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2016 Presidential Election Thread: TRUMP vs. Hillary SMACKDOWN 2016 Presidential Election Thread: TRUMP vs. Hillary SMACKDOWN
View Poll Results: The 45th President of the United States of America will be
332 46.63%
190 26.69%
In to watch it burn
161 22.61%
73 10.25%
im tryin to tell you about ****in my wife in the *** and youre asking me these personal questions
57 8.01%

09-17-2016 , 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
Many of the HRC "supporters" in here voted for Bernie. Me, obviously, but Suzzer and maybe Fly and several others who weren't regs in the Bernie thread.

As is well known by anyone who was a reg in the Bernie thread, I don't really like HRC. I could get behind calling her corrupt under other circumstances because the political system is very highly corrupted by legal donations. It's worse on the GOP side, partly because their main sponsors are war, pollution, pharmaceuticals and wall street instead of insurance, lawyers, pharmaceuticals and wall street, but it's bad on both sides.

Trump is in no way the answer though. It's not like even how I disagree with Ron Paul on most issues, but there are some I agree with and he doesn't seem like he's just making it up on the spot. There's nothing good about Trump and a lot that is bad and the fascist racist cult of personality getting into office would be a huge tragedy.
Thing is, this election is a referendum between those who think the world is extremely simple and those who think the world is extremely complicated. And for the former, your answer just isn't good enough.
09-17-2016 , 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by np1235711
I guess all you guys who called Romney = Rmoney last time around are like your 85 yr old doddering uncle :-)
LOL. There you go!
09-17-2016 , 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by einbert
Thing is, this election is a referendum between those who think the world is extremely simple and those who think the world is extremely complicated. And for the former, your answer just isn't good enough.
Trump is a bad man...a very very baaaad maaan.
09-17-2016 , 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by cuserounder
Don't see anything in this thread yet... There was an explosion in NYC on 23rd Street near Sixth Avenue. It's in the Chelsea neighborhood. So far 25 injured, none believed to be life threatening.

First and foremost, hopefully they're all ok and recover and we catch whoever did it. In the context of this thread, there's a chance this becomes huge in the campaign if it was carried out by a terrorist with ties to ISIS.
Probably a Galaxy Note 7.
09-17-2016 , 11:46 PM
I didn't even post in this subforum during the last election. So, no, I didn't go around saying Rmoney is a threat to democracy... because, he wasn't. If the GOP nominated ~anyone else, I'd have like 25 posts itt. But, they nominated Trump. He's a clear and present danger.
09-17-2016 , 11:46 PM
Back n the 2000s the AEI attacked the Clinton foundation for going too fast and cheap in purchasing cheap drugs for African patients, possibly ending up with generics that weren't very effective. I'm shocked to learn that they made it all up and that the CF never purchased any drugs at all.
09-17-2016 , 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
Trump is a bad man...a very very baaaad maaan.
Much better
09-17-2016 , 11:50 PM
So Trump calls it a bombing moments after it happens before anyone has any information, before it's been investigated. Hillary won't speculate, gives a calm and measured response. Alt right on Twitter praises him for guessing right even though he spoke quickly, slams Hillary for dragging her feet on a response.

09-17-2016 , 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by cuserounder
So Trump calls it a bombing moments after it happens before anyone has any information, before it's been investigated. Hillary won't speculate, gives a calm and measured response. Alt right on Twitter praises him for guessing right even though he spoke quickly, slams Hillary for dragging her feet on a response.

The Hate-Right has cast their lot with Trump and at this point they're going to support pretty much whatever he says or does. They're not really used to having mainstream political representation at all and they're just really happy to have a platform to spread their message to the youth.
09-18-2016 , 12:01 AM
FOX News says we should give up a "teeny bit" of our rights because the survival of America is at stake. They say we need more cameras on every corner, warrantless searches if there is a suspicion, no privacy on cell phones and no concern over constitutional/civil rights.

"Bombs on the streets of our cities!"

Of course most of the people eating this garbage up live in the middle of nowhere anyway. They're literally begging for a police/surveillance state.
09-18-2016 , 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by awval999
Enjoying $16 cocktails at the Trump International Hotel Washington DC.

It's pretty nice tbh.
It's like you're not even trying anymore.
09-18-2016 , 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by BAIDS
man the drumpf slappies never land a punch ever

im like wow 6% only on charitable causes that seems pretty bad, and then 5 seconds later it gets comprehensively shot down from multiple angles. and this happens every single time any of them post anything
Originally Posted by BAIDS
do u lads not get tired of running in here with the latest right wing blog SHOCKING NEWS every few days, and then having to read post after post explaining that they've lied to you and that you've been fooled yet again
Originally Posted by BAIDS
who knows there's possibly some plausible dodginess that you could show wrt the clinton charity, but when that other guy comes in here all gunz blazing with his yo did you know that only 6% of the money is spent on charity fact, and then 5 seconds later its shown that actually its is anyone supposed to take you lot seriously after something like that

like the guy should at least acknowledge that he got fooled again and maybe offer an apology for bringing dodgy facts in here, shouldn't just skip to the next talking point on the list and expect people to still be listening
Love me some BAIDS

Originally Posted by 13ball
Just an example of how dishonest The Federalist is, take this quote that you cited:

If you go to the original Atlantic article here, you'll find the full context:

Step two, in Magaziner’s vision, is to channel a Niagara of private capital into the effort. Energy-saving technologies typically cost more up front but less over time. “So what we’re going to be doing is setting up a financing mechanism,” he told me. The foundation would help cities borrow in the securities markets against future energy savings. “The whole thing is bankable,” Magaziner said. “It’s a commercial proposition. This is not charity. The whole concept of this is that the market itself over some period of time is going to deploy all these energy-saving things. The problem is it will happen slowly and gradually.” The foundation hopes to reduce decades to years, and years to months.
Clearly Magaziner's quote is not a critique of the Clinton Foundation, but a description of the kind of work the Climate Initiative does.

So you're relying on a site that dishonestly quote mined that Atlantic piece. They are good at what they do.
oh lawd, that has got to feel below average
09-18-2016 , 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by cuserounder
FOX News says we should give up a "teeny bit" of our rights because the survival of America is at stake. They say we need more cameras on every corner, warrantless searches if there is a suspicion, no privacy on cell phones and no concern over constitutional/civil rights.

"Bombs on the streets of our cities!"

Of course most of the people eating this garbage up live in the middle of nowhere anyway. They're literally begging for a police/surveillance state.
Lol Fox News. Warrantless searches for Browns obv. Goobers with pipe bombs=marshal law VOTE TRUMP! Man that Jersy thing sounded scary. Lucky the race got delayed. Hope they get the ****ers.

Last edited by fatkid; 09-18-2016 at 12:26 AM.
09-18-2016 , 12:23 AM
Alt-media is like candyland for taller children that don't want to eat their vegetables.

But they think that we're holding a secretive ball.
Won't someone invite them
They're just taller children, that's all, after all
09-18-2016 , 12:32 AM
Latest: JA may abort due to news cycle concerns
09-18-2016 , 12:33 AM
Originally Posted by cuserounder
FOX News says we should give up a "teeny bit" of our rights because the survival of America is at stake. They say we need more cameras on every corner, warrantless searches if there is a suspicion, no privacy on cell phones and no concern over constitutional/civil rights.

"Bombs on the streets of our cities!"

Of course most of the people eating this garbage up live in the middle of nowhere anyway. They're literally begging for a police/surveillance state.

I was traveling this summer and I was in Colorado when those cops in Dallas were shot. I was staying at a RV park and the owner knocked on my door at like midnight asking if I wanted to stay in the bunker with me. I was like "Huh? Why?" He said "We are now at war. Cops in Dallas shot, blah, blah, blah."

Keep in mind, I am in the middle of f'ing nowhere in Colorado. I remember using Map Quest to see how close the nearest Wal-Mart was and it was like 60 miles away. Yet this guy was convinced a war was declared that night and that there was going to be civil unrest and basically the apocalypse was coming.

I had planned on staying there 2 weeks but left the next day. It really is scary how people are shaped and frightened by what they see on the news.
09-18-2016 , 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by RV Life
I was traveling this summer and I was in Colorado when those cops in Dallas were shot. I was staying at a RV park and the owner knocked on my door at like midnight asking if I wanted to stay in the bunker with me. I was like "Huh? Why?" He said "We are now at war. Cops in Dallas shot, blah, blah, blah."

Keep in mind, I am in the middle of f'ing nowhere in Colorado. I remember using Map Quest to see how close the nearest Wal-Mart was and it was like 60 miles away. Yet this guy was convinced a war was declared that night and that there was going to be civil unrest and basically the apocalypse was coming.

I had planned on staying there 2 weeks but left the next day. It really is scary how people are shaped and frightened by what they see on the news.
Nice of him to invite you in at least! But yeah it really is terrifying how some people are easily impacted by hype on TV. Having lived in NYC for a couple years, I guarantee you nightlife is carrying on as usual a block or two outside the cordoned off area. But that dude in Colorado is probably in the bunker again tonight.
09-18-2016 , 12:38 AM
Incredible how the people who evaluate charities have been fooled by the dastardly Clinton Foundation but not to worry, posters on Internet forums will comb through their tax returns and tell us what's REALLY going on. Same with the FBI and her emails and I guess the Benghazi committee that was instituted specifically to implicate her in wrongdoing. Either Hillary is the greatest ****ing criminal mastermind who ever lived and has been able to skillfully dodge every bullet shot her way through a combination of corruption and intimidation, or maybe, just maybe, she's not as guilty as she's made out to be. Seriously if you think she's as bad as Trump yet has managed to get away with basically everything, shouldn't you be voting for her? Trump loses all the time, Hillary undefeated outside of 08!
09-18-2016 , 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by cuserounder
Nice of him to invite you in at least! But yeah it really is terrifying how some people are easily impacted by hype on TV. Having lived in NYC for a couple years, I guarantee you nightlife is carrying on as usual a block or two outside the cordoned off area. But that dude in Colorado is probably in the bunker again tonight.

Already saw some great tweets to the tune of "heard the explosion a block away, went to the deli."
09-18-2016 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by awval999
Enjoying $16 cocktails at the Trump International Hotel Washington DC.

It's pretty nice tbh.
Don't forget to tip your server.
09-18-2016 , 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by Alex Wice
Latest: JA may abort due to news cycle concerns
Can someone translate this to English?
09-18-2016 , 12:49 AM
Originally Posted by Jiggymike
Already saw some great tweets to the tune of "heard the explosion a block away, went to the deli."
Not a bad move, gotta get some food in case they make you shelter in place for hours!

New Yorkers are used to going about their business while there are major events of all sorts going on nearby... But while they're calmly doing their thing, Trump is riling up a crowd halfway across the country before we even know anything concrete.
09-18-2016 , 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by 5ive
My 2016 resolution was to start phasing out the term 'house negro' from my lexicon, so I'm gonna have to raincheck this one.
I actually find the term offensive and would never use it, 5ive. I'm sure there are better ways of talking about situations where one thinks a person is "selling out" or what have you.

Also, I thought Patton's letter sounded sincere.

For the record, though, I wasn't endorsing Lynne Patton's view of Donald Trump at all!

I didn't think that I needed to write that, but the thought occurred to me later. I was merely suggesting that people can be more complex than we imagine them to be.

There can be good and evil present in a person at the same time. He might very well be a nurturing and caring boss, who treats African Americans and other minorities equally and with respect in his business/personal life (I wouldn't be in a position to know), but uses race as a dividing force in his political life. The latter is utterly despicable and absolutely warrants harsh criticism.

An example of a person, who might be the epitome of that contradiction is LBJ. He signed the Civil Rights Act in 1964, yet disgustingly said:

"I'll have those n***ers voting Democratic for 200 years."

This article above talks about Johnson being a civil rights hero and a racist at the same time.

Hillary Clinton's controversial use of the term "super predator" in championing the 1994 crime bill, along with her support of the 1996 welfare reform act that dismantled the country's social safety net call into question whether she had used race as a political tool.

To be fair, I actually wasn't opposed to the use of the term super predator in theory if it just meant super violent people - be they black, white, Asian, Latino, Arabic, etc. I mean, if you're super violent, you ARE a super predator. But, in the political climate of the 1990's, it could have been seen as a reference to African Americans (in which case, it would have been wrong to make allusions to race if done intentionally). I honestly don't know her intentions and withhold personal judgment on that. But Michelle Alexander has said that Bill Clinton's election marked a change in the Democratic Party toward get tough policies designed to win over white swing voters. To get elected, he had to show he was even tougher than the Republicans on crime (and by extension, black people).

She explains it much better than I could here - in case I'm interpreting her wrong:

Does that mean that Bill and Hillary were racist?

I mean, it's complicated. I don't know if there were intentionally racist. If they were doing it for political expediency, then is that different from Trump?

Originally Posted by FlyWf
LOL remember when you pretended to be a Bernie supporter?
Still am.

My point (see post above) was that people are complex beings, who can show racist beliefs at times, while also championing equality.

Do I believe Trump is a lifelong civil rights advocate who just happened to make a few bad choices and/or say a few racist or poorly worded utterances here and there at moments in his life.

HECK NO!!! The way he speaks is so reckless and inflammatory as to be beyond mere accident in my opinion. Personally, I think unless he is so stupid (in which case, he has no business being President) as to not see the harmful connotations of his words, then he's obviously doing it on purpose and has no excuse.

My only point was that he might also show kindness, fairness, charity, etc. in areas of his personal/non-political life that we may not know of and are admirable (like being supportive of and standing by Lynne Patton, during her bout with substance abuse).

..........Or, I could be losing my mind and should stop doing drugs (...I don't actually, but just sayin' ), in which case, SOMEONE TELL ME SO!

Maybe my subconscious mind dislikes Hillary so much taht I'm looking for possible ways to like Trump. Who knows. There was a "disease" called Obama Derangement Syndrome, right? Maybe I have something similar with Hillz.

Why America, why????? Why do we have to choose between these two crappy candidates???

Last edited by jmallflush; 09-18-2016 at 01:05 AM.
09-18-2016 , 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by cuserounder
So Trump calls it a bombing moments after it happens before anyone has any information, before it's been investigated. Hillary won't speculate, gives a calm and measured response. Alt right on Twitter praises him for guessing right even though he spoke quickly, slams Hillary for dragging her feet on a response.

Hill called it a bombing too
09-18-2016 , 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by jmallflush
Why America, why????? Why do we have to choose between these two crappy candidates???
Obviously there's a lot of complicated reasons we could get into, but I submit this as a general reason we don't get better results overall in our political system: only about 30% of eligible registered voters made the effort to vote in either primary. Now I'm sure some of them had legit reasons for not voting, but it gets back into the prisoner's dilemma I've been nagging on for a long time about why voting actually IS a rational act. If the outcome of our collective voting efforts didn't matter, the Koch brothers wouldn't be spending millions of dollars every year to get the best results possible through the political system, they would be spending it on more factories, more employees, etc. etc.
