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09-20-2009 , 10:56 AM
Ok so here is monday nights game. spread according to as of 10:50am sunday.

Colts-3 vs Fish:::Winner in upset, Dolphins.

Go ahead flame me for this one. But with out a solid WR corps i dont see the colts being able to pass the ball as well as normal. Basket (newly aquired) is very busy keeping kendar satisfied in bed, so i dont think that hell be up to par with the play book never mind the timing between him and manning. Reggie wayne is always a threat, but when you know there aren't much other threats out on the field besides clark and wayne, your options just got narrowed down to a QB timeing issue. With that being said Porter and taylor are gonna reak havic in the back field. and the CB's just need to provide good coverage.

The only reason why the fish lost last week was due to fumbles, and you can bet that, with sparano being Italian lol, he laid into fassano for fumblin 2 times and costing points.

With the dual RB set up that the fish have, i see them putting up good numbers blasting through the gaps, that will be provided due to Indys D-line. Although there line D-line is highly regarded as good. Dolphins O-line can hold blocks very well. Not to mention if they start using the wildcat, I think it willbe a positive day...

now ill be up front,( i dont like this game all that much but love picking monday nights game) Indy can be explosive at any moment, but Dungy isn't coaching them this year. So i feel the mastermind to there explosiveness has been depleted.

Good luck happy betting
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09-20-2009 , 04:45 PM
wow 3-0 so far that would be 75% right? i think soo.. soo take my advice or not, i study football like u wouldn t believe
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09-20-2009 , 07:30 PM
I'll give credit where credit is due. Congratulations on a job very well done!!!!
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09-20-2009 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by coolwata34
wow 3-0 so far that would be 75% right? i think soo.. soo take my advice or not, i study football like u wouldn t believe
haha..and then after ALL THAT STUDYING, you use the danny sheridan's fake usa today lines, ON A FRIDAY?

good start. congrats. don't spend all those imaginary dollars in one place.
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09-20-2009 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by wiper
haha..and then after ALL THAT STUDYING, you use the danny sheridan's fake usa today lines, ON A FRIDAY?

good start. congrats. don't spend all those imaginary dollars in one place.
stop hating, sad. I don't believe he is John Anthony. He knows nfl, explains it ok and is starting a run. Pipe down?
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09-20-2009 , 07:59 PM
you had me up until 'pipe down'.

i take that as disrespectful.

sooo...**** off.
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09-20-2009 , 08:02 PM
and for the record, i was on his side on one big bet today (oakland), and couldn't pull the trigger on the other two, but definitely was leaning.

i'm getting more lulz out of the whole 'usa today friday newspaper' thing than anything else. if he catches the wrong end of hate due to all the other dummies that have come around in the last month, apologies ahead of time.

but that 'pipe down' **** got me a little riled up, like you're my dad and i'm 10 or something.. **** you.
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09-20-2009 , 08:23 PM
ok soo now that we got that out of the, no hate here, just football picks talk please. For the record i dont want to be no John Anthony,i want to be better lol hahah. But as far as the picks go, like i said i do a tremendous amount of studying... congrats on people that took some or all of my picks. hope it did you well. Seeing as to how i cant "sell" my services here lol that got deleted last time, anyone who would like my in sight on a game let me know the game, dont be going crazy on me and all,asking 50 million games. i would like to have a poker life as well lol, but ill be more than happy to toss in my 2 cents
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09-20-2009 , 08:26 PM will be used for spreads now
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09-20-2009 , 08:36 PM
It's tough to stick to picks discussion when you blindly cite the USA Today as your linesmaker and then move onto Blindly taking 1 site's odds over any other strips any pick you make of credibility.

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09-20-2009 , 08:59 PM
hes 3/3, nothing amazing yet though, lets see how mnf does

ill give him 20 picks before i start paying too much attention and if he is over 60 percent in those ill start giving him the cred he thinks he deserves
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09-20-2009 , 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by coolwata34
Seeing as to how i cant "sell" my services here lol that got deleted last time, anyone who would like my in sight on a game let me know the game, dont be going crazy on me and all,asking 50 million games.
why don't you just start a tout service. no matter how much you say you don't, it's obvious you are at least somewhat interested in making money off of the information you post on here.

[x] in before you reply again and tell us that you will donate half the proceeds to 2p2 (lol)
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09-20-2009 , 09:17 PM
if i ever start studying and analyzing games and then NOT put money on it, I give permission for anyone to give me a swift left hook to the chin

that said, nice picks so far and I like your Monday nighter...I don't have money on it but Fins seems like the right side IMO
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09-20-2009 , 10:34 PM
OP thank you ... I took all your 3 picks and booked a small but fun profit.

If you continue to prove insightful (I really enjoy your QB perspective) I will happily tip you ;-)

Going to take a pass on Monday night though because Indy is usually a fast starter and Miami is not.

Last edited by wallstreetpro; 09-20-2009 at 10:40 PM.
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09-20-2009 , 10:37 PM
nice picks... best of all there's no fine print!
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09-20-2009 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by coolwata34
Ok so here is monday nights game. spread according to as of 10:50am sunday.

Colts-3 vs Fish:::Winner in upset, Dolphins.

Go ahead flame me for this one. But with out a solid WR corps i dont see the colts being able to pass the ball as well as normal. Basket (newly aquired) is very busy keeping kendar satisfied in bed, so i dont think that hell be up to par with the play book never mind the timing between him and manning. Reggie wayne is always a threat, but when you know there aren't much other threats out on the field besides clark and wayne, your options just got narrowed down to a QB timeing issue. With that being said Porter and taylor are gonna reak havic in the back field. and the CB's just need to provide good coverage.

The only reason why the fish lost last week was due to fumbles, and you can bet that, with sparano being Italian lol, he laid into fassano for fumblin 2 times and costing points.

With the dual RB set up that the fish have, i see them putting up good numbers blasting through the gaps, that will be provided due to Indys D-line. Although there line D-line is highly regarded as good. Dolphins O-line can hold blocks very well. Not to mention if they start using the wildcat, I think it willbe a positive day...

now ill be up front,( i dont like this game all that much but love picking monday nights game) Indy can be explosive at any moment, but Dungy isn't coaching them this year. So i feel the mastermind to there explosiveness has been depleted.

Good luck happy betting
Fine then, handicapping discussion ITT. The line on the Colts is ridiculously low because of perceived deficiencies against Jacksonville last week. The only people that aren't are people that actually WATCHED the Colts/Jags game last week. I stated in another thread how the Colts had the ball 5 times in Jags territory where they failed to score (INT at goal line, fumble around the 25, punt around the 45, failed 4th and 1 around the 40 and a missed 51ish Vinatieri FG)

The offense was absolutely clicking. They just didn't score. Even though they weren't running the ball that well they still moved it effectively. "Not having the receivers" is a complete and total joke with this team. They still have Reggie Wayne (a top 10 NFL receiver) and Dallas Clark (a top 5ish TE) Folks are scoffing at the Baskett signing but here's the newsflash, he's not going to be the guy to pick up the slack. I doubt it will be Garcon or Collie either fwiw. The guy to watch is 2nd year TE Jacob Tamme. If I know the Colts they'll go back to a lot of the 2TE sets they used effectively back when Marcus Pollard was having big years. Tamme has proven he can hold onto the ball and run a few good routes. I do think Collie will have a few chances to make plays in the slot as well.

With a 2TE set I'd also expect more of an effective running attack from Addai and Brown.

Defensively, the Colts had probably their best day ever against MJD on the ground last week. Brown and Williams are good but this Colts D is one that will bring more pressure than it has in the past and get Pennington into more 3rd and longs.

I predicted the Jags crumbling this week when others were saying "hey these guys are still decent" and I'll predict the Colts to revert back to the mean and beat the spread in Miami in that horrible stadium.

It shouldn't even be that hard though. Looking at the line and seeing Peyton Manning only giving 3 against Chad Pennington should be enough I think.
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09-20-2009 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by loosekanen
Fine then, handicapping discussion ITT. The line on the Colts is ridiculously low because of perceived deficiencies against Jacksonville last week. The only people that aren't are people that actually WATCHED the Colts/Jags game last week. I stated in another thread how the Colts had the ball 5 times in Jags territory where they failed to score (INT at goal line, fumble around the 25, punt around the 45, failed 4th and 1 around the 40 and a missed 51ish Vinatieri FG)

The offense was absolutely clicking. They just didn't score. Even though they weren't running the ball that well they still moved it effectively. "Not having the receivers" is a complete and total joke with this team. They still have Reggie Wayne (a top 10 NFL receiver) and Dallas Clark (a top 5ish TE) Folks are scoffing at the Baskett signing but here's the newsflash, he's not going to be the guy to pick up the slack. I doubt it will be Garcon or Collie either fwiw. The guy to watch is 2nd year TE Jacob Tamme. If I know the Colts they'll go back to a lot of the 2TE sets they used effectively back when Marcus Pollard was having big years. Tamme has proven he can hold onto the ball and run a few good routes. I do think Collie will have a few chances to make plays in the slot as well.

With a 2TE set I'd also expect more of an effective running attack from Addai and Brown.

Defensively, the Colts had probably their best day ever against MJD on the ground last week. Brown and Williams are good but this Colts D is one that will bring more pressure than it has in the past and get Pennington into more 3rd and longs.

I predicted the Jags crumbling this week when others were saying "hey these guys are still decent" and I'll predict the Colts to revert back to the mean and beat the spread in Miami in that horrible stadium.

It shouldn't even be that hard though. Looking at the line and seeing Peyton Manning only giving 3 against Chad Pennington should be enough I think.
You have a very nice write up against mine. but i do how ever wanna point out, with out a brain the body is no good, tony dungy was and still is a great coach(for when he returns). I do believe you are right in regards to the 2 TE setup, it has been proven effective for the colts, especialy when they had pollard,, even going way back to when harbaugh was behind center.

I believe being at home and being under estimated, the fish have a better advantage because A. Sparano is no joke, he was handpicked out of many other coaches with more qualifications than him to be there HC. B Last week fasano fumbled 2 times, thats more than he fumbled all last year. You can bet that he will continue to be one of the man targets for Pennington. No question in mind Manning is a blows Pennington out of the water in all categories, but what im not buying is the fact that they will be able to produce the infamous passing threat that they have RELIED on in the past season, so to counter that they would most likely give Addia 20-30 carries. I dont see running against taylor and porter and easy task not to mention if they put in cameron wake( CFL's rookie of the year as well as Defensive player of the year)
Thank you for your opinion though, it only helps my studies in future picks... Dolphins over Colts by 6+
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09-20-2009 , 11:12 PM
Originally Posted by loosekanen
It's tough to stick to picks discussion when you blindly cite the USA Today as your linesmaker and then move onto Blindly taking 1 site's odds over any other strips any pick you make of credibility.

Only reason why i switched is because i, the people i know normaly use the USA today paper as there spread, but seeing as to how Sportsbook is the more popular /reliable spread maker it shall be them.
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09-21-2009 , 03:18 AM
Originally Posted by wiper
and for the record, i was on his side on one big bet today (oakland), and couldn't pull the trigger on the other two, but definitely was leaning.

i'm getting more lulz out of the whole 'usa today friday newspaper' thing than anything else. if he catches the wrong end of hate due to all the other dummies that have come around in the last month, apologies ahead of time.

but that 'pipe down' **** got me a little riled up, like you're my dad and i'm 10 or something.. **** you.
twas a lil harsh. Although you were the first to hate on him without provocation. We didn;t want to hear the standard cries of you 'shhh you'll never have an edge, blah blah'. Wait and see, sit back and enjoy. If it ends in tears you can say I told you so...
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09-21-2009 , 04:28 AM
Coolwata, have to admit, I thought your post was a joke, but the laugh is on me. The proof is in the pudding...3-0 is 3-0 however you slice it. But I don't think it's a big enough sampling yet to start risking my bets with you, but definitely paying attention now!
I'd like to wait and see how you do on your Monday night pick and week 3, maybe week 4 as well, which hopefully gives me a total sample of at least 10 games... and if your still kicking tail and getting +75% winners, we can talk shop. Not a high roller by any means, but definitely will give credit to someone with a good tip.
Later, keep up the W's,
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09-21-2009 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by coolwata34
Only reason why i switched is because i, the people i know normaly use the USA today paper as there spread, but seeing as to how Sportsbook is the more popular /reliable spread maker it shall be them.
His point was that no serious handicapper will ever limit themselves to one book because line shopping is too important.
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09-21-2009 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by AAdanielAA
Coolwata, have to admit, I thought your post was a joke, but the laugh is on me. The proof is in the pudding...3-0 is 3-0 however you slice it. But I don't think it's a big enough sampling yet to start risking my bets with you, but definitely paying attention now!
I'd like to wait and see how you do on your Monday night pick and week 3, maybe week 4 as well, which hopefully gives me a total sample of at least 10 games... and if your still kicking tail and getting +75% winners, we can talk shop. Not a high roller by any means, but definitely will give credit to someone with a good tip.
Later, keep up the W's,
How is 10 games even remotely a sample size? I'd wait for 20 at least! C'mon 15-5!!!
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09-21-2009 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by Assani Fisher
His point was that no serious handicapper will ever limit themselves to one book because line shopping is too important.
Did I just read that?
And what happened to the 6 teams not to make the playoffs?

My head 'sploding
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09-21-2009 , 03:17 PM
aww looks like your favorite punching bag Assani Fisher, is all grown up now
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09-21-2009 , 03:29 PM
Thread delivers...
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