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03-03-2013 , 01:44 AM
Struve was in full mount both rounds for like 30 secounds but besides that Hunt won the rounds so it's tricky

Hunt/Sefo one the GOAT fun fights (this one too now imo), lol hating on Hunt

Barry/Kongo, Diaz/Lawler, Smith/Sell, etc ... they're MMA porn

Last edited by DodgerIrish; 03-03-2013 at 02:10 AM. Reason: had guard listed instead of mount
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03-03-2013 , 01:45 AM
Struve should get Semmy Schilt show him how to use his length and employ Knees. At his height his knees would be deadly but he barely uses them
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03-03-2013 , 01:46 AM
Hunt has excellent standup technique. He's like a Roy Nelson but without the grappling(though I rank hunts standup better than nelsons). He doesn't just throw haymakers, he mixes it up very nice and has excellent hooks. He lost to McCorkle because of his bad sub defense and he was very verbal of how ashamed he was to lose that fight to McCorkle.
I think Lims KO was better, but this was so much more satisfying imo, the elements around it a lot more satisfying for some reason.
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03-03-2013 , 01:46 AM
Struve could have just kick mark hunt to death. Front kick, body kicks, leg kicks.
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03-03-2013 , 01:46 AM
Originally Posted by DodgerIrish
Struve was in full guard both rounds for like 30 secounds but besides that Hunt won the rounds so it's tricky

Hunt/Sefo one the GOAT fun fights (this one too now imo), lol hating on Hunt

Barry/Kongo, Diaz/Lawler ... they're MMA porn
One of the best. Everyone should watch that one if you're bored one of these days.
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03-03-2013 , 01:50 AM
Struves standup is a joke, idk wtf he was doing in round 2, was he trying to prove a point or something, no idea. I really don't understand why he doesn't kick alot, and like elliot says, clinch up and use those knee's ffs. Jab, do something. Even in the first round, he doesn't even strike anymore, he just stands and defends.
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03-03-2013 , 01:51 AM
Well time for wandy to outmma stann or get KTFO.
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03-03-2013 , 01:54 AM
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03-03-2013 , 01:54 AM
Really want silva to win but the army dude winning is better for the shallow division
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03-03-2013 , 01:56 AM
shaping out to be an awesome match. I have no idea how they are going to last 5 rounds though.
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03-03-2013 , 01:58 AM
left hook right hook left hook right hook hook hook hook
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03-03-2013 , 01:58 AM
Great round!
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03-03-2013 , 01:58 AM
Well this just stole FOTN from hunt struve.
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03-03-2013 , 01:58 AM
Round of the year so far.
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03-03-2013 , 01:59 AM
10-9 Stann JFC this is bananas. How is Wand not out he was dropped like 3x
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03-03-2013 , 01:59 AM
Stann drops wandy 3x, Wandy drops stann. Sick round.

2:30 more, then time for Wandy to finish Stann

If they can do this for 3+ rounds it'll be FOTY

Don't think it's gonna go to decision but 10-9 stann narrowly
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03-03-2013 , 02:01 AM
10-9 Stann 1st round, but looks good for wandy, stann has a nasty cut on his nose. If he can jab that away in r2 his chances will improve alot.
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03-03-2013 , 02:02 AM
**** these groin kicks can possibly ruin this match.
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03-03-2013 , 02:05 AM
Oh hello free money
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03-03-2013 , 02:05 AM
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03-03-2013 , 02:05 AM
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03-03-2013 , 02:06 AM

My Silva itd saved my card, bloody sanchez
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03-03-2013 , 02:06 AM
Vintage Hunt and Wanderlei!
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03-03-2013 , 02:06 AM
I must run worse than anyone alive. Feel great about my Stann -150 bets, I mean he dropped Wand 3x in the first. I guess Stann has no heart, dude looked like he didn't wanna be in there in round 2 and got what he deserved.
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03-03-2013 , 02:07 AM
this is so awesome, 4/4 for this event. Everyone delivers, props to swoop for laying out thoughts on wandy.
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