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06-07-2014 , 11:07 PM
"They're a bunch of goddamn cheaters," Coburn told Yahoo Sports. "If your horse doesn't even have the points to run in the Kentucky Derby, he shouldn't be able to run in the Triple Crown. They're goddamn cheaters."

Asked how much this defeat hurt after watching Chrome win six straight races, Coburn said, "It hurt a lot because this isn't my horse, this is America's horse. … We've still got the best horse in the United States."

Between photos and hugs, Coburn kept up the assault to any reporter who came up to ask a question. At one point his wife Carolyn slapped him on the arm in an attempt to hush him up. He ignored her.
lol amazing
06-07-2014 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by JAAASH
I am so confused on that rant but I also don't know anything about horse racing. I mean aren't these all completely separated races governed by different bodies? They just make up the "Triple Crown" because someone came up with that name and that these three would comprise it? So it would be like Tiger Woods winning the first 3 majors of the year and failing to win the PGA and then ranting that some guy who didn't qualify for the Masters, US Open, or British Open that wins the final major of the year is a coward and it's not fair to him, right?
Congrats, you understand the Triple Crown better than Steve Coburn does.
06-08-2014 , 04:42 AM
There's a way to get from the Preakness to the Belmont, but nooooooo, we want to treat our horses as celebrities and pets now.

They all KNEW that there were fresh horses at Belmont, who had been pointing specifically for the mile and a half. First and foremost, it is the tracks race for deciding the champion 3 year old of the meet. So if you want to come here and beat our horses, and take our prize money, then come on.

But nooooooo, we can't train our horse too hard. Those mean old time trainers in the past pushed there horses too hard. Oh nooooooo, we will give our champion a galloping vacation with a single 5f workout to get him ready for a mile and a freaking half on Belmonts finest sandy surface. Our champion is so much better than all the rest, he can rate, and he feels so good in the mornings, and he is eating all his oats. We don't need to train and condition, we just need to show up.

Coburn, you disgraced yourself, your wife, your partner, all the horsemen in your trainers stable. You disgraced Churchill Downs, Pimlico, all of New York State, everybody involved in horse racing was hurt on the biggest race day of the year thanks to your out of control behavior.

Dude, you have about a week to get your head straight, apologize to everybody, and put this mess you created back together again. I hope you don't forget how to run that little press machine at work, stamping out drivers licenses. Loser.
06-08-2014 , 09:49 AM
Coburn did not apologize this morning at Belmont. Ranted a little more. He is an idiot. Art Sherman did say the horses and trainers aren't cowards and that coburn was in the heat of the moment but should not have said that
06-08-2014 , 10:17 AM
I knew enough about Art to know HE was not saying those things early on. Did catch the youtube video and a pos is a pos what can you say.

Taking H2H action B3 or ATS on DW from Belmont early and late hit me up with a pvt if interested before noon and we will set it up.

Good luck to everyone's plays itt today.
06-08-2014 , 10:21 AM
Tonalist's cowardly owners should offer Coburn a 1.5 mile match race against CC after he's had time to rest.

The worst part of this is reading the comments on Triple Crown related articles. A lot of people who clearly know nothing about horse racing are actually sticking up for Coburn saying it was "unfair" and that he is right.

One funny thing is that the guy interviewing Coburn was so confused as to what exactly he was whining about that he asked if he meant the other jockeys had gone after Chrome a la Smarty Jones. Cause that is really the only thing that would have made a lick of sense...

I don't think Coburn even gets that the 3 year olds are not the best horses. His colt was foaled in February, just like nearly every other horse that did well in the TC races this year. It's like a 20 year old racing against teenagers and crying about how unfair it is when he loses. A year from now his horse could be struggling to buy a win, just like some other horses who just missed winning the TC. Not that I think he will ever race as a 4 year old. Unfortunately, the economics of it all basically force the owners to retire these precocious speedballs to the breeding shed as early as possible.

I doubt Coburn will want to leave CA ever again, but the Haskell would be a good race for CC to eventually shoot for. Three year olds only, 9 furlongs, big purse and a bonus of $50K for the trainer and ownership group ($25K per TC race won).
06-08-2014 , 11:59 AM
oh man i hope some of u took my advice and played mike smith yester day. i got beat on my chrome bets and pick 4 but with the west coast bayern and mike smith on a last out winner paid 220. then next raCE sweet whisky and sweet reason paid another 240 covered my wholeday plus some.
06-08-2014 , 12:06 PM
Am I wrong to think if Coburn had his way and horses had to run all 3 races, we might have a Triple Crown winner every other year?
06-08-2014 , 12:18 PM
Has anyone mentioned to this idiot owner that a horse who did actually run in the Kentucky Derby beat California Chrome yesterday?
06-08-2014 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by EddyB66
Am I wrong to think if Coburn had his way and horses had to run all 3 races, we might have a Triple Crown winner every other year?
If he had his way we would have loads of Triple Crown horses. Smarty Jones would be considered one of the greatest horses ever because he would've retired undefeated.... The Belmont is the hardest leg of the triple crown because of the distance and the new shooters that wait for it.
06-08-2014 , 01:49 PM
Could not get any early action but did get the HTR software founder in late Belmont lucky me

SA decent tourney on DW and will take action there this evening as well.
Feel like getting after it again today.
06-08-2014 , 02:06 PM
In 1948 Citation ran in and won a stakes race between his wins in the Preakness and Belmont. You have to be a special, special horse to win the triple crown. And that's the way it should be.
06-08-2014 , 02:42 PM
I am somewhat relieved by the fact that the men that post here clearly get what the triple crown means and what a tool Coburn is. To me the triple crown is one of the most prestigious achievements in all of sports. IMO it should not be changed ever. The fact that it is so hard to do makes it so special. Much to my disappointment but horses like Silver Charm, Real Quiet, Funny Cide, Charismatic, War Emblem, Big Brown, Smarty Jones,CALIFORNIA CHROME, even a horse as great as Spectacular Bid don't belong with the Seattle Slews, Affirmed and Secretariats of the racing world.
The support this clown is get from people who obviously are only less than casual fans is sickening. You want to change the way the races are run,go ahead and do it, but you call it something else, its NOT the triple crown. Start a new category, the wussification of America Crown. I realize that I have gone off the deep end on this subject but racing is a passion of mine, thanks for letting me rant.
06-08-2014 , 04:53 PM
As a non-fan of horse racing here only because of the sore-loser rant, I have a question for the knowledgeable horse fans.....

In hindsight, what were California Chrome's odds of winning? If it's SOOOOO impossible to win vs fresh horses according to the owner, then why was Chrome less than even money, while the winning horse was 9-1?

Basically, it feels to me like 1 of 2 things must be true.

The owner is right, it's REALLY hard to win for Chrome, and therefore the betting public are idiots for taking such low odds

The owner is wrong, the streak 30+ year streak of no triple crowns is just an unusual fluke and placing bets at slightly less than even money is reasonable.
06-08-2014 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by zioxcult
As a non-fan of horse racing here only because of the sore-loser rant, I have a question for the knowledgeable horse fans.....

In hindsight, what were California Chrome's odds of winning? If it's SOOOOO impossible to win vs fresh horses according to the owner, then why was Chrome less than even money, while the winning horse was 9-1?

Basically, it feels to me like 1 of 2 things must be true.

The owner is right, it's REALLY hard to win for Chrome, and therefore the betting public are idiots for taking such low odds

The owner is wrong, the streak 30+ year streak of no triple crowns is just an unusual fluke and placing bets at slightly less than even money is reasonable.
I would say neither... The owner is not right and its not an unusual fluke. Only the best of the best win the triple crown. That's why it hasn't happened in so long. Everything has to go perfect for your horse to win each of the triple crown races during the race, on top of that he/she has to be bred/fast enough for each distance and be a superior horse to his fellow contenders (without getting hurt during the TC trail). I think Chromes off odds yesterday were 4/5... Compare those odds to the last two horses who won the first two legs of the triple crown (1/5) so 4/5 seemed pretty generous. Chrome probably would have been closer to 7-8/5 if it wasn't for all of the people buying tickets as keepsakes.
06-08-2014 , 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by zioxcult
As a non-fan of horse racing here only because of the sore-loser rant, I have a question for the knowledgeable horse fans.....

In hindsight, what were California Chrome's odds of winning? If it's SOOOOO impossible to win vs fresh horses according to the owner, then why was Chrome less than even money, while the winning horse was 9-1?

Basically, it feels to me like 1 of 2 things must be true.

The owner is right, it's REALLY hard to win for Chrome, and therefore the betting public are idiots for taking such low odds

The owner is wrong, the streak 30+ year streak of no triple crowns is just an unusual fluke and placing bets at slightly less than even money is reasonable.

I'll give my opinion of some of these questions.

You didn't ask, but yes, sore loser rant. Complete donk. He acts as though he thinks the Triple Crown is something that was set up specifically, when in reality was just a moniker given to winning three already prestigious races. There's nothing that says his horse had to run at Belmont if he felt it was all unfair, as he should know, because he threatened to take him to LosAl...

Not impossible for horses that have been running to win against fresh horses. Happens every day at every track across the globe. There are many angles handicappers look at all the time, one of which is how long the horse has been off since last race. Many times you choose the horses that have been running races, and are not coming off a layoff. Many animals "need a race" before they fire their best. In horseracing, it truly is a matter of "it depends."

Just to win 3 races in a row is difficult, study some PPs of proven winners. Note how few very very good horses win 3 in a row, and come back and report the results - I'd bet the percentage is quite low. It's difficult, and to win 3 grade 1s in a row, against stiff competition, it takes a special animal and special effort.

As for the public, IMO, yes, the public was stupid for taking him at such odds. That's what makes them the public. You asked what his true odds were of winning the race? Well, who knows? That's what your handicapping is for. If you are asking me, I'd tell you that I felt as though he was the best horse in the race. That if you lined him up and ran a straight match race 1-on-1 vs all the other horses in the race, he would win most of the time. I personally figured him to win the Belmont around 1/3 to 2/5 of the time. You might look at what I just wrote and say, wtf? you think he is the best horse in the race, but will win only 40% of the time? Well, ya, and maybe not even that. Have you ever watched a horse race with more than 10 horses in it? All kinds of trouble can happen - bad start, bumping, getting cut off, jockey misreading a hole or can't get through, goes outside when a spot opened up on rail, etc etc etc. Not to mention jockey falling off or injury the list of trouble goes on and on. It happens, it's a horse race, not a math equation.

Given all that, you have to figure what price you are willing to take for the horse you think is going to win. I would have probably bet on him to win at around 8-5, not lower. At 4-5, hell no. As I once heard, ain't a man alive can pay the rent on 4-5.....

That is why I bet a bunch of different combinations of horses in exactas and trifectas to try to beat CC, the horse I felt was best, in hopes that he missed the board and the tote would blow up, which is exactly what happened. I had the right idea, and wrong horses. I never put Tonalist on top, had him in underneath spots only. Didn't win a dime. And while I lost that day, I had a strategy designed to win big, if something that the public was betting would happen, didn't happen.

Sorry for the book, this is all just imo and I get caught up in some of this stuff, and since I post infrequently, guess some of it just came out haha.
06-08-2014 , 10:21 PM
BBB624 and Cat Thief, thanks for the well written responses.
06-08-2014 , 11:51 PM
I still think California Chrome was ready to win the race and just had a less than great trip. He didn't have a great post, and Espinosa couldn't get him to the outside. Every concession was made to give Chrome the TC with the nasal strips. It just wasn't meant to be.

Side note: nothing more annoying than my non gambling friend who is ranting on FB about how it wasn't fair that other horses get to be fresh. Guy wouldn't even know what a furlong is, but is holding court about the horror of the Triple Crown.
06-09-2014 , 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by EddyB66

Side note: nothing more annoying than my non gambling friend who is ranting on FB about how it wasn't fair that other horses get to be fresh. Guy wouldn't even know what a furlong is, but is holding court about the horror of the Triple Crown.

I am a horse betting noob , in the highest sense (as I know about betting theory) , and I have a couple questions regarding how fair this race is in determining if he is the best horse.

1. How often are 1.5 mile races run ? I only attend the major events (Belmont, Derby , travers , oaks , breeder ) and I have yet to see another 1.5 mile race. So in regular racing how often do they occur?

I approached this race as throwing out the book , fading the favorite and trying to figure out who would finish strongest. As I felt this race is different than the others.
06-09-2014 , 05:50 AM
Check out my horse (I own a little piece) run here 5/26 race 4. #2, MaryJean.

Looks like i can't link directly to the race. You'll have to select the date on the calender and race 4. Sorry.
06-09-2014 , 07:49 AM
Originally Posted by EddyB66
I still think California Chrome was ready to win the race and just had a less than great trip. He didn't have a great post, and Espinosa couldn't get him to the outside. Every concession was made to give Chrome the TC with the nasal strips. It just wasn't meant to be.

Side note: nothing more annoying than my non gambling friend who is ranting on FB about how it wasn't fair that other horses get to be fresh. Guy wouldn't even know what a furlong is, but is holding court about the horror of the Triple Crown.
I am going to have to say I disagree with everything you said except for the non gambling friend moron (I'm dealing with the same type of people on my end who don't know the game).

Chromes post was moot...In the Belmont post position means nothing. He had the 2 post in a mile and half race in an 11 horse field. Its not like Derby where the 2 post kills you because the first turn comes so quick and you have to gun it from jump street because 10 or more other horses are trying to move over and could cut you off. Espinoza actually got himself in really nice position on Saturday.... he could have went to the lead or take back like he did. Nothing was forced on him. He did it his way.

Espinoza couldn't get him to the outside? Espinoza saved all the ground on the inside and got CC cleanly to the outside with a half mile to go. If Chrome was good enough on Saturday he had an ample amount of time to pass the other horses and easily would have. He just wasn't... Whether it was the foot or fatigue... The bottom line is Tonalist was the better horse Saturday (As was Commisioner and Medal Count).

And for once I agree with Andy Serling (who was on CNN yesterday talking about Coburn) .... He said Coburn should be happy Tonalist didn't run in the derby... ZING!

Bottom line is this IMO... CC had a nice run... Coburn should be happy with the fact that he didn't have to face the likes of Tonalist, Danza, Shared Belief, Untappable, etc... every step of the way... CC won two TC races... Now go back to California and STFU because now were gonna see what your horse is really made of if he continues to run. There will be new shooters in every race, so it only gets tougher from here.

Last edited by BBB624; 06-09-2014 at 07:54 AM.
06-09-2014 , 11:11 AM
hi usually i come in and type up a storm. its sad to say that the owners for chrome are getting to much attention. this guy had his 15 minutes of fame, he lost and then still wanted 15 seconds. when u lose, why pan over to u. go to tonalist go to bill mott go to rasario. horse racing was here before him its gonna be here after him. im from west coast and this guy made it about him, not the horse not the sport. when i go to the tracks around here i pay to get in and i pay for a form to study. i study what the horse. i study what the jockey does. and i study the trainers numbers on the surface. i dont study the owner. the big name owners who own a lot of horses and a farm u know about there silks stand out. but i dont go to study the owner. he leaves his horse with the trainer to do his job. lets not come in here and give this guys name anymore love. he dont own another horse to run, solet his horse rest and come back in september. The horse, the jockey, thats who matters everything else is sour milk. oh yeah great job all horses this past weekend and always. but greraT job mike smith. garey stevens also. and i told u all rosie is a joke,
06-09-2014 , 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by EddyB66
Side note: nothing more annoying than my non gambling friend who is ranting on FB about how it wasn't fair that other horses get to be fresh. Guy wouldn't even know what a furlong is, but is holding court about the horror of the Triple Crown.
Yeah, this is the worst part. And it also shows what is a huge problem in America today. People are encouraged, from an early age, to have very strong opinions on matters concerning which they have little to no knowledge.
06-09-2014 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by zioxcult
As a non-fan of horse racing here only because of the sore-loser rant, I have a question for the knowledgeable horse fans.....

In hindsight, what were California Chrome's odds of winning? If it's SOOOOO impossible to win vs fresh horses according to the owner, then why was Chrome less than even money, while the winning horse was 9-1?

Basically, it feels to me like 1 of 2 things must be true.

The owner is right, it's REALLY hard to win for Chrome, and therefore the betting public are idiots for taking such low odds

The owner is wrong, the streak 30+ year streak of no triple crowns is just an unusual fluke and placing bets at slightly less than even money is reasonable.
Yes, the betting public were idiots for taking such low odds. Look at it this way... Let's say an American tennis player wins the Australia Open and US Open. Would you take him at short odds to win the French? It's a totally different surface. It's not the same game, it's a bit different. Some American guy who has barely played on clay and whose game is geared to playing on hard court is not going to win the French Open just because he won hard court tournaments.

The Belmont is a different race than the Derby or Preakness. The Derby and Preakness are very similar.

In Great Britain, the 'Triple Crown" races consist of 3 turf races. Their distances are 1 mile, 1.5 miles, and 1.75 miles! Do you know any Olympic runners who could compete at a world class level at both 800 meters and 10,000 meters? Yeah, didn't think so. In GB most trainers don't even attempt to win their TC even if they win the first race.

Going back to the tennis analogy... If you win all 4 of the major tournaments in a calendar year, you are said to have won the "Grand Slam". The GS is just something that was made up to describe a great accomplishment. Kind of like how the "Serena Slam" was made up. The four tournaments all have their own history and traditions. A suggestion to change Wimbledon or the French Open to hard courts in order to make it easier for players to win a GS would be laughed off, and rightfully so. But imagine if millions of idiots who knew nothing about tennis were screaming for just such a change. That's basically what's happening now.

Last edited by Post-Oak; 06-09-2014 at 11:32 AM.
06-09-2014 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by sgvoak
and i told u all rosie is a joke,
A joke? Maybe you should look over your form or whatever you read a little longer. She is one of the top jockeys in the States. She wins 22% of the time and is 5th in earnings at 6.1 million. You don't get live mounts like she does unless you got the goods... and shes got them.
