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April - June LC Thread: Good old country hardball April - June LC Thread: Good old country hardball

07-20-2012 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by BrianLaverty
let's go over them one by one... I'm talking about mlb only.
you mean all your 296 MLB plays vs Pinny closers

seems pretty legit, you sure about this?
April - June LC Thread: Good old country hardball Quote
07-20-2012 , 07:51 PM
Ehh...I'm more interested in when I release the plays at midnight the night before rather then an hour before the game....but that's something ill have to backtest viewing every email.

Also interested to see how I do vs the closing in tennis.
April - June LC Thread: Good old country hardball Quote
07-20-2012 , 07:58 PM

ignore all the btcl nerds. keep stacking units and let the haters hate
April - June LC Thread: Good old country hardball Quote
07-20-2012 , 08:31 PM
wait but brianl is the one who brought up btcl not anyone else
April - June LC Thread: Good old country hardball Quote
07-20-2012 , 08:41 PM
Again... don't have a problem with people calling out my lack of btcl.....

What pisses me off is you making assumptions about my personal life
April - June LC Thread: Good old country hardball Quote
07-20-2012 , 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by BrianLaverty
Also interested to see how I do vs the closing in tennis.
You wanted it so I did Pinnacle BTCL analysis and here are the results :

I had to take out 8 exotic bets and 2 obvious possible mistakes or off-market prices so we have 76 bets here

you BTCL 33/76 = 43,4% of the time

based on your unit staking system your closing line EV is overall -1,42 units & -1,03% ROI
April - June LC Thread: Good old country hardball Quote
07-20-2012 , 10:44 PM
tukkk is that no-vig or one-side cause if you're beating no-vig 43.4% of the time you still have a shot of being +EV
April - June LC Thread: Good old country hardball Quote
07-20-2012 , 11:13 PM
thats no-vig obv

and 43.4% is definetly not having a shot at +EV, its pretty bad, you can consider +EV at somewhere around 50% and then its miniscule

and the % itself isnt that important, because you obviously should have a higher % on your larger unit plays and smaller % on smaller plays, so imo the % itself doesnt tell that much, obviously you should want to get maximum value (so its possible that btcl 60% can make more money than btcl 70%)

However imo 76 plays is a fair samplesize btcl-wise to say that -1,03% ROI isnt beating tennis
April - June LC Thread: Good old country hardball Quote
07-20-2012 , 11:40 PM
gotcha i stand corrected. i'm probably just running real hot lol
April - June LC Thread: Good old country hardball Quote
07-20-2012 , 11:47 PM
Brianlol might actually deserve some slack here. After all, he is in fact a tennis tout now since his **** record in baseball, as predicted has forced him to drop his delusional ego and attitude that he tried to come here with regarding his "guarantee I know a hell a lot more than you do about baseball" "It's amazing how little you actually know about betting baseball" type quotes. I thought it was half sad to see a professed professional gambler like brianlol question the big deal in his initial hot baseball run vs pinnacle close when he was thought beating Heritage close was more important since that's where his action was.

Regardless, tennis bets look like they're going good.
April - June LC Thread: Good old country hardball Quote
07-21-2012 , 01:19 AM
gmc - He has only kinda/sorta admitted his crappyness at baseball. But it's some weird excuses ranging from:
- not having the confidence
- forgetting how to do it
- "would be a lot better except for those pesky bad beats."

Overall, his personality is exactly the same except that now he can't brag about being super-great at baseball...only that he got really unlucky.
April - June LC Thread: Good old country hardball Quote
07-21-2012 , 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by tukkk
You wanted it so I did Pinnacle BTCL analysis and here are the results :

I had to take out 8 exotic bets and 2 obvious possible mistakes or off-market prices so we have 76 bets here

you BTCL 33/76 = 43,4% of the time

based on your unit staking system your closing line EV is overall -1,42 units & -1,03% ROI

I got this:

DATE My Line Closing Line Y/N
20-Jul Soeda +4 -116 Soeda +3.5 +102 Y
20-Jul Mayer -113 Mayer -141 Y
20-Jul Gulbis Over 22.5 -111 Over 22.5 -118 Y
20-Jul Mchale +120 Mchale +111 Y
19-Jul Dimitrov Over 21 -115 Over 21.5 +100 Y
19-Jul Edben -145 Ebden -119 N
18-Jul Cilic -1.5 Sets N/A
18-Jul Haase +170 Haase +160 Y
18-Jul Bellucci Over 22.5 +103 Over 22.5 -108 Y
18-Jul King +171 King +160 Y
17-Jul Phau Over 21 -113 Over 21 -116 Y
17-Jul Dimitrov -149 Dimitrov -162 Y
17-Jul Bemelmans -150 Bemelmans -170 Y
April - June LC Thread: Good old country hardball Quote
07-21-2012 , 02:47 AM
Since the 5th of July:

DATE My Line Closing Line Y/N
20-Jul Soeda +4 -116 Soeda +3.5 +102 Y
20-Jul Mayer -113 Mayer -141 Y
20-Jul Gulbis Over 22.5 -111 Over 22.5 -118 Y
20-Jul Mchale +120 Mchale +111 Y
19-Jul Dimitrov Over 21 -115 Over 21.5 +100 Y
19-Jul Edben -145 Ebden -119 N
18-Jul Cilic -1.5 Sets N/A
18-Jul Haase +170 Haase +160 Y
18-Jul Bellucci Over 22.5 +103 Over 22.5 -108 Y
18-Jul King +171 King +160 Y
17-Jul Phau Over 21 -113 Over 21 -116 Y
17-Jul Dimitrov -149 Dimitrov -162 Y
17-Jul Bemelmans -150 Bemelmans -170 Y
17-Jul Scheepers -146 Scheepers -116 N
16-Jul Sock +236 Sock +250 N
16-Jul Matosevic +111 Matosevic +126 N
15-Jul Monaco -159 Monaco -162 Y
15-Jul Cilic Over 21.5 -104 Over 21.5 -108 Y
15-Jul Hewitt +210 Hewitt +190 Y
14-Jul Isner Over 25 -109 Over 24.5 -103 N
14-Jul Bellucci +153 Bellucci +115 Y
14-Jul Dimitrov +5.5 -110 Dimitrov +5.5 -120 Y
14-Jul Dimitrov +700 Dimitrov +736 N
13-Jul Harrison -114 N/A
13-Jul Brown +3.5 +102 N/A
13-Jul Dimitrov -113 Dimitrov -142 Y
12-Jul Harrison -126 Harrison -133 Y
12-Jul Becker Over 22.5 -125 Over 23 -116 Y
11-Jul Zopp -105 Zopp -128 Y
11-Jul Andujar +135 N/A
11-Jul Isner Over 25 -106 Over 25 -109 Y
11-Jul Vandeweghe +4 +109 Vandeweghe +4 -108 Y
10-Jul Goffin -111 Goffin -121 Y
10-Jul Smyczek +215 Smyczek +250 N
9-Jul Sock +162 Sock +149 Y
9-Jul Montanes -114 Montanes -160 Y
9-Jul Kuznetsov -190 N/A
8-Jul Federer -194 Federer -204 Y
6-Jul Fed Over 41.5 -114 Over 42 -115 Y
5-Jul Radwanska Over 22 -105 Over 22.5 -110 Y
5-Jul Serena -163 Serena -147 N

THat is... beating the closing line in 28 out of the 36 matches.... Didn't look at the data before this, but was I really getting crushed that much during opening week of Wimbledon? I also have the N/A for a few cause I couldn't find the closing line at the site I was using.... You can fill in the blanks for me there.

All together I have had 25 plays of 2 units or more in tennis in July so far.... I beat the closing line 16 times, and there is 1 that I can't find.

Even more specific.... 11 plays of 2.5 units or more in JUly, and I am 8-2-1 in BTCL in these matches.... Again, can't find the closing line for Harrison -114 vs. Levine last week....

Last edited by BrianLaverty; 07-21-2012 at 03:00 AM.
April - June LC Thread: Good old country hardball Quote
07-21-2012 , 03:15 AM
Originally Posted by Chipp
As expected this is bs and/or incompetence,
6-5, iROI -.083%
18-Jul Tampa +101 Tampa -106 Y
18-Jul O's Over 9 -111 Over 9 +106 N
17-Jul O's +101 N/A
17-Jul Washington -117 N/A
16-Jul Milwaukee -105 Milwaukee +100 N
16-Jul Detroit -116 Detroit -120 Y
15-Jul Mets -103 Mets -103 P
15-Jul Texas -162 Texas -173 Y
13-Jul Royals Under 9 -116 Royals Under 9 -123 Y
13-Jul Miami -122 Miami -127 Y
13-Jul Milwaukee -141 Milwaukee -149 Y

I don't have the complete records for the 17th... but I got Orioles closing at -101, and Washington closing at -118.....

So technically, those would be beating the closing lines...

And you are also counting Mets as a loss, when its actually a push.
April - June LC Thread: Good old country hardball Quote
07-21-2012 , 08:30 AM

still -1,03% ROI

Last edited by tukkk; 07-21-2012 at 08:44 AM.
April - June LC Thread: Good old country hardball Quote
07-21-2012 , 11:16 AM
Profit: -5.63 Units
ROI: 99.84%
No. of bets: 447

that is unfortunate - long term tennis loser too over 447 bets

long term baseball/tennis loser? impressive. also let them know they are calculating ROI wrong
April - June LC Thread: Good old country hardball Quote
07-21-2012 , 11:41 AM
I'm enjoying every second of this. Reminiscent of Thremp's relentlessness vs Goldenbears/Dr. Bob
April - June LC Thread: Good old country hardball Quote
07-21-2012 , 12:12 PM
Rsigley... can u read? I'm down 36 units in mlb on euro site.... and I'm ahead in tennis bets.

You are obviously much smarter then this.. so cut the crap.
April - June LC Thread: Good old country hardball Quote
07-21-2012 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by gmcarroll33
I'm enjoying every second of this. Reminiscent of Thremp's relentlessness vs Goldenbears/Dr. Bob
Cowley/ShipIt destroying RAS was much better.
April - June LC Thread: Good old country hardball Quote
07-21-2012 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by B00T
Cowley/ShipIt destroying RAS was much better.
link please

have read the gb/bob story, but not this
April - June LC Thread: Good old country hardball Quote
07-21-2012 , 01:09 PM
Anyways guys.... its been fun but I'm not gonna really be around again til early September.... so have fun mocking me when I'm gone.

A friend got me tickets for all of the tennis events at the Olympics so after the finals of Atlanta tomorrow, I'm flying to providence, packing and going right to London Tuesday.

I would love to meet anyone on 2p2, especially those who mock me... so send me a pm with your email if you are going to be in London... or the following towns

- cincy for the atp tour
- Toronto for the atp tour
- ocracoke in late august
- nyc for the us open.

It's been fun...
April - June LC Thread: Good old country hardball Quote
07-21-2012 , 01:11 PM
why would you post baseball picks on a euro site when mlb isn't big in europe according to you?? and if you are down 3u on shark site but 9u on europe site does tha tmean tennis -6?? so confused

it would be easier if you were tout on only one site. is there an asian or south american site you are also tout on?
April - June LC Thread: Good old country hardball Quote
07-21-2012 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by tukkk
link please

have read the gb/bob story, but not this
April - June LC Thread: Good old country hardball Quote
07-21-2012 , 01:39 PM
ps lock this **** up

2 chatter threads going at once is dumbo
April - June LC Thread: Good old country hardball Quote
07-21-2012 , 03:35 PM
I bought that RAS WNBA service this year and theyre still definietly releasing plays privately before publicly. Whoever they release to was betting on BetOnline. It was pretty easy to see.

It was really fun having paid 1k for a service and having to watch what moves at betonline 20 seconds before their "release" in order to have any chance of getting down at their number.
April - June LC Thread: Good old country hardball Quote
