I've been finding a lot of blatantly poor market prices on the NHL grand salami this season. Normally I have zero interest in providing positive guidance to anyone since it at least indirectly hurts me. On these particular bets, however, there is just so much value out there that I can't exploit. So for the few remaining weeks of the season I might as well spread some love around to the fine miserable folks here.
Please, a-holes, don't bet these at Pinnacle(!!) or Greek or Bookmaker/CRIS/et al. If I start seeing the screen go black, I go back into my cave.
And, of course, gamble at your own peril. No one runs better than me, but nothing puts the jinx on like posting picks.
Fair enough. I've spent some time thinking about it but never actually looked at the numbers, however it wouldn't surprise me if:
A. The original lines-makers have half-assed formulas for Salami's instead of running a sim
B. Whatever they do for games, I bet it's worse for 1st periods
C. The Salami line doesn't move automatically as the games move. i.e. A max bet on the under of every game would not move the Salami line (on Pinnacle).
Correlations are going to be an annoyance for this exercise. Personally I'm constrained by liquidity not risk tolerance and I'm not going to waste my time calculating optimality just for the purpose of record-keeping. So either I ignore correlation or make guesstimates. Likely the latter.
Where besides 5d can you even bet a 1st period salami? Greek? Pinny? Where else?
Also does anyone have a comment on NHL team totals? Seems they would be ripe for some of the same exploitation if what you're saying is true as far as adjustments and line movements. Although the high juice may prove me wrong.
There's a lot of gray area to this question. For example, I've won and supported myself in the past for a long time by sports betting but lately I've been losing and interested in other ways of making my livelihood. Do I count as a "professional sports bettor"? How long does "lately" have to be before I stop being one?
I know you said you werent trying to educate and I understand that, but I added all the totals according to Pinny and got 43. I'm positive you have a much more advanced system than that obviously, but the only thing is that while I reached 43, the overs on all of the 5.5 are dogs. So just blindly adding 5.5's, even when the line is closer to 5, I still end up 3 goals under the Grand Salami. I don't see how the total can be 46.
I dunno I'm just thinking out loud. Thanks for the info so far though.