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Attention hl sports bettors I've been scammed at 5dimes Attention hl sports bettors I've been scammed at 5dimes

11-27-2012 , 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by Dan711
As for half of that 2% I figure they are probably planted by 5d so their opinion is bias and therefore holds no weight here.
odds you are plant from other book > other posters here 5d plants
Attention hl sports bettors I've been scammed at 5dimes Quote
11-27-2012 , 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by Wyman
You should quit while you are ahead imo. Every time you post, your case gets worse.
Attention hl sports bettors I've been scammed at 5dimes Quote
11-27-2012 , 10:18 PM
dan for real, just stop posting until sbr rules in your dispute. you can't win your money back here.

and you come off really bad. like, i want to side with you, but you're making it difficult.

not that i matter.
Attention hl sports bettors I've been scammed at 5dimes Quote
11-27-2012 , 11:00 PM
A friend of my girlfriends got robbed and almost raped leaving a party. I was all like "why the hell did she walk home alone hammered in a cocktail dress." I was accused of something...there was more talking, but I tuned it out... something about double standards and victim blaming....

Dan- I don't think it matters if you post here. I just read the SBR thread and it is probably in your interest to take a softer approach there and only post once a day or so. Leave them outs. I recommend sending Justin a PM saying that you are happy he is looking at the case and ask him if he needs copies of anything etc. If you are lucky this kind of polite pressure can work. (BetOnline jacked a poker player, Lou tried to blame the player, Justin weighed in and eventually they sided with the player after the player went through hand histories himself. BOL paid.)
Attention hl sports bettors I've been scammed at 5dimes Quote
11-27-2012 , 11:08 PM
You have been following this thread long enough and u should it's less about the money and more about the threats and exposing the book/issue! Weather u like me or not it should not take away from the facts I laid out. That said I will stop posting on this until a decision is reached. But why follow a thread if u r sick of reading what the op posts?
Attention hl sports bettors I've been scammed at 5dimes Quote
11-27-2012 , 11:10 PM
whoa, really? What mod abused him? Was this via PM? Let me know and I will look into it.
Attention hl sports bettors I've been scammed at 5dimes Quote
11-27-2012 , 11:21 PM
I love the fact that fully intending to redeposit and planning to continue angle shooting until hitting is being used as some kind of defense
Attention hl sports bettors I've been scammed at 5dimes Quote
11-27-2012 , 11:32 PM
Dodger, yes that's a reasonable point. But isn't there some amount of time after the initial win that they shouldn't be able to jump in and take the money back on their weird freeroll?

Making a big bet after the angled win and them taking action on both the next day or something is one thing. After a couple months and many wins and then they take ALL of it (and threaten to kill him) seems pretty extreme.
Attention hl sports bettors I've been scammed at 5dimes Quote
11-27-2012 , 11:41 PM
Is it really a freeroll if his lifetime deposits were, what was it, $250 or something?

If the bet paid out as it should have they didn't need to freeroll anything. I don't know how you could use the term freeroll to describe any party but OP in this situtation
Attention hl sports bettors I've been scammed at 5dimes Quote
11-27-2012 , 11:51 PM
He said he deposited max ($250 on his card) for 3 or 4 days straight. so $750-1k.

Whether he was taking shot or not, the way 5d handled it he should be paid out and 86'ed.
Attention hl sports bettors I've been scammed at 5dimes Quote
11-27-2012 , 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
Dodger, yes that's a reasonable point.
No its not, it's a terrible point that does not match any of the facts. Re-angle shoot? At .57 a pop? He says he only took about $20 worth of pleasers and had $200 in the account.

OT: Re dreaded mod abuse I am pretty sure it was the same dude that blasted a respected poster for not responding quickly enough to his demand for documents. He seems to know very little or nothing about his topic area, yet bizarrely seems to have managed to make his sub-forum better. Maybe temp-ban him and then give him a cookie or whatever you guys use for positive reinforcement?
Attention hl sports bettors I've been scammed at 5dimes Quote
11-28-2012 , 01:16 AM
I deposited about 900$ in the first four or five days of starting the account. They were in 250$ increments via cc cause that was the maximum allowed. I began placing many bets including maybe 10-20 of the wagers in question. I ended up winning one. Had I lost it or it were graded diferent I would have had a remaining balance of 1-200 and most likely would have funded my acct to place more wagers of all sorts as I was already doing. This was done in about the span of a week 10 days if I remember correctly.Now I'm done again here.
Attention hl sports bettors I've been scammed at 5dimes Quote
11-28-2012 , 01:40 AM
Originally Posted by ProbablyRsigley
I was just trying to make him feel better by thinking of simpler times when the biggest problem he had in his life was how am I going to score again before this high wears off. Now he has to worry about his family being kidnapped by offshore bookies.
Lol. That's terrible but very funny.

5 star thread on many levels.
Attention hl sports bettors I've been scammed at 5dimes Quote
11-28-2012 , 01:56 AM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
Dodger, yes that's a reasonable point. But isn't there some amount of time after the initial win that they shouldn't be able to jump in and take the money back on their weird freeroll?

Making a big bet after the angled win and them taking action on both the next day or something is one thing. After a couple months and many wins and then they take ALL of it (and threaten to kill him) seems pretty extreme.

5d only gives the players 7 days to contact them if 5d misgrades a bet against the player. If the player fails to notify, the misgrade is deemed final.

The same standard should be held to 5d.

If they have an infinite amount of time to notify a player, not to mention also authorizing a cashout, then 5d (and other books if they use the same approach) have a lifetime freeroll against any players who bet a bad line or have a bet misgraded in their favor.


Imagine if 2 years ago you started out as a sports bettor on 5d. You deposit $100 and make a bunch of wagers. You win some, you lose some. Your roll is now at $500. After a few months of betting you see a line that seems favorable. San Francisco +300 to win the 2010 World Series when they are already up 3-1 in the series. You love this bet. You ask 2 customer service reps if the line is correct. They say it is. You bet your whole roll on it.

You win. Now you have a $2000 account.
For 2 years you spend a lot of time analyzing games and placing wagers. It's practically your job now. You've made lots of cashouts. Your account is now at $100k.

5d thinks you're a sharp. They examine your betting history. They see that 2 years ago you made a bet on what appears to be a bad line. They remove all your funds.

You contact customer service. Get transferred to Tony. He calls you a thief. He threatens your life. You contact SBR. Bill Dozier says 5d is in the right. You took advantage of a bad line.

guess that sounds fair.
Attention hl sports bettors I've been scammed at 5dimes Quote
11-28-2012 , 01:59 AM
i really really hope i didn't bet on a bad line a year ago. would suck to have my funds seized and account closed now because of it.
Attention hl sports bettors I've been scammed at 5dimes Quote
11-28-2012 , 06:16 AM
housenuts is absolutely right here

OPs intentions aside, he brought the mistake to 5d's attention and they said the line was fine and he kept betting. they can't just freeroll him, they need to eat the loss since if he had lost the money they would have collected the misgraded bet, just because he won on subsequent bets due to their negligence doesn't mean that the bets weren't valid. 5d accepted the bets

5d confirmed to be shady.
Attention hl sports bettors I've been scammed at 5dimes Quote
11-28-2012 , 02:18 PM
housenuts nailed it in post 239.

typing on a phone is still no excuse. there's a "return" button on every phone with internet afaik.

i can't believe anyone who has read this thread would ever place another wager with 5d and TONY.

I can't believe tony thinks talking to customers like that in a medium that is obviously recorded is good for business.

LOLOL@microbob thinking that just bc people read 2p2 means they are winning sports bettors that 5d isn't going to be sad to lose.
Attention hl sports bettors I've been scammed at 5dimes Quote
11-28-2012 , 03:39 PM
Nlsoldier, I don't think that. Some of the posters here are.

Those who will stay at 5d from here will certainly consist of some players who indeed WILL cost them money by their continued business. This isn't like a poker room where you profit from losing players and the site still profits from you. You are winning directly from the site (argument to be made that a bunch of bettors are going against each other and that sets the line...but the sites frequently ban winning bettors for a reason).

So taking their money is hopefully a good thing and that is why I suspect many here would intentionally stay regardless of the site's crappy ethics.

Them leaving accomplishes nothing. Telling squares who would be profitable for the site to stay away is the only way they get hurt. Winning bettors trying to hit them harder would hurt also.
Attention hl sports bettors I've been scammed at 5dimes Quote
11-28-2012 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
Winning bettors trying to hit them harder would hurt also.
Attention hl sports bettors I've been scammed at 5dimes Quote
11-29-2012 , 08:32 AM
from my understanding sbr is at fault too, because they make it look like they have influence on these kind of situations when in reality they almost never get it cleared in favor of the customer.
Attention hl sports bettors I've been scammed at 5dimes Quote
11-29-2012 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by HolidayInTheSun
[x] notices error and places bunch of bets at +7 million
[ ] not an angle shooter
It's not up to me to decide why a book offers particular terms. It's up to me to decide whether to accept those terms. Then, it's up to them to honor them.

Otherwise, I bet San Fran -3 and win. Then the book comes in and tells me the action's cancelled because the line was a typo; it was supposed to be -13. Seem fair? Was it a typo or did an idiot make the line? Not for me to judge.

It's very important that you not have typos or other errors in your sportsbook's lines. That is, unless you're willing to play fast and loose with the rules and the spirit of fairness. 5 dimes obviously is, so I guess they can post whatever lines they feel like and then just not honor them if they lose.
Attention hl sports bettors I've been scammed at 5dimes Quote
11-29-2012 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by cero_z
It's not up to me to decide why a book offers particular terms. It's up to me to decide whether to accept those terms. Then, it's up to them to honor them.
Maybe in fantasy land, however, not in offshore sports betting.

Show me a post by a professional sports bettor in here that says they would expect to get paid out if this error is noticed.
Attention hl sports bettors I've been scammed at 5dimes Quote
11-29-2012 , 12:12 PM
I'm on OPs side and he should get paid the full amount.

I hope he's learned that generally taking advantage of a bookie error is often a negative freeroll for you. The only way he won this time was they were too dumb to sort it straight away instead of a month later.
Attention hl sports bettors I've been scammed at 5dimes Quote
11-29-2012 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by cero_z
It's not up to me to decide why a book offers particular terms. It's up to me to decide whether to accept those terms. Then, it's up to them to honor them.

Otherwise, I bet San Fran -3 and win. Then the book comes in and tells me the action's cancelled because the line was a typo; it was supposed to be -13. Seem fair? Was it a typo or did an idiot make the line? Not for me to judge.

It's very important that you not have typos or other errors in your sportsbook's lines.
it is important but they do happen from time to time. i don't mind if bad lines are retroactively fixed, so long as it's promptly.

the only real downside to this imagine you find

San Francisco +120 at one book (should've been -120)
So you hammer that, and then you hammer their opponent at +140 on another book.

Then San Fran wins. You think you profit. But then the site realizes that line was bad so they cancel it. End of the day you just lost your huge bet on the other team on the other book.

This is a reason if you think lines are fishy, you should confirm with support.

What if they say it is a valid line? Well then you should be confident it is. But, according to Bill D. at SBR apparently you shouldn't. Tricky situation.
Attention hl sports bettors I've been scammed at 5dimes Quote
11-29-2012 , 12:39 PM
Big diff between +120 and -120 and +700 and +70000 though.

Originally Posted by housenuts
it is important but they do happen from time to time. i don't mind if bad lines are retroactively fixed, so long as it's promptly.

the only real downside to this imagine you find

San Francisco +120 at one book (should've been -120)
So you hammer that, and then you hammer their opponent at +140 on another book.

Then San Fran wins. You think you profit. But then the site realizes that line was bad so they cancel it. End of the day you just lost your huge bet on the other team on the other book.

This is a reason if you think lines are fishy, you should confirm with support.

What if they say it is a valid line? Well then you should be confident it is. But, according to Bill D. at SBR apparently you shouldn't. Tricky situation.
Attention hl sports bettors I've been scammed at 5dimes Quote
