Originally Posted by just_mo
@Rainkhan If the dude had never before wagered like this, that's part of the red flag. And he's betting max and max at increasingly worse odds on a Bo1? That's not some whale that's someone who knows something. What do you want Pinny to do, pray the person is just a fish and does that again? Obv they are privy to the guy's betting history so this is clearly outside the norm.
They should suspend the grading of the wagers pending a full investigation. However, from the looks of it they had every intention to keep the dark bets if dark lost and do what they are doing now if dark won. Classic freeroll.
There is nothing wrong with someone whos never bet on sc2 to just show up and pound the **** out of dark if he knows that San has a really bad wrist. Also, if in his own expertise he determines that San wouldnt even stand a chance vs a code A player in this specific best of 1. Ask yourself, would you rather bet the farm on a game like the superbowl where you know about as much as any other speculator, or would u bet the farm on a game where you have first hand knowledge which is not cheating but merely you taking a risk based on your knowledge of pro-gamer related injuries and how such injuries affect their results on the games played after such injuries occured?
Cheating would be if San conspired with the punter in question to throw the match or soft play with the intention of profiting by betting on Dark. Pinnacle just flat out said because their "algorithm" set off red-flags that they are proceeding by suspending betting, but what this really means is that guy who bet 100k got freerolled hard while ppl who bet 20$ got a refunded lol.
In conclusion, I think the only thing pinnacle should do moving forward is update the e-sports betting community more thoroughly on what steps they're taking to resolve this as without doing so it leaves a lot to be questioned on their integrity. Why ever bother betting big on a side if they're going to suspend betting when u push a line too far? If you know San's hand is going to make him play like complete garbage then betting a line from -125 all the way up to -400 is just printing money when the real line should be as high or higher than 90% implied probability. Again, I must re-iterate: Betting heavily against San because of first hand knowledge is not cheating. If anyone questions this then I'm done here. If you hear about an nba star being sick with the flu and you know about this before the line moves then you can get in early by betting on the other team heavily and your bet won't be voided. Why should they void it here/freeroll the guy just because he's brand new? A full investigation needs to happen to prove if he was indeed cheating or was not.