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17 dead, dozens wounded in 2 blasts at Brussels airport - reports 17 dead, dozens wounded in 2 blasts at Brussels airport - reports

03-23-2016 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by Yuv
I wanted to believe his name is actually "Jam Jambon", but it's not
Typo, it's obviously Jan
03-23-2016 , 01:55 PM

Chris "Ted Cruz is my real Dad but I'm ashamed to admit it in public" V thinks this is appeasement, right? I'm starting to think Obama hasn't even watched ONE Sam Harris youtube!!!??!?!?!

One of the great strengths of the United States, and part of the reason why we have not seen more attacks in the United States, is we have an extraordinarily successful, patriotic, integrated Muslim-American community. They do not feel ghettoized, they do not feel isolated. Their children are our children's friends, going to the same schools. They are our colleagues in our workplaces. They are our men and women in uniform, fighting for our freedom.

And so any approach that would single them out or target them for discrimination is not only wrong and un-American, but it also would be counterproductive. Because it would reduce the strength, the antibodies that we have to resist terrorism.
I'll open this up to everyone: what's the issue, again?

I guess this maybe needs to get stickied, but "I get mad online when people call my bad opinions bad" does not count as anyone else's problem.
03-23-2016 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf

I guess this maybe needs to get stickied, but "I get mad online when people call my bad opinions bad" does not count as anyone else's problem.
People calling others opinions bad was labeled as bad as blowing up other human beings by one poster ITT, so we don't have consensus on this.
03-23-2016 , 02:01 PM
Immigrants/muslims/... in Belgium are also given alot of opportunities and financial aid if needed so. It's a cheap excuse.
Anyway, watching the news now.
03-23-2016 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
These responses help mock bigots. It fixes a critical problem of bigots posting without enough shame. It is entirely embarrassing to just start riffing mindlessly about random perceived problems with Muslims in response to a terrorist attack perpetrated by Muslims. It speaks clearly to the mental state of bigots who, when terrorist attacks happen, just start incoherently jabbering about whatever random slights of Muslim culture they can think of as some kind of 'helpful response'. In any case I'm not sure what "problem" you think needs fixing but I suspect we do not agree on what exactly is a problem and that you assume your own conclusions.
Typical 2p2 back and forth.

"You can't blame Islamic terrorism on Islam, most Muslims are peaceful and abhor violence."
"What about the fact that millions of mainstream Muslims approve of things like stoning adulterers, or death for apostates?"
03-23-2016 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
Typical 2p2 back and forth.

"You can't blame Islamic terrorism on Islam, most Muslims are peaceful and abhor violence."
"What about the fact that millions of mainstream Muslims approve of things like stoning adulterers, or death for apostates?"
Same question: do you think moderate Muslims actually exist?
03-23-2016 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Just as in every post-terrorist attack thread, Muslims are just THE WORST, a fact that is uniquely theirs and has been inscribed in their holy texts for millennia and is inseparable from their existence, despite the fact that white people held a clear monopoly on being the ****tiest perpetrators of violence in the world all the way until about 2001.
1. There were a couple non white/Muslim title holders of this title in the last century. Cambodian genocide, Rwandan genocide, etc.
2. If you're suggesting the title flipped from white to Muslim in 2001 I'd like to see your math.
03-23-2016 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Same question: do you think moderate Muslims actually exist?
Of course they do.
03-23-2016 , 02:17 PM
revots- Wait, even more basic. What do you think the word "most" means?
03-23-2016 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
Typical 2p2 back and forth.

"You can't blame Islamic terrorism on Islam, most Muslims are peaceful and abhor violence."
"What about the fact that millions of mainstream Muslims approve of things like stoning adulterers, or death for apostates?"
Actually, step 3 has been more along the lines of pointing out that those millions of mainstream Muslims are never the less not actually killing people.

The bigotry is in thinking it's reasonable to treat holding objectionable beliefs as being equivalent to carrying out acts of terrorism in terms of justifying various policy proposals.
03-23-2016 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
Of course they do.
So can we agree that radicalized Islam is a threat to national security but moderate Muslims are no big deal? Cause, I think most all the liberals here would agree.
03-23-2016 , 02:29 PM
Put it another way, do moderate Muslims deserves the same dignity and respect we afford to say, moderate Humans? Or is there something inherently different about Muslims?
03-23-2016 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
By the way, in another thread recently you seemed incredulous a terrorist attack could swing the election for Trump, basically (paraphrasing) that Trump already has every derpy idiot locked up, but all normal people will do the right thing, so it wouldn't change much.

But here we have some use cases that have to be troubling for that notion sanity will win the day. Chris seems like an otherwise reasonable fellow in all other cases but in the aftermath of a terrorist attack becomes part of Team World's Worst People and just start blithering complete ****ing nonsense and fervently wishcasting for Nuremberg Rallies where we all shout in unison at Muslims and tell them how much they suck. Trump is the voice of these people. I realize Chris is not American and is maybe a unique bird but I'm really not so sure, I suspect given a drastic enough sequence of events or bad enough terrorist attack you'd discover plenty of otherwise reasonable people reflexively flip to mouthbreathing about Muslims and finding solace in Trump. **** gets real bad and I can envision lots of otherwise normal people sounding just like Cruz's foreign policy team.
I agree with you entirely that each new terrorist attack on the West is bound to push more and more people into the Trump camp, especially if when they try to discuss their fears they keep getting something, something about lightening strikes and damn they must just simply be horribly racist people.

I think you make lots of good points, and so does Wookie and many others, but it does no good if it falls on deaf ears. You're competing for those ears, and you lose each time you seemingly don't take the problem seriously. I don't think Hillary will make that mistake.
03-23-2016 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by MrTrampoline
So even if Islam is, to use your words 'uniquely awful' we should still pretend that it isn't from a purely consequentialist perspective?

As in, we ought to spread the lie that it isn't uniquely awful as the ends justify the means?
Why would spreading lies be necessary? Unless Islam is so bad that people can't practice it peacefully, then the question is irrelevant except for Buzzfeed lists of the world's worst religions. Even posters who vehemently insist that Islam is the worst can't be bothered to attempt to show how lecturing people on their superterrible religion leads to any improvement at all.
03-23-2016 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by SL__72
1. There were a couple non white/Muslim title holders of this title in the last century. Cambodian genocide, Rwandan genocide, etc.
2. If you're suggesting the title flipped from white to Muslim in 2001 I'd like to see your math.
Both very good points, but especially #2. Muslims are just THE WORST, to a tune of death tolls in the ~hundreds (or less) of Europeans per year.
03-23-2016 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
Typical 2p2 back and forth.

"You can't blame Islamic terrorism on Islam, most Muslims are peaceful and abhor violence."
"What about the fact that millions of mainstream Muslims approve of things like stoning adulterers, or death for apostates?"
"Ok, so what then? What's your solution other than making it clear you think Islam is bad?"
03-23-2016 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Tien is legit crying about insufficient #JeSuisCharlieism in this thread, for God's sake.
I'm glad you will admit that blaming cartoonists for cartoons was ridiculous.

I consider this a move in the right direction in terms of understanding.
03-23-2016 , 03:00 PM
Some key updates:

* It is 100% sure that the suicide bombers from yesterday's attacks have ties to Salah Abdeslam and the others involved in the Paris attacks.

* The attacks in Brussels were supposed to take place next Monday, which is Eastern Monday. The attacks were hastened because terrorists feared getting caught aswell, after Abdeslam's arrest last Friday.

* About the brothers Al Bakraoui. They were both known by the authorities for non-terrorist crimes. One of them was known for a series of carjackings and the other for armed robbery... After spending a couple years in prison, they were released earlier. After violating some of their probation conditions, they were searched but authorities lost track of them. Very likely they made a trip to Syria.

* Erdogan's insulting statements are mostly incorrect and the result of a small conflict between Belgium and Turkey that took place at the European top a couple days ago. If anyone wishes, I can go more into detail about this.

* A third suicide bomber (one that blew up in the airport) has been identified.
His name is Najim Laachraoui. Investigators were very close to tracking him down. He used the alias Soufiane Kayal. It is also assumed that he built the bomb belts that were used in the Paris attacks.
03-23-2016 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
lol. Is my answer supposed to be different now than what it would have been on the 21st?
Just trying to get you to admit to yes.

That's normally the first step to understanding the problem, actually acknowledging a problem exists. Why else would you want to throw the "if" in there if you didn't actually believe it to be true?

In before intellectually dishonest statements from flyberbole trying to frame me as wanting to carpet bomb countries and ban all Muslims.

Maybe, between the crazies that want to ban Muslims, carpet bomb them, patrol their neighbours, and other crazies that think there's no Islamic extremism and no link between terrorist acts and Islamism (no true scotsman), there's some middle ground to be had to solving this? Western Europe closed their eyes to this issue, with thousands of foreign fighters walking right back into the country.

I would propose something along the lines of much tougher control on ex-fighters that have fought with ISIS or other in middle east, because that seems to be the #1 common denominator between all of them. Right now they're being "monitored", i.e not monitored at all. That's just step 1.

Step 2 is solving this massive migrant flood that western born nationals fighting in Syria and other zones are using to migrate back. Something has to be done. The Merkel strategy of status quo everything is fine is just not working.

Last edited by Tien; 03-23-2016 at 03:18 PM.
03-23-2016 , 03:05 PM
I actually like Obama's approach to this terrorist attack. Go to a baseball game. Unless you change the laws why do you put so much stress on yourself watching all these small terrorist attacks and gun shootings. If we lose less than 500 a year, that is almost a rounding error to being overweight or driving a car.

What more likely to happen is Trump gets elected. He is going to torture some innocent Muslim by mistake. In retaliation they are going to kidnap his daughter and torture her. Then he going to drop bombs to retaliate. This country is going to be rather big and declare war on U.S., U.S will bomb them, however they are going to have bigger allies. Then they are going to drop bombs on USA. Then Trump will nuke a city. then they will take out LA, SF, Washington, and NY. Then they will invade with million troops. Then we will fight back claiming we were provoked. Then the death toll starts rising 100 million, 200 million, 300 million. Then when the bullets run out we are all back to eating Jack in the box tacos for 50 years until someone decides deficits don't matter and the other side starts electing gold bugs.

In summary, go to a ballgame today!

Last edited by steelhouse; 03-23-2016 at 03:18 PM.
03-23-2016 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Carpet bombing a place where you know there are civilians is targeting them. Or did the Brussels attackers bomb an airport where civilians just happened to be hanging out?
Nope. The target is still Isis. You may have increased collateral damage by targeting isis in situations where there is are civilians close vicinity.

So Cruz refuses to use the standard definition of carpet bombing and you refuse to use the standard definition of targeting.
03-23-2016 , 03:31 PM
Where do you draw the line? If you're going to kill 9 civilians for every 1 bad guy, who would you say is being targeted? What if the ratio is 99:1? And ok, suppose you still say you're targeting the 1. Does that 1 justify the 99? If so, then I guess you're fine with being bombed in a shopping mall if there happens to be a hard-to-catch bad guy there at the same time as you?

(Putting aside that the US' definition of "combatant" or "target" is any Muslim-looking man within a certain age group, in a certain country, who is not physically handicapped from using a weapon should he one day decide to.)

Last edited by heehaww; 03-23-2016 at 03:37 PM.
03-23-2016 , 03:33 PM
15 minutes ago from AP:

PARIS (AP) — The Islamic State group has trained at least 400 fighters to target Europe in deadly waves of attacks, deploying interlocking terror cells like the ones that struck Brussels and Paris with orders to choose the time, place and method for maximum carnage, The Associated Press has learned.

The network of agile and semiautonomous cells shows the reach of the extremist group in Europe even as it loses ground in Syria and Iraq. The officials, including European and Iraqi intelligence officials and a French lawmaker who follows the jihadi networks, described camps in Syria, Iraq and possibly the former Soviet bloc where attackers are trained to attack the West. Before being killed in a police raid, the ringleader of the Nov. 13 Paris attacks claimed to have entered Europe in a multinational group of 90 fighters, who scattered "more or less everywhere."
I guess the JV is a little more nimble than previously thought.

The attack yesterday was 'scheduled' to go off the day after Easter, but the date was moved up after the conspirators learned their compatriot was talking to the police after being picked up.
03-23-2016 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by ogallalabob
Nope. The target is still Isis. You may have increased collateral damage by targeting isis in situations where there is are civilians close vicinity.

So Cruz refuses to use the standard definition of carpet bombing and you refuse to use the standard definition of targeting.
This is like the Paris attack in Team America
03-23-2016 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by well named
Actually, step 3 has been more along the lines of pointing out that those millions of mainstream Muslims are never the less not actually killing people.
This is disingenuous "logic" to defend cult behavior.

People aren't killed for apostasy because people don't become apostates because they will be killed. Savvy?

Being supportive of murder for switching religions or adultery is evil and abhorrent, no matter if they wield the instrument of death.
Originally Posted by revots33
Typical 2p2 back and forth.

"You can't blame Islamic terrorism on Islam, most Muslims are peaceful and abhor violence."
"What about the fact that millions of mainstream Muslims approve of things like stoning adulterers, or death for apostates?"
More like tens/hundreds of millions.
