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2016 Presidential Election GAMEDAY THREAD 2016 Presidential Election GAMEDAY THREAD

11-08-2016 , 04:02 PM
yes, san diego thing
11-08-2016 , 04:02 PM
slate vote thing showing stronger and stronger clinton leads in all states, therefore i am becoming further convinced of its unimpeachable nature
11-08-2016 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by CandyKreep
Voted Hilldawg

Live in Hunt County, TX so it was pretty much a massive waste of my time.
hey we out here tryin to run up the scoreboard my dude, it's much appreciated
11-08-2016 , 04:03 PM
11-08-2016 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by adanthar
if these Nevada numbers are correct, 80% of total RV turnout is already in the rearview mirror for the state

this is very good news for Donald Trump
11-08-2016 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by jman220
Yea seriously, adanthar didn't lay on sarcasm level high enough or I'm officially shook.
11-08-2016 , 04:04 PM
starting to get more shook. it's gonna be ok, right?
11-08-2016 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
Muchas personas están entusiasmadamente votando contra el Trumpo.
Maybe not - CIS Study
11-08-2016 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by BAIDS
slate vote thing showing stronger and stronger clinton leads in all states, therefore i am becoming further convinced of its unimpeachable nature
I like how this man thinks.

I strongly favor delirious optimism that may end in crushing disappointment over worrying about stuff I can't change and then being happy in the end. If it ends bad it's going to suck regardless, at least I was happy for some of it. Optimism is always a choice.

In a related story I am a Washington State fan and am wearing my "lucky" 2003 Rose Bowl (we lost) shirt, which I have worn for many losing Apple Cups today. (but it's got a good record this season).
11-08-2016 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by jman220
I don't know wtf happenned to Giuliani. He went from being a moderate republican who was generally socially liberal but conservative on foreign policy and economic policy, to someone who is bat**** ****ing insane. I totally would have voted for Giuliani circa '00 for president this cycle. I wonder if his mind has started going.
Giuliani has always been a hard-right fascist creep, it's just he usually directed his bull**** at minorities in NYC, so fewer people were woke to his shenanigans.
11-08-2016 , 04:06 PM
Is Michigan actually in play? WTF
11-08-2016 , 04:07 PM
voting is now cool. demos. trump debacle. the gop is f'd.
11-08-2016 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by CandyKreep
Voted Hilldawg

Live in Hunt County, TX so it was pretty much a massive waste of my time.
the is still appreciated
11-08-2016 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by BAIDS
simple explanation imo, he was promised a powerful job if he'd go and prostitute himself for drumpf. and he wants power

so he went and prostituted himself for drumpf
back in college when rudyg was mayor, a bunch of my friends from nyc warned me that he was a fascist. then 2001 happened and everyone only remembered that he was supposedly managing the crisis. :ascii_shrug: hope that guy gets investigated for fbi leaks.
11-08-2016 , 04:08 PM
11-08-2016 , 04:08 PM
I strongly favor delirious optimism that may end in crushing disappointment over worrying about stuff I can't change and then being happy in the end. If it ends bad it's going to suck regardless, at least I was happy for some of it. Optimism is always a choice.
yep. everything is awesome!
11-08-2016 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
The battles you choose to fight say a lot about where you stand.
As is your knee-jerk reactions to things that aren't formatted in familiar ways and your supposition that everyone who doesn't use the right phrasing is a monster.

Maybe even more than the battles thing
11-08-2016 , 04:11 PM
got my sticker on! was happy to get it.
11-08-2016 , 04:11 PM
sarcasm you goddamn shakers
11-08-2016 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by einbert
Good guy Bernie

I have to give it to Bernie. I was mad at him for a while, but when he finally accepted the inevitable, he jumped in the boat. And as best I can tell, he has been paddling hard.
11-08-2016 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by adanthar
sarcasm you goddamn shakers
Too much is on the line. No room for ambiguity!
11-08-2016 , 04:13 PM
i knew it was, then u went like to the next level and i was like hmmm doesnt seem right but...
11-08-2016 , 04:13 PM
Any Florida updates? Apologies in advance for the grunch.
11-08-2016 , 04:14 PM
This is former 2p2er Neil S right:
11-08-2016 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by anatta
ok, voted, Hill, dems, pot, stadium. They say chargers stadium is going to lose.
I'm just outside the SD city limits, so no stadium vote for me...even if it "wins" doesn't it still need a supermajority to actually pass? That will never happen.
