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2016 Presidential Election Thread: TRUMP vs. Hillary SMACKDOWN 2016 Presidential Election Thread: TRUMP vs. Hillary SMACKDOWN
View Poll Results: The 45th President of the United States of America will be
332 46.63%
190 26.69%
In to watch it burn
161 22.61%
73 10.25%
im tryin to tell you about ****in my wife in the *** and youre asking me these personal questions
57 8.01%

08-18-2016 , 09:31 PM
He cannot go whole hog until he clinches nom, but as soon as he does imo he will ramp this even harder, including with specific policy proposals that will be well received by the black community. The reason is very simple, trump is an opportunist, not a racist. And he needs the black vote to win.
Like, Alex, that's our line! You don't understand politics at all(because you don't understand, well, anything), and you think everyone else is just like you. You don't even know what the bolded would look like, but Trump for damn sure won't do anything like that.

Trump trying pointless and transparently insincere pandering to black people in front of white audiences isn't a pivot, it's not even about getting votes. It's about boosting the self-esteem of his terrified and easily enraged racist base by assuring them that they aren't racist. Telling people what they want to hear is Trump's only play.

Like, literally, the posts you make in this thread. That's the extent of it. That speech wasn't for blacks, it was for YOU.
08-18-2016 , 09:34 PM
Alex, three things: When trump in every single speech he gives talks about how our police have been mistreated that is his way of saying that he will not support blacks. Too bad you dont understand this dog whistle.

Further, not denouncing David duke in that interview means exactly what everyone thinks it means , playing on racism.

Further, in the nineties or whatever he used his money to buy articles in newspapers where he calls for excecution of some black kids. What does it tell you.

You are saying trump has never gone negative on blacks. If these things are not obvious to you then you may want to stop and take a big look at yourself. Everyone sees it but you. Now thats not good statistics is it.
08-18-2016 , 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by 2OutsNoProb
Regarding the top end of the above, the idea that 1 in 16 African American likely voters is going to change from confirmed Clinton to confirmed Trump because he slightly calms down his rhetoric for the final 10 weeks is absolutely nuts.

In truth, he might not actually be at 1% AA support right now - realistically it's more like 3-5% - but he's not going to get a 6% jump.

Even if he did, it's likely irrelevant anyway in the Electoral College. That wouldn't win him any of the states he was going to lose. He's a lock to lose PA and VA, and that being the case, he has almost no path to 270.
I'd argue that he's done more than slightly calm down his rhetoric toward African-Americans. He's attacked Hillary on pandering to them and claimed his policies are better for them.

When you talk about 1/16, that can be someone who doesn't even like him, but had worked in manufacturing, lost a job and thinks he'll bring it back based on his speeches, so they hold their nose and vote accordingly. This could hold true for a lot of people in that group across all races.

As to whether it would win him a state, that remains to be seen. Gaining 6% of the African-American vote in NC can gain him 1% overall there, he's currently down about 4 to 4.5%, so it's not insignificant.

I fear this pivot will get him FL, GA, NC, AZ, IA... That gets him to 243, and he still needs to turn something or run the table, but it has him within striking range to where a terror attack or a mid-sized scandal could make the difference.
08-18-2016 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by Alex Wice
No, because it's like the RNC-goers cheering for when Trump said LGBTQ rights. Plus, Trump already has the fan vote locked up - those people hate Hillary too, so they'll come out.

We got an outlook of 3 months of Trump doing this **** every day. This is day 2, yesterday was day 1 of this new kind of speech, so this is prob no fluke now, but a prepared strategy. The people that "might be sucked in" have another 60 opportunities to see this and switch. Compare that to what Clinton will be doing.
Too late bro. Too late. I feel your wanting though. It's palpable.
08-18-2016 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Like, literally, the posts you make in this thread. That's the extent of it. That speech wasn't for blacks, it was for YOU.
I think Trump thinks the speech will help him a lot with African-Americans, and I think it'll help him a little (it certainly can't make it any worse!).

Originally Posted by aflametotheground
Alex, three things: When trump in every single speech he gives talks about how our police have been mistreated that is his way of saying that he will not support blacks. Too bad you dont understand this dog whistle.
This is hurting him so much with African-American voters, and I don't see him changing it, which is good for #NeverTrump.

Originally Posted by aflametotheground
Further, not denouncing David duke in that interview means exactly what everyone thinks it means , playing on racism.

Further, in the nineties or whatever he used his money to buy articles in newspapers where he calls for excecution of some black kids. What does it tell you.

You are saying trump has never gone negative on blacks. If these things are not obvious to you then you may want to stop and take a big look at yourself. Everyone sees it but you. Now thats not good statistics is it.
These things are what we'll be seeing a lot of attack ads about if he does start to gain in the African-American demographic.
08-18-2016 , 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by dessin d'enfant
The quote in this reply that is credited to me , I never remember writing. Is that possible?

Also, I am the most ardent Keynesian for a Republican you will ever meet, so doubt I would even accidentally write that.

Really weird.
08-18-2016 , 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by m_reed05
Anyone still supporting Trump is on the Trump train for good.
This is a nitpick maybe, but I think Trump could still lose more people. It's just not going to be anything he says or how he acts. Would have to be further revelations about his campaign or his past or whatever.
08-18-2016 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by SqredII
The quote in this reply that is credited to me , I never remember writing. Is that possible?

Also, I am the most ardent Keynesian for a Republican you will ever meet, so doubt I would even accidentally write that.

Really weird.
My mistake. I think I accidentally hit multiquote with one of your posts and deleted. I fixed it.
08-18-2016 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by dessin d'enfant
My mistake. I think I accidentally hit multiquote with one of your posts and deleted. I fixed it.
No problem, thanks. Thought I was losing it, scrolled back and saw it was something Shuffle wrote, lol. Almost had a heart attack that I would post an analogy like that.
08-18-2016 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
This is a nitpick maybe, but I think Trump could still lose more people. It's just not going to be anything he says or how he acts. Would have to be further revelations about his campaign or his past or whatever.
As it becomes more clear he is a loser he will lose more people.
08-18-2016 , 09:51 PM
Trump didn't say anything monumentally stupid and read a boring speech from a teleprompter. Slappies rejoice!
08-18-2016 , 09:53 PM
Lol pivoting, all Hillary has to do is have the disabled child of a service cross recipient say Trump is a big meanie. Trump will have to choice but to spend two weeks having a go at her, while making mocking her disability.
08-18-2016 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12
Great read in light of the recent Team Trump Shakeup v 2.0

Actual Breitbart Headlines

Ryan Lochte is gay?
08-18-2016 , 10:03 PM
Maybe Trump should just go with an explicitly sexist argument and try to appeal to specifically black men by blaming black women for their problems.
08-18-2016 , 10:04 PM
One of Milo's stunts was to start a white's only scholarship for the usual FoldN baiting reasons.

He apparently just kept the money lol. I'm not sure if that makes him good now?
08-18-2016 , 10:04 PM
Alex you were quite obviously horribly wrong about all of that. July 19, WHILE THE CONVENTION WAS HAPPENING, which you would think would be the ideal time for the pivot to commence, we got this:

Cleveland (CNN) - Donald Trump said Monday he believes the Black Lives Matter movement has in some cases helped instigate the recent killings of police officers, and suggested he might direct his future attorney general to investigate the civil rights activist group.

"Certainly, in certain instances they are," Trump told Fox News host Bill O'Reilly when he asked whether the group has been "a fuse-lighter in the assassinations of these police officers."

"They certainly have ignited people and you see that ... It's a very, very serious situation and we just can't let it happen," Trump said. Trump also called the group a "threat" and accused the group of "essentially calling death to the police,"...
This is the NYT from Aug 15th, in an article titled "G.O.P. Urges Donald Trump to Broaden Outreach to Black Voters":

In attempting to fashion a populist message, Mr. Trump has criticized Democrats for doing little to address urban joblessness and despair. But in the more than a year since he began his White House bid, the Republican nominee has not held a single event aimed at black voters in their communities, shunning the traditional stops at African-American churches, historically black colleges and barber shops and salons that have long been staples of the presidential campaign trail.

Mr. Trump may not have purposefully snubbed black neighborhoods — he rarely plunges into any community to tour businesses, sample local cuisine or spontaneously engage in the handshake and back-patting rituals of everyday campaigning. His preferred style of politicking consists almost entirely of addressing arena-size rallies, conducting media interviews and receiving visitors in private at events or at his Manhattan skyscraper.

But the 70-year-old white self-described billionaire has not just walled himself off from African-American voters where they live. He has also turned down repeated invitations to address gatherings of black leaders, ignored African-American conservatives in states he needs to win and made numerous inflammatory comments about minorities.

Mr. Trump’s mix of provocation and neglect has infuriated black Republicans, who fear that the party’s already dismal standing with African-Americans may sink so low that it barely registers in swing states.
So now Trump has finally, more than a month after the convention and almost certainly at the urging of his campaign, made a speech where he directly addressed African Americans. Just one problem:

Trump traveled 45 minutes outside of Milwaukee, which is 40 percent black, to deliver his appeal to African-American voters in the suburb of West Bend, Wisconsin, a community that is 95 percent white. He spoke before an almost entirely white audience.
Milwaukee's African-American Leaders Pan Trump's Speech On Race And Policing

Rather than visiting an area like the South Side of Chicago ― a move once suggested by one of his most prominent supporters, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich ― Trump delivered his remarks on Tuesday to a nearly all-white audience in a county with a population that is less than 1 percent black, miles away from the tumult gripping Milwaukee. The choice of venue was puzzling to many observers in Washington and Wisconsin alike.
This doesn't remotely justify your claims that Trump would reach out to the black community. He continues to run the worst outreach campaign in living memory.
08-18-2016 , 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
See, this is the problem. Alex still doesn't really even understand why he got clowned on so hard for his "pivoting" posts so now he's dunking on himself by reposting the stuff we should be posting.
Yeah, this.
08-18-2016 , 10:11 PM
Alex has this view of people as like the stupidest cattle imaginable, where all you need to do is get up on stage and pander and recite the empty platitudes they want to hear and they will instantly pledge allegiance to you and forget all the contradictory **** you have said and done in the past. He foresaw the course of the GOP primaries better than most of us because we didn't understand the extent to which that is an accurate portrait of your average Trump voter.
08-18-2016 , 10:13 PM
I'm seriously very curious about how exactly Donald Trump made it cool to be gay again.

Edited to add the opening paragraph of the article:
"Lucian Wintrich’s “Twinks for Trump” photographs of hot, skinny gay boys wearing Make America Great Again hats sent the progressive media into a tailspin during my Gays for Trump party last month."

I'm so confused.
08-18-2016 , 10:14 PM
Because there is so much discrimination against straight people in society today, LDO.
08-18-2016 , 10:38 PM
Hold on, apparently when Trump is saying "bigly", he is actually saying "big league"?
08-18-2016 , 10:49 PM
Apparently trump loves him some black people. Next week we learn how much pence loves the gays.
08-18-2016 , 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by JPantz
Hold on, apparently when Trump is saying "bigly", he is actually saying "big league"?
You get banned for the bigly talk. Wookie warned us last week. Have fun on vacation from the forums. Papa bless.

08-18-2016 , 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by fatkid
You get banned for the bigly talk. Wookie warned us last week. Have fun on vacation from the forums. Papa bless.

Missed that whole discussion. Apologies.
08-18-2016 , 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
Alex has this view of people as like the stupidest cattle imaginable, where all you need to do is get up on stage and pander and recite the empty platitudes they want to hear and they will instantly pledge allegiance to you...
The fun part is that Alex thinks these people are sheep for believing Trump's BS, but simultaneously Alex also 100% believes all of Trump's BS. I mean, it's never occurred to Alex that Trump's talk about breaking up the system and being an incorruptible outsider might also just be bull**** that Trump says to get people to vote for him. It's a level of cognitive dissonance that could wreak havoc on even a healthy mind.

Originally Posted by fatkid
You get banned for the bigly talk. Wookie warned us last week. Have fun on vacation from the forums. Papa bless.
I missed the "b**ly" memo. Can someone explain why that's bannable? I always just assumed Trump was trying to create an adverbial form of "big."
