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2012 election postgame (tactics, overall strategy, candidates, etc) 2012 election postgame (tactics, overall strategy, candidates, etc)

11-13-2012 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by Wynton
Two articles are relevant to this OP, but I will let you all read them yourself rather than quote from them extensively.

Article is subtitled "How Democrats Became the Party of Effective Campaigning and why the GOP isn't catching up anytime soon."

And then check out this article, entitled "Inside the Secret World of Quants and Data crunchers who helped Obama win."
I was going to mention this, not the articles but the general sentiment: Future politicians who are paying attention are learning that there's a lot to be gained by running smart.

Maximizing voter turnout, getting the most value for your money and getting it in the right spots and just all star branding let Obama coast to victory in '08 and it let him win again handily in '12 with a comparatively clunky campaign.

Pretty sure you could look at the '08 campaign and write a textbook on how to succeed in politics.
