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2016 Presidential Election Thread: TRUMP vs. Hillary SMACKDOWN 2016 Presidential Election Thread: TRUMP vs. Hillary SMACKDOWN
View Poll Results: The 45th President of the United States of America will be
332 46.63%
190 26.69%
In to watch it burn
161 22.61%
73 10.25%
im tryin to tell you about ****in my wife in the *** and youre asking me these personal questions
57 8.01%

11-05-2016 , 09:07 AM
Originally Posted by awval999
Isn't is possible that early voting is cannibalizing election day support?

The argument that early voting is representative of election day turnout assumes 50/50 Dem/GOP early voting propensity.

I personally vote early in Ohio because of a situation I had during 2012 election day. Wouldn't it follow, that voters who have faced similar situations, whether it's long lines, or ID issues, or their children who's parents have faced similar issues, would want to vote early or by mail to avoid those issues. While (in Nevada for example) elderly voters in cow country with no lines, never have ever had any problems voting, just wait for election day.

Like, if I'm a Miamian. I remember seeing on TV those long lines in Miami-Dade on election day. Wouldn't you be like, hell no I'm not waiting in that line, I'm voting early. Or by mail.

Early (and mail) voting is becoming more and more common, but what if early voting is just disproportionately more Democratic? I have seen ads that say "Vote early for Hillary". I don't see Trump even talking about early voting.

Anyway, those are my musings.
It doesn't seem like he has any plan to get people to vote except his rallies which only reach people already highly likely to vote.

Someone can correct us on that but so much of the nuts and bolts needed to maximize results seem to be non existsant with trump.

By the way on places with heavy trump support I visit there is zero talk about volunteering or encouraging people to vote in any way.
11-05-2016 , 09:07 AM
Originally Posted by anatta


11-05-2016 , 09:07 AM
Originally Posted by 13ball
He didn't help the Indians.
he's a yankees fan tho
11-05-2016 , 09:08 AM
Originally Posted by All-In Flynn
Kind of. I mean, I do agree that it doesn't matter and obviously homophobia is wrong regardless of it. "Agreeing with vhawk" is a strong way of putting it, though.
In fairness I'm in danger of agreeing with both vhawk and Sklansky, you know that point David makes that is often irrelevant that bad arguments are bad arguments regardless then goes on to list a number of arguments that aren't bad? Well attacking homophobia on the grounds that being gay is not a choice is actually a bad argument. But you've covered this already.
11-05-2016 , 09:09 AM
Originally Posted by awval999
Isn't is possible that early voting is cannibalizing election day support?
It's possible, but it's always been possible, so comparing year-on-year figures is still legitimate. Minus the fact that early voting seems to be getting more popular and you would expect the cannibalisation effect to get larger as that continues. But that doesn't strike me as a large enough factor to be really worth considering.
11-05-2016 , 09:10 AM
Originally Posted by AllTheCheese
What you're saying is yes improbable, but not necessary for Trump victory. 25% are unaffiliated. If they broke heavily toward Trump, Hillary can be losing even now, before E-Day.
assuming all dems vote D and all repubs vote R he would need to be winning unaffiliateds by 26 points to be leading right now

not in this lifetime
11-05-2016 , 09:11 AM
Originally Posted by raradevils
You can thank the flight from NYC. To your point it's not as rosy as you think it is. All those building that are going up (high rise residential) are all most all rentals. Where 10 years ago they were condos.
Wasn't talking about Jersey City, although that's definitely more livable. Property ownership seems to be out of fashion with my 100k per annum JC friends (not a brag, currently making a lot less than that and living in Oklahoma), so probably there's just less demand for condos. Wouldn't view that as a negative necessarily.
11-05-2016 , 09:16 AM

a look at this will maybe crystallise the nv thing. if she repeats obama's 100k overall advantage in clark and splits washoe 50/50 then its simply over. look at how much vote is out there in rural areas, its barely 100k total. clark is more than half the state*

and it looks like she's on the way to repeating obama's 100k overall advantage in clark, unless dems are voting R in large numbers or affiliateds are breaking in a way that A) seems extremely unlikely and B) hasn't shown up in the polls

Last edited by BAIDS; 11-05-2016 at 09:18 AM. Reason: *a lot more than half, its like 70%
11-05-2016 , 09:18 AM
surely rara is trolling by saying "to much" twice.
11-05-2016 , 09:19 AM
Originally Posted by adios
Well SS max benefit is like $2600+ a month. Then if married the spousal benefit is 50% of $2600+ so for a married couple we're talking like in the neighborhood of $4000 a month. Then if both spouses have worked add that in, so we're talking over $50k in SS alone. Medicare plan B is like a little over $100 a month. You can get Advantage plans for no additional costs plus you can get Medigap policies for a relatively low cost. Point being is how much does someone have to really save? If you have a house paid off even better. Btw I have pretty much railed against this as being unsustainable for years on this forum.

So there is no doubt that boomers are going to vote to keep this going. What candidate appeals to them the most?
Totally a crazy aside but the majority of elderly who end up in any variation of retirement or nursing home do so by qualifying for Medicaid. However you can't qualify for Medicaid if you get more than ~2100 a month or ~3000 as a couple. Even worse facilities that should probably be shuttered charge at least $5k a month if you don't qualify for Medicaid. Most are in the 7k - 10k range, monthly.

You can get long term care insurance but the later you wait the more expsensive it will be. This is a situation that will reach crisis levels in the future.

Very few families could afford to pay $70-$80k a year for long term care for one family let alone two. Everyone should pray their parents remain healthy enough that they can live independently or with family as long as possible.

Back on topic
11-05-2016 , 09:22 AM
Originally Posted by awval999
Of course he doesn't.
I assumed so but when was the last time a major candidate had zero ground game to get voters to the polls? It just seems like Trump voting has to face a setback on actual Election Day.
11-05-2016 , 09:24 AM
Originally Posted by markksman
Does Trump have any concerted GOTV campaigns in any of these close states? To me this is going to be a hugely factor.
So far all I've seen is Trump supporters on highway overpasses jumping up and down like spastics and waiving to passing cars. I usually honk and throw 'em the bird then hope they don't drop a boulder through my windshield as I pass underneath.
11-05-2016 , 09:24 AM
Originally Posted by BAIDS

a look at this will maybe crystallise the nv thing. if she repeats obama's 100k overall advantage in clark and splits washoe 50/50 then its simply over. look at how much vote is out there in rural areas, its barely 100k total. clark is more than half the state*

and it looks like she's on the way to repeating obama's 100k overall advantage in clark, unless dems are voting R in large numbers or affiliateds are breaking in a way that A) seems extremely unlikely and B) hasn't shown up in the polls
Just read somewhere if these numbers hold Trump has to basically have a 10 point swing in the state on election day or no chance at it.
11-05-2016 , 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by markksman
I assumed so but when was the last time a major candidate had zero ground game to get voters to the polls? It just seems like Trump voting has to face a setback on actual Election Day.

It seems impossible for a candidate to win being so outclassed in organization and being outspent 2 to 1.
11-05-2016 , 09:27 AM
look at everyone being 10 days late to the Nevada party, it's cute

11-05-2016 , 09:32 AM
Originally Posted by adanthar
look at everyone being 10 days late to the Nevada party, it's cute

11-05-2016 , 09:32 AM

He's got a point.
11-05-2016 , 09:33 AM
Originally Posted by BAIDS
2) women turnout up more than men in all early voting states where we have data
citation for this btw since no1 else seems to have mentioned it itt:

11-05-2016 , 09:34 AM
The targeting of secretaries of state with campaign donations, corporate-funded weekend outings and secret meetings with industry lobbyists reflects an intense focus on often overlooked ballot questions, which the secretaries frequently help write.

The ballot initiatives are meant to give voters a direct voice on policy issues such as the minimum wage and the environment. But corporate and other special interests are doing their best to build close ties with the secretaries because a difference of even a few words on a ballot measure can have an enormous impact on the outcome.
11-05-2016 , 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by adanthar
look at everyone being 10 days late to the Nevada party, it's cute

Better to show up fashionably late than to not show up at all right?
11-05-2016 , 09:36 AM
bill mitchell is an absolute must follow this tuesday
11-05-2016 , 09:37 AM
Originally Posted by raradevils
No the public feels that way because their buying power has shrunk, their saving and retirement aren't what they need to be and most don't have job opportunities that they once had. Yes the unemployment numbers are down but people are working now for less than they were 10-12 years ago.

How much time do you drive around America?

I'm in NJ. When I first moved her in '84 it seemed everyone was driving around in a new car. It was out of place to see a rust bucket or rundown car on the road. They couldn't build homes or shopping mall fast enough to keep pace with the demand. Fast forward to 2016, it's very common to see people driving run down cars. Homes that are vacant and run down (1 in 500 homes are in foreclosure) and empty store fronts, office building and the like all over. If you go into a fast food joints adults outnumber youths behind the counter. (yes I know this is anecdotal evidence but it's visual to everyone).

This is in a very wealthy state. You get more of the same and worse in rural parts of Pa and NY.
And despite all this you still self-identify as a member of the party whose economic platform was the direct cause of the above, and you're going to cast a pointless protest vote for a 3rd party whose economic platform quadruples down on the stupidest parts, because you're gullible enough to believe a literal Russian propaganda campaign.

And I think that somewhere deep down inside you do actually know that a HRC presidency is by far the best option for NJ, and the rest of the country. You can say whatever you want, and even in the privacy of the polling booth you will still succumb to identity politics pressure to never ever ever vote for an icky Democrat. But you DO know she's the better choice, and that you're casting the wrong ballot for stupid reasons.
11-05-2016 , 09:38 AM
Originally Posted by 13ball

He's got a point.
4 of those states are -400, one is -200

sadly for him he says he won't be placing a bet because all the sportsbook are apparently going to go bankrupt when trump wins
11-05-2016 , 09:39 AM
Maybe he meant to say they are tired as that makes more sense than tied.
11-05-2016 , 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by awval999
Isn't is possible that early voting is cannibalizing election day support?

The argument that early voting is representative of election day turnout assumes 50/50 Dem/GOP early voting

Early (and mail) voting is becoming more and more common, but what if early voting is just disproportionately more Democratic? I have seen ads that say "Vote early for Hillary". I don't see Trump even talking about early voting.
Anyway, those are my musings.
yeah and this seems even likelier given that only one side has an actual gotv effort that works to get people to vote early. the other side is a mess but they might just have a lot of reliable republican voters that will show up on election day.
