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2016 Presidential Election Thread: TRUMP vs. Hillary SMACKDOWN 2016 Presidential Election Thread: TRUMP vs. Hillary SMACKDOWN
View Poll Results: The 45th President of the United States of America will be
332 46.63%
190 26.69%
In to watch it burn
161 22.61%
73 10.25%
im tryin to tell you about ****in my wife in the *** and youre asking me these personal questions
57 8.01%

10-02-2016 , 05:49 PM
Banks are really stupid, but I would be shocked if he had any non recourse debt. Maybe on NYC office towers, but no chance on hotels, anything construction or any residential.
10-02-2016 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by MvdB
his defense is now that he is the best, THE BEST, at tax laws and therefore only this economic GENIUS can fix them.

But if he is THE BEST then why doesn't he share his masterpieces with the public?
Another problem with this is that he doesn't think the fact that he paid no income taxes is a problem. So his "fix" is not going to be to any problem that any of us recognize with the tax code.
10-02-2016 , 06:00 PM
Lucid article by Paul Waldman in WaPo on why Clinton is actually well-positioned for a much bigger win the second debate.
10-02-2016 , 06:17 PM

Trump melting down in PA, mocking hillary's fainting much like he did for the disabled reporter
10-02-2016 , 06:25 PM

The Trump in that video is the exact opposite of presidential. The word that kept coming to my mind when I watched it was "nasty." He seems mean, angry, vindictive. None of those words tend to be what people use to describe presidents.

Simply put: If you had questions before Saturday night about whether Trump had the proper temperament to hold the job he is seeking, it's hard to imagine that you don't have serious doubts today.

True character tends to be revealed when times are tough. Anyone can be magnanimous, happy and generous after a win. It's a hell of a lot harder to maintain that dignity and charitableness after a defeat.
10-02-2016 , 06:34 PM
10-02-2016 , 06:34 PM
The mother of all false equivalencies:

Drudge links to a zerohedge article with the headline "Hillary Used Same Avoidance 'Scheme'..." which notes that Clinton's 2015 return shows a "long-term capital loss carryover" of $699,540 and notes that she used this to "avoid paying some taxes in 2015".

What they fail to mention is that only up to $3,000 of that loss can be deducted against the current year's income. Sure enough, the first page of the return shows the $3,000 capital loss, meaning the rest of the loss ($696,540) will carry-over to the next year. As expected, the carryover for 2014 was $702,540, and for 2013 was $705,540. By sheltering $3,000 per year, she'll work through the whole loss in just under 235 years.

So they are literally comparing a $3,000-per-year "scheme" available to everybody who itemizes and has capital gains/losses with Trump's $50 million-per-year loophole.
10-02-2016 , 06:44 PM
Mother's gone mad posting pro-Trump and anti-Clinton stuff on Facebook.

Proof that Trump supporters are getting desperate
10-02-2016 , 06:49 PM
"It's not like my mother is a maniac or a raving thing. She just goes a little mad sometimes. We all go a little mad sometimes. Haven't you?"
10-02-2016 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by SuperUberBob
Mother's gone mad posting pro-Trump and anti-Clinton stuff on Facebook.

Proof that Trump supporters are getting desperate
Chiefsplanet is getting bitter and salty.
10-02-2016 , 06:51 PM
They know it's pretty much over but cognitive dissonance is preventing them from admitting that their candidate is ****
10-02-2016 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
Not enough Pepe.
10-02-2016 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
#LastTimeTrumpPaidTaxes that cell phone was a futuristic prototype.
10-02-2016 , 07:11 PM
She looks to be a bit of an eating machine.
10-02-2016 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by Subfallen
Lucid article by Paul Waldman in WaPo on why Clinton is actually well-positioned for a much bigger win the second debate.

Wow, I had no idea the 2nd debate was a town hall. LMAO. Trump is going to embarrass himself.

I can't wait til some overweight woman asks him "Do you think I'm fat?"
10-02-2016 , 07:28 PM
Just remember the town hall where trump felt the need to incorrectly correct that veteran about how many suicides there were each day by vets.
10-02-2016 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by Noodle Wazlib
Just remember the town hall where trump felt the need to incorrectly correct that veteran about how many suicides there were each day by vets.
"Mr. Trump, I am feeling suicidal. What do you think I should do."

"Do it! You are a loser! We need real men, not pussies like you!"
10-02-2016 , 07:50 PM
Imo the more formal the setting the worse he will do. So the first debate setting was the worst type of setting for him. No clapping or wooing/booing from the audience. Both of them asked to behave and dont perform personal attacks, not much yelling etc. Time ticking while they speak, light in their faces and questions loaded with extra info about why the question is relevant (making the question bear more weight), silence between questions, etc.

In the next setting with questions from the audience, walking around etc is not going to be equally formal, so it wont be as bad for him. He can be the entertainer that says a thousand things in the same sentence, ppl can clap and whoo, he can skate around on the floor. In more loose settings your knowledge about stuff doesnt matter that much because you are evaluated more on how entertaining you are or something like that, like we have seen.

So i hope the last debate will pick up again to be more like the first. Then it will be clear once again to those fools that in the meantime forgot that he is a clueless clown demagogue.
10-02-2016 , 07:53 PM
I've posted it earlier but really this story that I tried to clown Alex on

is just ****ing fascinating.
She was a 52-year-old woman who had worked 20 years for the railroad, had once been a Democrat and was now a Republican, and counted herself among the growing swath of people who occupied the fringes of American politics but were increasingly becoming part of the mainstream. Like millions of others, she believed that President Obama was a Muslim. And like so many she had gotten to know online through social media, she also believed that he was likely gay, that Michelle Obama could be a man, and that the Obama children were possibly kidnapped from a family now searching for them.
Wait what. I have never even heard of the last one.

Her morning had gone by in county court with Kevin, a onetime local council member and firefighter who was now a laid-off production-shift supervisor checking in with a judge about charges related to using someone’s car without permission.
What wait. Why on Earth does the media treat these people with such kid gloves? That's calling Grand Theft Automobile, man, what the ****.

She was usually the only woman on a crew, but she prided herself on being tough, so when she heard that some higher-up had called a colleague and asked, “What’s Austin wearing today, her green miniskirt?” Melanie laughed it off. She ignored the boss who she said left a Penthouse magazine on her desk. But then came the sexually explicit graffiti about her in the train toilets, and a male colleague’s calling her “psycho bitch” over the radio, and another male colleague’s flying her underwear like a flag off the train — all of which became part of a sexual-harassment lawsuit Melanie filed against the railroads. In 2002, a jury awarded her $450,000 in damages, a verdict overturned by a federal judge who did not question the facts of the case but decided that the matter had been handled appropriately.
Oh if only Obama and the Democrats had tried to reach these people...
Her anxiety was getting worse and worse, and then one day in 2011, Melanie went to work, and in a moment she cannot recall clearly, ran her train through a red signal. No one was hurt, but she lost her job.

“I did cartwheels,” she said. “I didn’t have to endure this s--- one more day. Not one more creep crawling up on my engine. Still, it’s a hell of a transition from working woman, and then now to have to confront PTSD, anxiety and depression.”

She went on disability. After a while, she tried to get a job at the local firehouse but came to believe officials were stealing money. She tried to stay on top of her anxiety medication but thought her doctor was committing Medicare fraud. She joined a motorcycle club called Bikers for Christ but found the members to be just “filthy old men.” And every day there was Brownsville.
And there we go. Of ****ing course she's on SSDI for "PTSD". Of ****ing course.

And when Obama started talking about, of all things, gay marriage and letting transgender people into bathrooms, it all came together: The president of the United States was a gay Muslim from Kenya working to undermine America.
Incredibly, the article continues, but I'm just ****ing done.

**** these people. **** their hopes, **** their dreams. They are pieces of **** and deserve neither empathy or respect.
10-02-2016 , 07:56 PM
Whats awesome is that Trump will certainly think the format favors him. I.e. he thinks he is better with the little people...

10-02-2016 , 08:05 PM
Don't they have some independent source vet the questions so obvious troll questions are avoided? Can't be some free-for-all, right?
10-02-2016 , 08:11 PM
Yes they check the questions
10-02-2016 , 08:21 PM
Questions are submitted by the audience and chosen by the moderator.
10-02-2016 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by Subfallen
Lucid article by Paul Waldman in WaPo on why Clinton is actually well-positioned for a much bigger win the second debate.
The audience for the next debate will be made up of undecided voters selected by the Gallup organization.
I'm gonna go there and kick the undecideds in the dick as they come out the hall.

Originally Posted by Jbrochu
She looks to be a bit of an eating machine.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha fatty is fat. It's funny cuz she's fat.

Originally Posted by FlyWf
I've posted it earlier but really this story that I tried to clown Alex on

is just ****ing fascinating.

Wait what. I have never even heard of the last one.

What wait. Why on Earth does the media treat these people with such kid gloves? That's calling Grand Theft Automobile, man, what the ****.

Oh if only Obama and the Democrats had tried to reach these people...

And there we go. Of ****ing course she's on SSDI for "PTSD". Of ****ing course.

Incredibly, the article continues, but I'm just ****ing done.

**** these people. **** their hopes, **** their dreams. They are pieces of **** and deserve neither empathy or respect.
Now your talking boy. They should be mocked and shunned.
10-02-2016 , 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
I've posted it earlier but really this story that I tried to clown Alex on

is just ****ing fascinating.

Wait what. I have never even heard of the last one.

What wait. Why on Earth does the media treat these people with such kid gloves? That's calling Grand Theft Automobile, man, what the ****.

Oh if only Obama and the Democrats had tried to reach these people...

And there we go. Of ****ing course she's on SSDI for "PTSD". Of ****ing course.

Incredibly, the article continues, but I'm just ****ing done.

**** these people. **** their hopes, **** their dreams. They are pieces of **** and deserve neither empathy or respect.
This part tho:

“It’s not that I’m some whacked-out whatever,” she said. “I had a lot of help.”
She's kinda right in a way. One of the big reasons I find the bull**** artists who create and profit from the fever swamp so reprehensible is that they feed mental illness. That woman has legitimate psychological problems, and the Alex Jones' of the world make them worse.
