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17 dead, dozens wounded in 2 blasts at Brussels airport - reports 17 dead, dozens wounded in 2 blasts at Brussels airport - reports

03-27-2016 , 11:48 PM
This is not true. Many of the posters here think that it is a coincidence that the perpetrators of recent terrorism are Muslims.
03-27-2016 , 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by Shaomai888
Ask them, and see what the response is.

You claimed a position as fact that many do not hold.

And by the way, even if they do think that religion played a role, some won't admit to it, because they've already boxed themselves into a corner that this conclusion would be "racist."

Last edited by domer2; 03-28-2016 at 12:04 AM.
03-28-2016 , 12:21 AM
Originally Posted by Tien
The problem with Pakistan is that tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands in that country will see an attack against Christians on a Christian holiday and just shrug their shoulders and not give a damn.

Thousands came out in protest in solidarity for a murderer that wanted to uphold Islamic values.
After your blatantly false smear of Muslim communities in France at the beginning of this thread, I'm sure your characterization here is totally legit.
03-28-2016 , 12:42 AM
Originally Posted by domer2

There is a very large difference between Muslims writ large, which is to say people that are born into the faith by family or by geography, and a literal Islamist. If you told me Joe thinks that women are subservient, and that suicide bombing is okay, I would say that Joe is a bad person because his views on women and suicide bombing are anathema. This does not make me a bigot. Coming to that conclusion about an entire group of people, without discernment for what they do or do not believe, or coming to that conclusion about someone whom I've never met would both be bigoted
You've met every Muslim?
03-28-2016 , 12:44 AM
03-28-2016 , 12:53 AM
Originally Posted by domer2

Originally Posted by domer2
coming to that conclusion about someone whom I've never met would both be bigoted.
Coming to that conclusion about someone whom I've never met would be bigoted.
03-28-2016 , 04:15 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
After your blatantly false smear of Muslim communities in France at the beginning of this thread, I'm sure your characterization here is totally legit.

Thousands in Pakistan gave him a heroes welcome for killing a politician that criticized Islamic blasphemy laws. You think those thousands and many more care that this attack a few days ago happened to Christians?

Its actually worse than I thought. 25000 came out in support of him just yesterday. Time to scratch your head and rethink things huh?

More on Pakistan bombing:

A breakaway Pakistani faction of the militant Taliban group claimed responsibility. Ahsanullah Ahsan, spokesman for Jamaat-ul-Ahrar, told the Associated Press that a suicide bomber with the faction deliberately targeted the Christian community.
If there is anymore doubt that Islamic terrorism is indeed inspired by religion. Here it is, something I've been saying for years.

I remember the arguments made by the left over the years that religion did not inspire people to commit terrorist acts, but a bunch of other laundry list of reasons.

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

Last edited by Tien; 03-28-2016 at 04:42 AM.
03-28-2016 , 04:49 AM
The more I research the more awful it is.

The murderer had One hundred thousand people attend his funeral.
Mumtaz killed a politician that criticized blasphemy laws that was targeting a Christian. 100 000 came out for him all over the country. If that doesn't make you sit back and rethink things, nothing will.

GG pakistan.

Last edited by Tien; 03-28-2016 at 04:59 AM.
03-28-2016 , 07:51 AM
Originally Posted by Tien
If there is anymore doubt that Islamic terrorism is indeed inspired by religion. Here it is, something I've been saying for years.

I remember the arguments made by the left over the years that religion did not inspire people to commit terrorist acts, but a bunch of other laundry list of reasons.
More stupid strawman arguments. Of course radical interpretations of Islam inspire people. But religion isn't the only or even the most important factor. Nor is every Muslim a supporter of terrorism, which is what you and domer seem to want to argue.
03-28-2016 , 08:11 AM
Originally Posted by Tien

Thousands in Pakistan gave him a heroes welcome...
Such an obvious deflection.

You said earlier ITT the Muslim community in Belgium was celebrating the attacks with cheering crowds. It was total bull**** and you know it, but you're still in here peddling your bigoted trash as though you think everyone here somehow forgot that you're straight-up lying to us.
03-28-2016 , 08:17 AM
Originally Posted by domer2
And yes you are using it incorrectly. Nothing to really disagree about.
This is just like the global warming thread. I actually cite a source and you just pretend it doesn't exist while you make up your own evidence.

There is a very large difference between Muslims writ large, which is to say people that are born into the faith by family or by geography, and a literal Islamist. If you told me Joe thinks that women are subservient, and that suicide bombing is okay, I would say that Joe is a bad person because his views on women and suicide bombing are anathema. This does not make me a bigot. Coming to that conclusion about an entire group of people, without discernment for what they do or do not believe, or coming to that conclusion about someone whom I've never met would both be bigoted.
The acceptance of suicide bombing is not a tenet of Islam. Suicide bombings weren't even committed by Muslims until 1980. It's pretty clear that they are a political development propped up by a radical re-interpretation of Islam. The idea that a tactic that didn't come into wide use until after 2000 is an important tenet of a 1,400 hundred year old religion is beyond stupid.
03-28-2016 , 08:27 AM
Originally Posted by domer2
Conversely, describing a random Muslim as a "bad person" is bigoted, or describing Muslims in general as "bad people" is equally bigoted. Just because a person is born Muslim does not mean they embrace Islam, or agree with its teachings.
So what you're saying is that Muslims in general aren't bad, only the ones who are Muslim?
03-28-2016 , 09:02 AM
Do we even need to have these threads every time a tragedy occurs? Every single one ends up with a bunch of bigots gleefully seizing on the death of innocents to bloviate about how much they hate Muslims (in a totally non-bigoted way) and will this finally be the turning point where everyone else agrees it's fine to hate Muslims?

Can we just have a single "Is it Bigoted to Hate Muslims?" containment thread, ship the containment thread to PU, then fire the server that hosts PU into the sun?
03-28-2016 , 09:08 AM
Originally Posted by bobman0330
Do we even need to have these threads every time a tragedy occurs? Every single one ends up with a bunch of bigots gleefully seizing on the death of innocents to bloviate about how much they hate Muslims (in a totally non-bigoted way) and will this finally be the turning point where everyone else agrees it's fine to hate Muslims?

Can we just have a single "Is it Bigoted to Hate Muslims?" containment thread, ship the containment thread to PU, then fire the server that hosts PU into the sun?
Well to be fair, it is now apparently a completely obvious, uncontroversial, agreed-upon fact from both sides of the argument that religion plays a role in Islamic terrorism, which is light years from where the discussion usually starts.
03-28-2016 , 09:17 AM
Originally Posted by pvn
So what you're saying is that Muslims in general aren't bad, only the ones who are Muslim?
Right. IOW, not "people who look like they are Muslim," but rather "people who believe the awful horrible no-good very bad things that are found within Islam." Are you suggesting those arent two distinct groups of people? Pretty racist....

So if blanket calls of racism dont work, then the next step is to attack them for being DISCERNING?

"Not all Christians are bad, only the ones who believe homosexuality is a sin and that the punishment for mixing fabrics is stoning to death" is a completely uncontroversial opinion and in fact one I'd venture a guess that you personally hold. How can you hold this BIGOTED VIEW!?!?

Last edited by vhawk01; 03-28-2016 at 09:25 AM.
03-28-2016 , 09:19 AM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Plenty of Muslims don't really embrace Islam, just like plenty of Christains don't really embrace Christianity. That's why, for example, lots of Catholics ignore the Pope and use birth control, because they don't really embrace Catholicism. They're just in it for the cool uniforms.

Look, I think there is a pretty big discrepency in language and definitions being used here, and that makes this ongoing conversation repetitive and boring. It should be very easy to remedy if people actually wanted to understand each other, but sadly, lots of people would prefer to do the opposite of that.

There is nothing bigoted about, for example, claiming that "organized religions teach ridiculous backwards, historically inaccurate, scientifically vacuous, and morally bankrupt bullcrap that are at their core 'evil' in nature," and it's not bigoted to say that about any one particular religion either. There is more than sufficient evidence to back up those claims.

So, again, there's nothing wrong with saying you're okay with Muslims as long as they don't embrace Islam, just as one could say the same thing about Christians or Scientologists or Pastafarians. All that means is it's fine if you want to call yourself a Muslim/Christian/whatever to carry on your cultural heritage, community fellowship, celebrate tradition and all the good stuff, but if you embrace any of the crazy backwards bad stuff then you're "not okay."

Originally Posted by pvn
So what you're saying is that Muslims in general aren't bad, only the ones who are Muslim?
03-28-2016 , 09:22 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Such an obvious deflection.

You said earlier ITT the Muslim community in Belgium was celebrating the attacks with cheering crowds. It was total bull**** and you know it, but you're still in here peddling your bigoted trash as though you think everyone here somehow forgot that you're straight-up lying to us.

200 rioters throwing stones at police.

That's quite a lot who think he's a hero.

Last edited by Tien; 03-28-2016 at 09:27 AM.
03-28-2016 , 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by pvn
So what you're saying is that Muslims in general aren't bad, only the ones who are Muslim?
There are tenets of Islam that are variously embraced and repudiated in different cultures. If you go to a mosque in America or a mosque in Egypt, you'll find very different views on a range of religious issues.

Hypothesize that you can take a poll of every single Muslim. If in that poll, 500 million agreed with the statement that the death penalty was appropriate for someone who did not want to be a Muslim anymore (apostasy), then I would say you have 500 million bad people who hold dangerous beliefs. That number is going to be a large chunk of the Muslim population in a place like Egypt, but tiny in a place like the United States. Incidentally, this is a close approximation of what the Pew poll found, so this hypothetical isn't that hypothetical.

You have phrased the question in a way where you are pretending to be a dumb person who doesn't understand nuance, but you are largely correct in the substance. Muslims in general aren't bad, Muslims who believe certain things within Islam are bad.
03-28-2016 , 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by vhawk01
Well to be fair, it is now apparently a completely obvious, uncontroversial, agreed-upon fact from both sides of the argument that religion plays a role in Islamic terrorism, which is light years from where the discussion usually starts.
It's a relief to hear those people didn't die for nothing.
03-28-2016 , 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by domer2
Looks like you're engaging in some thinking here about what the word means.

But no, my conclusions are neither prejudiced nor unreasonable. My views on Islam are not arrived at lightly.
1) You, AFAIK, have no conclusions. Like every time someone tries to draw one from your anti-Islam facts you cry about strawmen, but you never correct them and explain what it is that you want from us.

2) No ****. You've spent your entire life learning to hate everyone who isn't a white Christian.

There is a very large difference between Muslims writ large, which is to say people that are born into the faith by family or by geography, and a literal Islamist. If you told me Joe thinks that women are subservient, and that suicide bombing is okay, I would say that Joe is a bad person because his views on women and suicide bombing are anathema. This does not make me a bigot. Coming to that conclusion about an entire group of people, without discernment for what they do or do not believe, or coming to that conclusion about someone whom I've never met would both be bigoted.
YOU believe violence is permissible. And let's just say that on the matters of feminism and LGBT rights you're sort of in a glass house.
03-28-2016 , 09:37 AM
Originally Posted by Tien

200 rioters throwing stones at police.

That's quite a lot who think he's a hero.
Yep, still bull****ting. I mean, you could just have admitted that you were mistaken about the cheering crowds in Belgium and maybe kept a little credibility. You fell for a dumb clickbait article, that can be an honest mistake. Instead, you deflect and double down on your bigoted garbage.
03-28-2016 , 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by domer2
Ask them, and see what the response is.

You claimed a position as fact that many do not hold.

And by the way, even if they do think that religion played a role, some won't admit to it, because they've already boxed themselves into a corner that this conclusion would be "racist."
Both domer and Tien keep on slogging this bizarre fairy tale where ONLY THEY had the courage to point out jihadist suicide bombers were Muslim.

This might just be a side effect of their decision to avoid ever making a ****ing point, but yeah, that didn't happen.
03-28-2016 , 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by bobman0330
Do we even need to have these threads every time a tragedy occurs? Every single one ends up with a bunch of bigots gleefully seizing on the death of innocents to bloviate about how much they hate Muslims (in a totally non-bigoted way) and will this finally be the turning point where everyone else agrees it's fine to hate Muslims?

Can we just have a single "Is it Bigoted to Hate Muslims?" containment thread, ship the containment thread to PU, then fire the server that hosts PU into the sun?
And what would you prefer? No threads about them? A thread that is just a moment of silence followed by a bunch of people scrambling to be the first to say "Man I hate to say it guys but basically they deserved it, damn you America for causing this!"?
03-28-2016 , 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by 13ball
The acceptance of suicide bombing is not a tenet of Islam. Suicide bombings weren't even committed by Muslims until 1980. It's pretty clear that they are a political development propped up by a radical re-interpretation of Islam. The idea that a tactic that didn't come into wide use until after 2000 is an important tenet of a 1,400 hundred year old religion is beyond stupid.
You're just nitpicking here. When I say supports suicide bombings, you can infer from that based upon my multiple posts in this thread that I am talking about suicide bombings where innocent people are targeted.

For instance, 36 of the 72 dead yesterday in Pakistan from the suicide bomber are reported to be children. Many of the rest were women, and most of them are alleged to be Christian. In so many of these attacks, there's no military or state against which they are fighting. They're trying to kill as many innocent people as possible within out-groups to cause terror. The religious matrix through which that bomber saw this as permissible is shared by so many other Muslim suicide bombers over the past few years.

And while suicide bombing specifically is not a tenet of the religion, slaughtering ones enemies under the banner of Islam is something Muhammad did do.
03-28-2016 , 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Yep, still bull****ting. I mean, you could just have admitted that you were mistaken about the cheering crowds in Belgium and maybe kept a little credibility. You fell for a dumb clickbait article, that can be an honest mistake. Instead, you deflect and double down on your bigoted garbage.
200 rioters throwing stones at police, that's practically cheering him out. If I said throwing rocks instead of cheering you're less upset?

There's no double downing anything. 200 people actually came in support of him.
