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2016 Presidential Election Thread: TRUMP vs. Hillary SMACKDOWN 2016 Presidential Election Thread: TRUMP vs. Hillary SMACKDOWN
View Poll Results: The 45th President of the United States of America will be
332 46.63%
190 26.69%
In to watch it burn
161 22.61%
73 10.25%
im tryin to tell you about ****in my wife in the *** and youre asking me these personal questions
57 8.01%

05-09-2016 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by SuperUberBob
Now I never said that there's no reason to vote. I just said that it is not going to have a significant effect on the direction this country goes in.

There are reasons to vote. The primary one is that it is part of our values growing up. Good citizens care about their country and voting is supposed to be a way of doing it. In cities, nobody is going to give a ****. Millions of people aren't going to care if somebody chooses to watch game show reruns in lieu of voting. In small communities where gossip is easily spread and everybody knows everybody, not showing up to vote can be a social faux pas.

The positive feedback received from others for voting does provide a feeling of satisfaction. Why do you think Facebook is going to be littered with countless "I voted" pictures that'll find their way into OOT's Facebook thread? Everybody is going to want their friends to pat them on the back for a job well-done. Given that 2/3 of people waited less than 10 minutes to cast their vote in 2012, it can be a quick way to get that satisfaction assuming that you don't live very far away from the nearest polling station.
There's the longer term effect whereby political parties reposition themselves in the direction of the voters. Moving the center over time is a vital part of how democracies progress.

Not voting while being willing to given suitable candidates/policies can be fine but not voting at all because it doesn't make any difference is a mistake. Only a small one but democracy is all about the aggregate of a lot of small bits.
05-09-2016 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by microbet

Do you understand that discussing a single anecdote is not the proper way to address the issue?

An anecdote can of course be interesting and informative, but it's no way to judge the effect on wages on the whole.
Of course there's more to it. Companies leaving, outsourcing, That whole %5 unemployment rate has a lot of part time jobs in there. Economy moving towards more of service and technology.

I guess what i am trying to say is for the last 25 years, for whatever reason, wages have been stagnate. That is why Trump has a chance. People know exactly what he is and they know exactly what he is not.

It does seem hypocritical when people stereotype someone voting for Trump as a dumb, ignorant, xenophobe racist. Dids can get butthurt all he wants to, he's still a hypocrite.

Of course the sky isn't falling, but 25 years of practically stagflation and 19 trillion in debt. Time to give someone on the outside a shot, roll the dice.

PS. The meaning of the word 'liberal' has changed drastically. Use to a 'liberal' questioned everything, esp. the government no matter who was in office. Must be nice to be Democrat these days to be able to serve your term(s) and never make a mistake.
05-09-2016 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by AsianNit
Are you willing to accept the possibility that the decline of labor unions might have something to do with it?
Yes. Very good point. Trump will probably be hell on them, interesting. I will read on both sides of the argument.
05-09-2016 , 08:02 PM

-dont post on facebook
-lol along with everyone in that OOT thread
-have been a champion of lolvoting when it is correct
-experience 0 peer pressure to "do my civic duty"

the opposite of the caricature against which you think you're arguing. don't bring that weak ass European sauce to this barbecue. not this year. I predict you'll see during the postmortem a shockingly small section of that apathetic non-voting population will have had the ability to swing the result. after a few times it stops feeling that great anyway and polls stay open for 12 hours.

also convincing the "non-voter" is going to be an exciting field of battle for both campaigns, TRUMP with "get off the couch take your country back" vs Hill's "get off your couch, are you going to let this happen?".

Last edited by DrawNone; 05-09-2016 at 08:08 PM.
05-09-2016 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
There's the longer term effect whereby political parties reposition themselves in the direction of the voters. Moving the center over time is a vital part of how democracies progress.

Not voting while being willing to given suitable candidates/policies can be fine but not voting at all because it doesn't make any difference is a mistake. Only a small one but democracy is all about the aggregate of a lot of small bits.
This is a very good point.

I suppose those who are complaining about politics are being a bit myopic then. After all if the system does work, then we should be thinking in the very long term and not sweat the short term results.

I guess the questions then become, "When does our vote pay off?" and "Will I be alive to see it happen?"
05-09-2016 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by dstock
Of course there's more to it. Companies leaving, outsourcing, That whole %5 unemployment rate has a lot of part time jobs in there. Economy moving towards more of service and technology.

I guess what i am trying to say is for the last 25 years, for whatever reason, wages have been stagnate. That is why Trump has a chance. People know exactly what he is and they know exactly what he is not.

It does seem hypocritical when people stereotype someone voting for Trump as a dumb, ignorant, xenophobe racist. Dids can get butthurt all he wants to, he's still a hypocrite.

Of course the sky isn't falling, but 25 years of practically stagflation and 19 trillion in debt. Time to give someone on the outside a shot, roll the dice.

PS. The meaning of the word 'liberal' has changed drastically. Use to a 'liberal' questioned everything, esp. the government no matter who was in office. Must be nice to be Democrat these days to be able to serve your term(s) and never make a mistake.
Not enough lolz for the U3 truthers. Unemployment rates aren't calculated any differently under black presidents.
05-09-2016 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by dstock
PS. The meaning of the word 'liberal' has changed drastically. Use to a 'liberal' questioned everything, esp. the government no matter who was in office. Must be nice to be Democrat these days to be able to serve your term(s) and never make a mistake.
Liberalism is a broad church but I wouldn't take how it's used here as particularly representative. It's in there somewhere I suppose.
05-09-2016 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by SuperUberBob
While the feeling of personal satisfaction I would gain from voting for somebody who would make a difference is appealing, I'm registered in New York and that state has gone Democrat in every Presidential election since 1988.
Well, as Dids pointed out, elections are about more than just the president. State and local politicians will be more likely to have an influence on your life anyway, so may as well go ahead and check the box against the antichrist while you're there electing the sheriff.

You should also keep in mind how much voting trends influence who decides to run, the process of raising funds, and political platforms themselves. That's what all those polls of likely voters are about. For example, it's well know that really old people tend to turn out in much higher numbers than the really young, so is it any big surprise that there will always be politicians who cater to the ideals of that voting block? By removing yourself from the electorate, you and every other likeminded schlub are telling politicians that your needs are of no concern.
05-09-2016 , 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by dstock
Maybe it's just me but the only other reason I have seen for stagnate wages is that companies are just being cheapskates. Why are they allowed to pay such low wages? The only thing that keeps coming to my is there is an abundance of labor.
It's not just an abundance of labor, it's that productivity has gone up a ton, meaning you can have fewer people do the same amount of work as before.

Companies get more **** done with fewer people and get to pocket the money they save on labor.
05-09-2016 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Not enough lolz for the U3 truthers. Unemployment rates aren't calculated any differently under black presidents.
I'm not even sure what you mean, Shirley. My issue has not been the unemployment rate. Don't give a **** about it.
05-09-2016 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by dstock
I'm not even sure what you mean, Shirley. My issue has not been the unemployment rate. Don't give a **** about it.
You are blabbing about a bunch of temporary work in the 5 percent unemployment as if this particular 5 percent unemployment is deceptive. It's not. It is exactly the same as 5 per unemployment in the past.
05-09-2016 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by SuperUberBob
I'm not saying go for a dictatorship but if year in/year out, you constantly vote and end up complaining despite the outcome, you have to question your emotional maturity and basic understanding of politics and human nature.
Fixed your sentence.

Originally Posted by SuperUberBob
If you push the power button on your computer and it doesn't turn on, do you just keep pushing the power button hoping that it'll magically work on the umpteenth try? Most people are smart enough after the second or third push to either repair it or get an entirely new computer. Yet when it comes to voting, people vote every single year for their entire adult life thinking that it'll make a difference and nothing ever changes.
Computers are not like political candidates--DUCY?
05-09-2016 , 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Well, as Dids pointed out, elections are about more than just the president. State and local politicians will be more likely to have an influence on your life anyway, so may as well go ahead and check the box against the antichrist while you're there electing the sheriff.
True, but I do not live in America at the moment. I am an overseas citizen.

You should also keep in mind how much voting trends influence who decides to run, the process of raising funds, and political platforms themselves. That's what all those polls of likely voters are about. For example, it's well know that really old people tend to turn out in much higher numbers than the really young, so is it any big surprise that there will always be politicians who cater to the ideals of that voting block? By removing yourself from the electorate, you and every other likeminded schlub are telling politicians that your needs are of no concern.
Sure but all of the voting done so far has resulted in dishonest people who aren't looking out for our best interests. The problem with continuing to vote for those people is that you not only encourage people like them to have a go at politics, you also discourage honest people who really do what to make a difference from getting involved. The people we elect basically crafted the playbook on how to get elected and it penalizes sincerity and honesty while encouraging deceit, exploiting the legal system, and spreading misinformation about anybody who stands in your way.

Yet, people still vote for these candidates. Everybody says that they want an honest politician and then proceeds to vote for a dishonest one. The lesser of two evils is still evil. While in the short run, it will be slightly beneficial to stick with the lesser of two evils vote, in the long run it will perpetuate a system where you'll get screwed slower than you would with other candidates. Long-term change to our system will come from abstention. If we reject what's there, then they'll be forced to put up a candidate with a new profile.

Like chezlaw pointed out, democracy is a long-term process of moving the country in slow, deliberate steps. Perhaps abstaining from voting for these unsuitable people will lead to suitable candidates in the distant future.

Last edited by SuperUberBob; 05-09-2016 at 08:39 PM.
05-09-2016 , 08:35 PM
I'm sure that you and the 45 percent of the country that don't bother to vote in presidential elections will change the world eventually.
05-09-2016 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by dstock
Of course the sky isn't falling, but 25 years of practically stagflation...
05-09-2016 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Well, as Dids pointed out, elections are about more than just the president. State and local politicians will be more likely to have an influence on your life anyway, so may as well go ahead and check the box against the antichrist while you're there electing the sheriff.

You should also keep in mind how much voting trends influence who decides to run, the process of raising funds, and political platforms themselves. That's what all those polls of likely voters are about. For example, it's well know that really old people tend to turn out in much higher numbers than the really young, so is it any big surprise that there will always be politicians who cater to the ideals of that voting block? By removing yourself from the electorate, you and every other likeminded schlub are telling politicians that your needs are of no concern.
I'm kind of confused by the reaction to Bob's claim. Voting is pretty obviously a waste of time for an individual based on the value of the vote itself. Even in state and local elections.

The key phrase is "for an individual." Just look at past results of elections you've voted in and subtract your vote.

All the other arguments are social arguments. And they're fine arguments, but they don't apply to an individual. From a rational choice perspective, an individual shouldn't vote. You have a better chance of dying going to the poll than you do of making a difference in an election.

05-09-2016 , 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by dstock
Have you ever notice in a trial how the prosecution will have expert witnesses and the defense will also have expert witnesses that will refute what the other guy says 100%. How can that be, someone or both of them are at least partially lying. The tobacco companies had scientists and other "experts" lying for them for 40 years or better.
You are on the right track. Keep thinking about this.
05-09-2016 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
I'm sure that you and the 45 percent of the country that don't bother to vote in presidential elections will change the world eventually.
And you 55 percent have done a tremendous job driving the country in the wrong direction.

Last edited by SuperUberBob; 05-09-2016 at 08:42 PM. Reason: I assume you're being sarcastic. Hard for me to tell sometimes.
05-09-2016 , 08:42 PM
If you're going to make a taco bowl, at least do it right (selection pictured has chili verde as the base). TRUMP thinks TRUMP TOWER makes good taco bowls because he's too clueless to even know what good Mexican food is.

05-09-2016 , 08:44 PM
Oh yeah this dstock is totally being upfront about his SUPER MODERATE both sidesism, his principle of "everything has gone to **** and we should try something new" is sincere and based on empirical reality.

It's like how when you have a toothache and you go to the dentist and he doesn't fix it, you go to a car mechanic next and see if a few good whacks with a tire iron fix it. Totally a legitimately held belief and NOT just a bull**** facade over his real issue: seething white male resentment.
05-09-2016 , 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
I'm kind of confused by the reaction to Bob's claim. Voting is pretty obviously a waste of time for an individual based on the value of the vote itself. Even in state and local elections.

The key phrase is "for an individual." Just look at past results of elections you've voted in and subtract your vote.

All the other arguments are social arguments. And they're fine arguments, but they don't apply to an individual. From a rational choice perspective, an individual shouldn't vote. You have a better chance of dying going to the poll than you do of making a difference in an election.

I think part of it was that I was a bit too smug with my posts early on. Perhaps if I just linked to that Wikipedia article, it would have been a less aggressive discussion.

Originally Posted by simplicitus
If you're going to make a taco bowl, at least do it right (selection pictured has chili verde as the base). TRUMP thinks TRUMP TOWER makes good taco bowls because he's too clueless to even know what good Mexican food is.

The taco bowl is bot one of the most disgusting and delicious dishes I have ever eaten. Each bite is filled with self-hatred and deliciousness.
05-09-2016 , 08:45 PM
[Paul Ryan] told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel on Monday that he would step down as chairman of the GOP presidential convention should Donald Trump make that request.

05-09-2016 , 08:47 PM
It's ****ing incredible and a real testament to the simplicity and racism of the American electorate that we are now seeing LEGITIMATE LEFT WING ATTACKS ON LATE STAGE CAPITALISM ARE YOU KIDDING ME deployed as arguments in favor of voting for a ****ing billionaire right winger.

These people are, without realizing it, essentially conceding that we should've elected ****ing Mondale in '84. Wonderful.
05-09-2016 , 08:54 PM
Originally Posted by SuperUberBob
And you 55 percent have done a tremendous job driving the country in the wrong direction.

Things have gotten a lot better for a lot of people.
05-09-2016 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Not enough lolz for the U3 truthers. Unemployment rates aren't calculated any differently under black presidents.

Involuntary part time work is cited by the Fed as one of the reasons they believe there is still slack in the labor market. It is a variable that is not captured in U3. You shouldn't be condescending.
