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"Tony" at 5 Dimes closed my acct because I asked to speak to him over a misgrade (chat OP) "Tony" at 5 Dimes closed my acct because I asked to speak to him over a misgrade (chat OP)

09-10-2014 , 01:29 AM
Absolutely Ridiculous! 1 guy misspoke and it completely reverses the outcome of the event?
"Tony" at 5 Dimes closed my acct because I asked to speak to him over a misgrade (chat OP) Quote
09-10-2014 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by Sports
I don't think this is fair/accurate, you're apparently taking a single chat and extrapolating it out erroneously.

I had been a customer for 5+ years w/ nary a 'high maintenance' request. I didn't use any bonus program or the like because I preferred reduced juice. I also didn't want to draw attention to myself for these type of likely outcomes.

I think it's either that Tony recognized that I had a legit edge (albeit with poor money management choices) or was just flying off at the handle for whatever personal/happenstance reason - maybe he indeed chalked me up as high maintenance but that would be beyond a poor read. I really did run 50 bucks into 30+ grand via straight bets (not lucky parlays) and numerously ran it into 4 or 5 figures.

I don't know if Tony's admission that I'm smarter than him was legitimate or facetious but it might provide some insight into the closure. It reads as legitimate but I dunno.

As an aside, I also found it humorous that he escalated things from closed to permanently closed. Doesn't closed imply a permanent/non-temporary status? He was prbly just reaching for a bigger stick after blowing his load and was unsatisfied with my flippant response imo.
You asked for Tony by name. If I'm sitting in his chair this signals to me that I'm dealing with some forum-ville attention whore, and I immediately give zero ****s. It's also possible/likely(?) that Tony is worth 8 figures+ at this point and keeps the book open solely to mess with people.
"Tony" at 5 Dimes closed my acct because I asked to speak to him over a misgrade (chat OP) Quote
09-10-2014 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by Jeedz
I've never heard of 5 dimes
Just out of curiosity, which books do you play at? I'm intrigued by someone who posts in a sports betting forum, but has never heard of 5Dimes.
"Tony" at 5 Dimes closed my acct because I asked to speak to him over a misgrade (chat OP) Quote
09-10-2014 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by poker4life
Just out of curiosity, which books do you play at? I'm intrigued by someone who posts in a sports betting forum, but has never heard of 5Dimes.
I'm not a regular poster here. I'm UK based so I tend to play on Will Hill and Betfair (and a few other UK/Euro sites) but no never heard of 5 dimes. Seriously put off by this thread though.
"Tony" at 5 Dimes closed my acct because I asked to speak to him over a misgrade (chat OP) Quote
09-10-2014 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by Iowa!
You asked for Tony by name. If I'm sitting in his chair this signals to me that I'm dealing with some forum-ville attention whore, and I immediately give zero ****s. It's also possible/likely(?) that Tony is worth 8 figures+ at this point and keeps the book open solely to mess with people.
He's worth 8 figs but he spends his life doing the day-to-day running of a sports book and mans/chats to customers on support chat?

He'd have to be pretty cracked (not unlikely) to do that just to **** with people.
"Tony" at 5 Dimes closed my acct because I asked to speak to him over a misgrade (chat OP) Quote
09-10-2014 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by Jeedz
He's worth 8 figs but he spends his life doing the day-to-day running of a sports book and mans/chats to customers on support chat?

He'd have to be pretty cracked (not unlikely) to do that just to **** with people.
Well, he's probably scared he'll get arrested if he leaves costa rica, so probably pretty boring life.
"Tony" at 5 Dimes closed my acct because I asked to speak to him over a misgrade (chat OP) Quote
09-10-2014 , 02:13 PM
You clearly don't know very much about Costa Rica
"Tony" at 5 Dimes closed my acct because I asked to speak to him over a misgrade (chat OP) Quote
09-11-2014 , 09:02 AM
Originally Posted by WaKtickets
Absolutely Ridiculous! 1 guy misspoke and it completely reverses the outcome of the event?
As someone who also lost this bet due to buffer's announcing error, it's pretty frustrating when the bet objectively won but I can see how it does put the books in a tough spot and I do understand why they graded it the way they did.

None of that excuses Tony's behaviour here though obviously, as much as I want to bet on 5d because of their MMA props i've refrained from depositing mostly because of the last time a thread like this was made when tony tooled out on someone, I think it was the tony freerolling by refusing to pay a guy hitting heaps of small parlays thread
"Tony" at 5 Dimes closed my acct because I asked to speak to him over a misgrade (chat OP) Quote
09-11-2014 , 10:53 AM
pretty evident well before this thread that tony is an absolute ass
"Tony" at 5 Dimes closed my acct because I asked to speak to him over a misgrade (chat OP) Quote
09-11-2014 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by SwoopAE
As someone who also lost this bet due to buffer's announcing error, it's pretty frustrating when the bet objectively won
I don't watch MMA and I don't bet on it, either. So, I know absolutely nothing about the sport.

So this is a question that I'm asking legitimately out of curiosity: why doesn't MMA correct for this? No doubt they're aware of the announcing error by now, so what's the harm in correcting it?

(By the way, I also agree that Tony and the industry's policy of using "official" results is the best policy. I don't, however, understand why MMA doesn't issue "objectively" correct outcomes?)
"Tony" at 5 Dimes closed my acct because I asked to speak to him over a misgrade (chat OP) Quote
09-12-2014 , 02:31 AM
I'd imagine it's because 'who cares unless it's a notable time like fastest KO in UFC history or whatever' in their opinion
"Tony" at 5 Dimes closed my acct because I asked to speak to him over a misgrade (chat OP) Quote
09-12-2014 , 11:20 AM
Buffer had money on the time he said?
"Tony" at 5 Dimes closed my acct because I asked to speak to him over a misgrade (chat OP) Quote
09-12-2014 , 11:44 AM
One other question (again, just asked out of curiosity): what's the role of the announcer in an MMA match?

It seems like this role and corresponding responsibilities goes beyond that of an ordinary sports announcer.

For instance, I couldn't imagine a situation where there's a close play on the football field, the announcer announces it as a fumble, replay confirms that the player was down before they fumbled the ball--but, wait! Too late! Al Michaels already announced it as a fumble and so it must be!
"Tony" at 5 Dimes closed my acct because I asked to speak to him over a misgrade (chat OP) Quote
09-12-2014 , 11:44 AM

But astute gamblers noticed a discrepancy. If you look closely at the clock on the bottom of the screen it shows the fight being stopped before we reach the 2: 30 minutes mark of the second round.

So Bruce Buffer says the fight went over. The clock from the TV presentation says the fight went under. even listed 3 conflicting results on their website. So who is right?

For gambling purposes the fight went over. The official recognized results are provided by the Offical Sanctioning body of the fight which in this case is the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal National Athletic Commission. Here is a look at the actual score card.

The clock used for the television broadcast is for entertainment purposes only. And while most of the time this clock is accurate, as we found out last Friday, the displayed clock is not always exact.

So how could the clock be wrong?
Each round officially begins one minute after conclusion of the prior round. So when the bell rings to sound the end of Round 1, the fighters have exactly 1 minute before round 2 starts. So after 1 minute, even if the fighters are still sitting on their stools the next round has officially begun.

What we have here is a case of the television graphic starting after the round had officially began. Now while DSI did grade the wager correctly we have decide to grade all wagers on the over/under of the fight as a winner. If you bet the fight would go over, or under, we are grading your wager as a winner.
"Tony" at 5 Dimes closed my acct because I asked to speak to him over a misgrade (chat OP) Quote
09-12-2014 , 11:50 AM
^ Wow. Now THAT is interesting.

So, the announcement was correct all along and it was the television graphic that was incorrectly displayed?

In any case, kudos to DSI for siding with the players.
"Tony" at 5 Dimes closed my acct because I asked to speak to him over a misgrade (chat OP) Quote
09-12-2014 , 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by Ratterman
I always thought the arena scoreboard clock and the tv score clock were synced together. It is dumb if they are not. The old days they just had a camera on the scoreboard clock and cropped it into the corner. Either way it is very unprofessional how "tony" from 5 dimes handled the situation and i will stay away from that sportsbook.
"Tony" at 5 Dimes closed my acct because I asked to speak to him over a misgrade (chat OP) Quote
09-12-2014 , 02:07 PM
wow, that's very interesting....... i have noticed that on cfl (canadian football broadcasts). fans go crazy over a timing issue (extra seconds ticking off when they shouldn't) but then it turns out the TV clock is NOT the game clock and isn't always that close (i.e. they may have been 2 seconds slow so they sync at the end of the play when the game clock has stopped)......

as per the hypothetical case of the MMA association screwing it up and not fixing it right away, i asked a bunch of people i know with varying knowledge/interest in sports betting and they all said payouts should be on official results FWIW.

probably very obvious comment but if bookie pays off on official result and "true" result, isn't he paying everyone?

EDIT: ooops, excessing grunching by me... i see that someone is paying out both sides of the bet
"Tony" at 5 Dimes closed my acct because I asked to speak to him over a misgrade (chat OP) Quote
09-15-2014 , 05:30 PM
Any update after today?
"Tony" at 5 Dimes closed my acct because I asked to speak to him over a misgrade (chat OP) Quote
09-15-2014 , 06:33 PM
Really curious to see how this will be handled by most books too, I guess pinnacle will undoubtedly reverse and pay the under (or grade them both as winners, which is prob most likely) but the other books who knows. My guess is they will say some arbitrary number of hours passed so we can't do anything.
"Tony" at 5 Dimes closed my acct because I asked to speak to him over a misgrade (chat OP) Quote
09-15-2014 , 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by WaKtickets
Any update after today?
Not for me at least

Still banned w/ no adjustment notated on the bet
"Tony" at 5 Dimes closed my acct because I asked to speak to him over a misgrade (chat OP) Quote
09-16-2014 , 12:03 AM
Even after the commission adjustment?
"Tony" at 5 Dimes closed my acct because I asked to speak to him over a misgrade (chat OP) Quote
09-16-2014 , 12:20 AM
The commission didn't adjust my 'tone' which displeased him so

He already said via the chat that he's not interested in being fair

Bookmaker has been great fwiw
"Tony" at 5 Dimes closed my acct because I asked to speak to him over a misgrade (chat OP) Quote
09-16-2014 , 12:31 AM
There's some props and live lines that I def miss (better odds as well) but I'm not going to grovel back only to have him close my account on a whim or possibly not pay me out based on some random spiteful sentiment.

The whole 'I don't like you' came across as insanely unprofessional and shockingly juvenile considering I'd never chatted with him before. Posters at SBR took it as some longstanding feud but it was out of left field.
"Tony" at 5 Dimes closed my acct because I asked to speak to him over a misgrade (chat OP) Quote
09-16-2014 , 12:32 AM
10 4 man good to know. And gl
"Tony" at 5 Dimes closed my acct because I asked to speak to him over a misgrade (chat OP) Quote
09-16-2014 , 04:26 PM
I work in the TV truck on a lot of fights and MMA events. The TV clock is frequently off by a second or two. This is the reason that the clock is removed from the screen with between 5-10 seconds left.

The clock is operated by the same person that builds the stat graphics and displays them. They hit a button or click a mouse to start it when the bell rings. This may or may not be in perfect time with the official timekeeper. A ref may hold time to finish clearing the ring of the officials and cornermen. It can also get further off if there is a timeout in the round to retrieve a mouthpiece, fix some tape or other equipment or a medical time out.

Pay Per View and non-broadcast events are one minute breaks between rounds. On a broadcast with commercials, the break is supposed to be 1:03 to give them time to get back from commercial without missing anything. Once in a while the timekeeper forgets this and gives the broadcast a short break pissing off the director and possibly throwing off the TV clock.
"Tony" at 5 Dimes closed my acct because I asked to speak to him over a misgrade (chat OP) Quote
