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MLB 2010 Model Tracking Thread MLB 2010 Model Tracking Thread

04-06-2010 , 10:51 PM
Being heavily interested in sabermetrics, I created a model in Excel to handicap baseball. I'm using this thread to publicly track my picks. I normally bet overnight lines more than day-of, but there may be exceptions if a line moves in my direction. Units are on a scale from 1u to 4u based on my perceived edge.

Yankees +130 1u
Twins +135 1u
Cardinals -133 1u
White Sox -164 1.5u
Astros +134 2.5u
Pirates +148 1u
A's -123 2u

Edit: Looks like 5dimes just posted reduced juice lines about five minutes after I made these bets... having never bet before, I thought they would come up significantly later than their normal openers. Lesson learned, I guess.

Last edited by Party; 04-06-2010 at 10:59 PM.
MLB 2010 Model Tracking Thread Quote
04-07-2010 , 12:08 AM
Blue Jays +181 1u
MLB 2010 Model Tracking Thread Quote
04-07-2010 , 06:38 PM
Nationals +175 1u
MLB 2010 Model Tracking Thread Quote
04-07-2010 , 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by Party
Yankees +130 1u Win +1.3u
Twins +135 1u
Cardinals -133 1u Win +.75u
White Sox -164 1.5u Loss -1.5u
Astros +134 2.5u Loss -2.5u
Pirates +148 1u Win +1.48u
A's -123 2u
Blue Jays +181 1u Win +1.81u
Nationals +175 1u Loss -1u
Still waiting on Twins and A's

Cubs +183 3u
Orioles +165 1u
Indians +133 1u
Blue Jays +143 1.5u
Twins +125 4u
Pirates +136 1u
Nationals +138 4u
Mets -109 1u

Three big bets in this set of games, and I'm surprised that my model is suggesting so many bets in general - but Imma stick it out and see where it leads me (and where the lines move before gametime tomorrow)
MLB 2010 Model Tracking Thread Quote
04-08-2010 , 03:49 PM
good luck.

is this your models first season?
MLB 2010 Model Tracking Thread Quote
04-08-2010 , 05:43 PM
Thanks. It is, and so far, it seems to be doing quite well against opening lines just from a line movement perspective - the only lines I took that didn't move to worse odds by the afternoon were bets on PIT and WAS, which echoes what happened yesterday (probably more a result of public perception of those teams being exceptionally low than anything else)
MLB 2010 Model Tracking Thread Quote
04-09-2010 , 01:02 AM
Originally Posted by Party
Still waiting on Twins and A's
Yankees +130 1u Win +1.3u
Twins +135 1u Win +1.35u
Cardinals -133 1u Win +.75u
White Sox -164 1.5u Loss -1.5u
Astros +134 2.5u Loss -2.5u
Pirates +148 1u Win +1.48u
A's -123 2u Win +1.63u
Blue Jays +181 1u Win +1.81u
Nationals +175 1u Loss -1u

Cubs +183 3u Win +5.49u
Orioles +165 1u Win +1.65u
Indians +133 1u Win +1.33u
Blue Jays +143 1.5u Win +2.15u
Twins +125 4u Win +5u
Pirates +136 1u Loss -1u
Nationals +138 4u Win +5.52u
Mets -109 1u Loss -1u
6-3, +3.32u

6-2, +19.14u

12-5, +22.72u

Well... it sure is nice to hit EVERYTHING right out of the gate. I sure don't look forward to the inevitable opposite days.
MLB 2010 Model Tracking Thread Quote
04-09-2010 , 01:04 AM

Yankees -108 3u
Red Sox -146 1.5u
Mariners +140 1u
Indians +135 3.5u
Nationals +129 2u
Orioles -126 2u
Astros +146 1.5u
Brewers -103 1u
MLB 2010 Model Tracking Thread Quote
04-09-2010 , 10:26 AM
Very impressive start, keep it up!
MLB 2010 Model Tracking Thread Quote
04-09-2010 , 09:33 PM
Pirates +148 1.5u
MLB 2010 Model Tracking Thread Quote
04-09-2010 , 11:14 PM
Originally Posted by Party
6-3, +3.32u

6-2, +19.14u

12-5, +22.72u

Well... it sure is nice to hit EVERYTHING right out of the gate. I sure don't look forward to the inevitable opposite days.
Didn't have to wait long for that opposite day, ouch. Tough one. You can always bounce back!
MLB 2010 Model Tracking Thread Quote
04-09-2010 , 11:25 PM
A clean sweep!!!! fml. I'm just going to rule the Pirates a loss, since they're down 8-0 and this way I don't have to wait.

Originally Posted by Party

Yankees -108 3u Loss -3u
Red Sox -146 1.5u Loss -1.5u
Mariners +140 1u Loss -1u
Indians +135 3.5u Loss -3.5u
Nationals +129 2u Loss -2u
Orioles -126 2u Loss -2u
Astros +146 1.5u Loss -1.5u
Brewers -103 1u Loss -1u
Pirates +148 1.5u Loss -1.5u
4/9: 0-9, -17u

YTD: 12-16, +5.75u
MLB 2010 Model Tracking Thread Quote
04-09-2010 , 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by Party

Yankees -108 3u
Red Sox -146 1.5u
Mariners +140 1u
Indians +135 3.5u
Nationals +129 2u
Orioles -126 2u
Astros +146 1.5u
Brewers -103 1u
Wow, talk about THUD. My condolences man, that's brutal
MLB 2010 Model Tracking Thread Quote
04-09-2010 , 11:47 PM
Haha, thanks for the condolences, all. At least it came after such a great day... and I can rest easy knowing it'll be damn hard to ever do worse! 4/10 plays incoming...
MLB 2010 Model Tracking Thread Quote
04-10-2010 , 12:04 AM
Yankees -137 1u
Red Sox -118 1u
Indians +146 2.5u
Braves -121 3u
Cubs +112 1.5u
Pirates +245 3u
Mets -119 2u
Marlins -138 1.5u
Astros +130 2.5u

Cardinals +124 4u
Don't bet this. I made the mistake of trusting an inaccurate probable pitchers list (the one on sbrodds) when I ran my simulations, which said Chris Carpenter was starting, then hit the 5dimes reduced juice line the second it was posted... before the Listed Pitchers were even shown. I'm including it, obv, because I bet it and want clean records... another lesson learned here.
MLB 2010 Model Tracking Thread Quote
04-10-2010 , 11:26 AM
Looking crazy good on line movement today with most of these. Clearly I need to wait until daytime to bet Houston, though; their odds seem to only go up from opening.
MLB 2010 Model Tracking Thread Quote
04-10-2010 , 11:30 AM
A's +160 1u
MLB 2010 Model Tracking Thread Quote
04-10-2010 , 02:00 PM
Pitching change for the Pirates from mccutchen to duke, does this change the projection?
MLB 2010 Model Tracking Thread Quote
04-10-2010 , 03:50 PM
Without going too much into details, it would still be a 3u buy at +245, but at the current US market price of +220 it goes from a 3u to 1u (or 1.5u, if you're more variance-tolerant) play.
MLB 2010 Model Tracking Thread Quote
04-10-2010 , 05:05 PM
Astros +144 1u

The price has gotten too good to justify not adding another bet.
MLB 2010 Model Tracking Thread Quote
04-10-2010 , 11:40 PM
Indians +183 4u
Padres +225 1.5u
Braves +186 2u
Dodgers +118 2.5u
Astros +175 1.5u
Pirates +201 6u

I cannot stress enough how far off from fair this Pirates line is. It's so ridiculous that I'm breaking the upper bound of my scale to bet on it, after doing my calculations twice to make sure I didn't **** up. I estimate an edge of 44% (!!!!!!!!!!) on this line, no joke.
MLB 2010 Model Tracking Thread Quote
04-11-2010 , 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by Party
Yankees -137 1u Win +.73u
Red Sox -118 1u Win +.85u
Indians +146 2.5u Loss -2.5u
Braves -121 3u Win +2.48u
Cubs +112 1.5u Win +1.68u
Pirates +245 3u Win +7.35u
Mets -119 2u Loss -2u
Marlins -138 1.5u Win +1.09u
Astros +130 2.5u Loss -2.5u
Cardinals +124 4u Happy Mistake Win +4.96u
A's +160 1u Loss -1u
Astros +144 1u Loss -1u
4/10: 7-5, +10.14u

YTD: 19-19, +15.89u
MLB 2010 Model Tracking Thread Quote
04-11-2010 , 01:10 AM
Originally Posted by Party
Indians +183 4u
Padres +225 1.5u
Braves +186 2u
Dodgers +118 2.5u
Astros +175 1.5u
Pirates +201 6u

I cannot stress enough how far off from fair this Pirates line is. It's so ridiculous that I'm breaking the upper bound of my scale to bet on it, after doing my calculations twice to make sure I didn't **** up. I estimate an edge of 44% (!!!!!!!!!!) on this line, no joke.
You do have McCutchen in your model and not Duke, right?
MLB 2010 Model Tracking Thread Quote
04-11-2010 , 01:24 AM
Also, wasn't your pirates+245 bet before the pitching change?
MLB 2010 Model Tracking Thread Quote
04-11-2010 , 05:47 AM
Originally Posted by KUJustin
You do have McCutchen in your model and not Duke, right?
I'm sure he had McCutchen. Besides, I have growing faith.

Big double placed on McCutchen and The Freak
MLB 2010 Model Tracking Thread Quote
