillary and her like.
Let's take what you're saying about both Hillary and Trump as true (it's not...).

You think the biggest problem facing your nation is lying... Like **** social services, national security, nuclear proliferation, climate change, race relations, etc. etc. etc.

And this is why a candidate like Trump is so dangerous. People aren't rational, they just want to feel good.
02-26-2016 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
What are the objective measurements that we're at a low point and there's no where down to go?

What's the golden age look like? Have we seen it before? What does a 'win' look like with Trump?

Because I can describe the worst case scenario. It's things like Nazi Germany where someone uses basic hate to destroy a democracy.

This idea that things are 'so bad' now is made up (by both sides).

Edit: I'm not saying that Trump will lead to Nazi Germany. Just that if we had a spectrum of political situations (that the world has actually seen) from worst to best - we're MUCH closer to the best than the worst. So thinking there's nowhere to go but up is just dumb.
His rhetoric about Mexicans and Muslims and expanding torture is on par with Hitler in the '30s.

Making America great and winning about knocking the hell out of countries and taking the oil...

What kind of a brilliant deal maker would have the most powerful military in the history of the world at his command and not use it?
02-26-2016 , 10:58 AM
TRUMP is certainly being dishonest and lying and he knows it. There is just no ****ing way a wall around the whole border is being constructed at the expense of Mexico with no cost to us. Its a lie and he knows it. Like you said though, its a complete non-issue because it is never happening.
02-26-2016 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
TRUMP is certainly being dishonest and lying and he knows it. There is just no ****ing way a wall around the whole border is being constructed at the expense of Mexico with no cost to us. Its a lie and he knows it. Like you said though, its a complete non-issue because it is never happening.
I think he really believes he'll be able to get this done.
02-26-2016 , 11:10 AM
Wanting the system to burn is the first rational, if crazy, reason to support Trump I have ever heard.

Any other reason makes you both an idiot and racist.
02-26-2016 , 11:17 AM
There is an argument to be made the worst of all Trump supporters are the ones who find him funny and support him for the lolz as if a presidential election were equivalent to a YouTube video.
02-26-2016 , 11:28 AM
I mean I wouldn't say I'm a TRUMP supporter by any means but I'm rooting for him to get the nomination for the lulz. And it exposes the Republican base for the dumb dumbs that they are. This seems like a reasonable and rational reason to be rooting for TRUMP. Particularly because he's not really that much worse than Rubio and is imo better than Cruz.
