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Starcraft2 Code S 2012 Season 2 Pool Starcraft2 Code S 2012 Season 2 Pool

03-27-2012 , 10:24 AM
I have a serious anti-nestea and MKP rail going on if i'm going to have any chance of winning this, my team is very similar to ChronicLS and he's got an early jump on me. Going to need a big season out of MC and/or MMA at the very least. It's a shame Curious decided to throw away game one against Hero, although I have Hero myself so it's not that bad I guess. Nice pick of Maru by Deoxyribo today although he also had Gumiho so it cancels out a bit. Big ouch for everyone who had Gumiho, he threw away the Maru set very nicely.

Worth noting is that everyone has a minimum of one player through to the round of 16 now, so we're all still alive in the competition.


For the standings, i'm putting the ladder in order of the average points scored by each player who has played from your team in the round of 32 so far.

Standings after Groups B and D have played

Andrew Song - 9 points 2/8 played (average 4.5)


Supernova - 5 points
Hero - 4 points


TheChrinicLS - 9 points 2/8 played (average 4.5)


Supernova - 5 points
Hero - 4 points

Roy - 4 Points 1/8 played (average 4.0)

Genius - 4 points


Nisash1337 - 9 points, 3/8 played (average 3.0)

Genius - 4 points

Supernova - 5 points
GuMiho - 0 points

SwoopAE - 5 points 2/8 played (average 2.5)


Curious - 1 point
Hero - 4 points

DeoxyRibo - 5 points 2/8 played (average 2.5)


Gumiho - 0 points
Maru - 5 points

Xaston - 4 points 2/8 played (average 2.0)

Genius - 4 points

Gumiho - 0 points

Walchy - 4 points 2/8 played (average 2.0)


Hero - 4 points
Gumiho - 0 points

Last edited by SwoopAE; 03-27-2012 at 10:31 AM.
Starcraft2 Code S 2012 Season 2 Pool Quote
03-27-2012 , 10:30 AM
Alive, July, Marineking and Zenio in action tomorrow, again with all four players selected by at least one team

Alive is one of the most-picked players and features in five teams, including one of our two leaders - a failure to qualify will actually help the players whose team he isn't in more than it hurts those who do have him.

Marineking is a seeded player in four of the eight teams including only one of our two leaders so tomorrow will split the tie one way or the other depending on MKP and Alive's results - so far every seeded player chosen has qualifed, who will be the first to fail? Recent form would suggest Marineking is in little danger, but with TvT being one of his weaker matchups historically and a strong TvTer in Alive in the group, he's going to need to bring his A-game.

July and Zenio feature only in Xaston's team... if the zerg duo can upset the two highly favoured Terrans, Xaston will jump to the top of the ladder... if not, he's headed straight down to the bottom.

Alive vs July and MKP vs Zenio kicks off the third group in 19 hours... time is running out if you want to submit a viable team and join the competition. It's still perfectly viable to submit an eight player team that has as good a chance as any to win the league - eg. MKP Leenock DRG Puzzle Polt Fin Nestea Alive (just an example) - if a player were to win both group stages and win the league, that's worth 34 points in itself - just pointing out that although we have two leaders right now, there's no real equity gained or lost as it happens to be two of the weaker groups (imo anyway) who have gone first this season.

Last edited by SwoopAE; 03-27-2012 at 10:43 AM.
Starcraft2 Code S 2012 Season 2 Pool Quote
03-27-2012 , 02:35 PM
Kind of fun, now I can watch TvZ and TvT ZvZ and root for a player(Before I didnt really care about matches without a protoss), but hurts me that I sometimes have to be against my Protossbrothers

I feel pretty confident that I win this :P(Only entered 1 like that before here in 2p2 and I won it back in Season 2 I think^^)
Starcraft2 Code S 2012 Season 2 Pool Quote
03-27-2012 , 02:37 PM
Also good job @swoopae if I win 5% or something of the prizepool will go to you for your work
Starcraft2 Code S 2012 Season 2 Pool Quote
03-27-2012 , 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by NiSash1337
Also good job @swoopae if I win 5% or something of the prizepool will go to you for your work

These daily updates are terrific

cheers mate
Starcraft2 Code S 2012 Season 2 Pool Quote
03-27-2012 , 11:35 PM
was so happy that the "underdog" maru won. thoguht for sure gumiho would advance along with him but that was dissappointing.

also very good job itt swoop
Starcraft2 Code S 2012 Season 2 Pool Quote
03-28-2012 , 01:02 AM
tomorrows group is gonna be exciting for me

i play zerg and <3 watching them, but i chose both terrans in the group for my team lol
Starcraft2 Code S 2012 Season 2 Pool Quote
03-28-2012 , 02:09 AM
Just realised I misspelled TheChronicLS's name in the last update.

I like his team to win right now especially with MKP playing well simply because it's so similar to mine but he took Supernova over Curious. We'll know more after today, but it's early days with so many points up for grabs once the group stages end.

Should have trusted my gut and taken SN over Hero (was tossing up to pick my 8th player), I feel like Supernova may make it to the quarters this year and I think Hero's going home in the round of 16 if he doesn't lift his game. My team's best chance is for MC or someone like Oz to win the whole thing. Even though I play Zerg, I like cheering for the Protoss players against Terrans (other than MMA of course since he's my fav T), so i'm glad I have 4 Protoss in my team.
Starcraft2 Code S 2012 Season 2 Pool Quote
03-28-2012 , 02:11 AM
Originally Posted by Deoxyribo
tomorrows group is gonna be exciting for me

i play zerg and <3 watching them, but i chose both terrans in the group for my team lol
Yeah ZvTs are often pretty epic if it's the upper level players playing. It would be nice to see a mixture of races in the quarter finals

ZvZ is fun to watch too imo, although I might be alone in that - i'm a top-of-diamond level random player but my only matchup that would be acceptable in masters is my ZvZ which is surprising since so few people are good at it. Funnily enough even though Z is my best race, I win more TvZ than I do ZvT due to the 'lol you have to click three times as much to do the same amount of stuff' in ZvT as opposed to TvZ.

Another interesting thing is how good my seeding turns out to be, I wonder how many of the 'top 8 seeds' end up making it to the quarter finals? Anyone care to set a line?
Starcraft2 Code S 2012 Season 2 Pool Quote
03-28-2012 , 02:52 AM
Really fun to watch Hero on the Code S stage after following him do so well in the foreign scene for the past year. Kid has massive potential and I honestly think he's one of the few truly innovative P's out there today.
Starcraft2 Code S 2012 Season 2 Pool Quote
03-28-2012 , 03:29 AM
I'm worried Hero's going to get crushed PvP and by the better terrans though. He could make the round of 8, a lot depends on who he draws in the second group stage, his best bet is for one of the non/Leenock/DRG zergs to make it through and be drawn to his group i'd say, and a mid-level terran or protoss plus whoever the top seed for that group is. He could easily go through 2-1 if that's the case.
Starcraft2 Code S 2012 Season 2 Pool Quote
03-28-2012 , 04:57 AM
For those of you who didn't watch the most recent MLG you're gonna wanna watch game 5 of Heart vs. DRG. Totally epic amazing ZvT.

Starcraft2 Code S 2012 Season 2 Pool Quote
03-28-2012 , 05:14 AM
One of the zergs plus Alive would work for me.

Long shot, but pro-alive and anti-MKP rail incoming!
Starcraft2 Code S 2012 Season 2 Pool Quote
03-28-2012 , 05:53 AM
Starcraft2 Code S 2012 Season 2 Pool Quote
03-28-2012 , 06:18 AM
Btw, swoopae, i dont have mkp on my team. Which i might regret
Starcraft2 Code S 2012 Season 2 Pool Quote
03-28-2012 , 06:54 AM
JULYZERG! Man this would be so clutch. Come on July, one more win!
Starcraft2 Code S 2012 Season 2 Pool Quote
03-28-2012 , 07:12 AM
Grrrr almost 2-0ed MKP
Starcraft2 Code S 2012 Season 2 Pool Quote
03-28-2012 , 09:08 AM
Originally Posted by TheChronicLS
Btw, swoopae, i dont have mkp on my team. Which i might regret
Depends on the draw - i'd take MVP over him in a one-on-one situation but against the field of Z and P players, MKP probably wins more.

Alive was terrible today, will update ladder after the Zenio/July match finishes.
Starcraft2 Code S 2012 Season 2 Pool Quote
03-28-2012 , 10:09 AM
Standings after Groups B, C and D have played

Andrew Song - 14 points 3/8 played (average 4.66)

MKP - 5 points

Supernova - 5 points
Hero - 4 points


Roy - 4 Points 1/8 played (average 4.0)

Genius - 4 points


TheChronicLS - 9 points 3/8 played (average 3.0)


Supernova - 5 points
Alive - 0 points
Hero - 4 points

Nisash1337 - 14 points, 5/8 played (average 2.8)

Genius - 4 points
MKP - 5 points

Supernova - 5 points
Alive - 0 points
GuMiho - 0 points

DeoxyRibo - 10 points 4/8 played (average 2.5)

MKP - 5 points

Gumiho - 0 points
Maru - 5 points
Alive - 0 points

Xaston - 9 points 4/8 played (average 2.25)

Genius - 4 points

Zenio - 1 point
Gumiho - 0 points

July - 4 points

Walchy - 9 points 4/8 played (average 2.25)

MKP - 5 points

Hero - 4 points
Gumiho - 0 points
Alive - 0 points

SwoopAE - 5 points 3/8 played (average 1.66)


Curious - 1 point
Alive - 0 points
Hero - 4 points
Starcraft2 Code S 2012 Season 2 Pool Quote
03-28-2012 , 10:18 AM
Six teams starring DongRaeGu tomorrow, so two people in Roy and Xaston will have a very strong anti-sweat... incidentally, both of them have JJakji, and none of the six players who have DRG have JJakji in their teams. Roy and Xaston vs field tomorrow. An elimination of either seeded player would have huge implications on the teams involved.

Andrew Song is the runaway leader at this stage although with some teams now containing a unique player to their team who has qualified for the next round (Maru, July), plenty of teams are still in the hunt.

Incidentally, my team is currently last, but with all three of my seeded players yet to play, i'm not THAT worried yet... but i'm going to need someone like Nestea who is in a lot of teams to fail in order to get back in the swing of things...
Starcraft2 Code S 2012 Season 2 Pool Quote
03-28-2012 , 11:37 AM
Weird, JJakji is -110 vs Taeja tomorrow on Pinnacle and his TvT record is much better than Taeja's plus he's a better player. Seems like he should be closer to -150 or -160 imo.

Threw 200 down on it, just letting you all know if anyone else agrees that the line seems off.

Edit: Line is -112 now after my bet, still excellent value imo if either of the guys with Jjakji in their teams want me to throw down Pinnacle $ on him on their behalf if you don't have an acct there let me know.

Disclaimer: i'm last in the league so take my betting advice accordingly lol

Guess i'm cheering for both DRG and Jjakji tomorrow (although in JJakji's case only for the first game)

Last edited by SwoopAE; 03-28-2012 at 11:49 AM.
Starcraft2 Code S 2012 Season 2 Pool Quote
03-28-2012 , 12:10 PM
Well Jjakji lost 4:0 vs Taeja a month a go in a korean tourney.
Starcraft2 Code S 2012 Season 2 Pool Quote
03-28-2012 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by NiSash1337
Well Jjakji lost 4:0 vs Taeja a month a go in a korean tourney.
That might have something to do with it, not sure how I missed that. Probably because there doesn't seem to be a record of it on the gosugamers match history. Which tourney was it?

Oh well, guess i've got a sweat tomorrow now regardless. JJakji is the better overall player imo, so as long as he brings his A game it should be enough I hope.
Starcraft2 Code S 2012 Season 2 Pool Quote
03-28-2012 , 02:04 PM
Use TLPD on Teamliquid, ESV-Weekly or something.
Starcraft2 Code S 2012 Season 2 Pool Quote
03-29-2012 , 08:00 AM
Jjakji you bum. Shame on me for picking you.
Starcraft2 Code S 2012 Season 2 Pool Quote
