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According to SBR, MatchBook leaving U.S. market According to SBR, MatchBook leaving U.S. market

03-29-2011 , 12:57 PM
After e-mailing Matchbook for an update, I got a response saying my money was sent today. Will post when money received.
According to SBR, MatchBook leaving U.S. market Quote
03-29-2011 , 02:09 PM
Yeah. You're right. Alarmist nonsense.

I posted/vented my frustration with the situation. My frustration with the way the whole thing went down. My frustration with the lack of recent replies and an apparent cut off date.

I said from the start that I was at least hopeful and felt we would likely get paid. (by the way, I had a p2p account years ago, don't recall the username so I signed up again)

I did call anyone that has played there recently an idiot. That would be me as well. Hey, I'm the king idiot.

Let's see what we know.

1) wsex starts matchbook (possibly with investors but who knows) Either way, a great thing, right? one of the first online books with basically a license to print money backing a sports exchange that simply matches players against each other and takes a cut. Can't lose.

2) matchbook has a huge credit laydown up north

3) matchbook in big trouble

4) matchbook gets help. but not the kind of help that's really ideal. you know, kinda shady.

5) wsex starts not paying players. a dime here and a dime there on huge balances.

6) the shady people sell out. or do they? very few people really know.

7) most people led to believe wsex no longer involved

8) other books stop doing xfers with mb

9) matchbook announces they are done. says the new owners are NOT affiliated with WSEX right on their home page, which means wsex was involved right up until the end.

10) they also state they are not affiliated with ANY previous owners. (that would be the shady guys)

11) matchbook gives some ominous deadlines leading you to believe you'll be dealing with Antiguan lawyers and regulators - ever deal with Antiguan lawyers and or banks? I have. It ain't like life in the ol USA.

12) wire was requested the day they made the announcement.

You're right. No cause for alarm. Alarmist nonsense.

The only way to play these days is on credit. Even then, there's great risk.

If the book doesn't go out of business, Uncle Sam can step in at anytime and suck up your funds like a coke whore doing lines. (betonsports)

When you have been stiffed a few hundred thousand bucks and have dealt with every cockroach in this business, come back and talk to me about alarmist nonsense.
According to SBR, MatchBook leaving U.S. market Quote
03-30-2011 , 11:17 AM
Just received my wire, and its a big one.

GL to those still waiting.
According to SBR, MatchBook leaving U.S. market Quote
03-30-2011 , 12:13 PM
Received my refund to CC this AM (a couple grand).
According to SBR, MatchBook leaving U.S. market Quote
03-30-2011 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by AnyAce
Received my refund to CC this AM (a couple grand).
+1 mine came today too
According to SBR, MatchBook leaving U.S. market Quote
03-30-2011 , 01:03 PM
Just received my wire as well, which was big.

Thanks, and best of luck to the new Matchbook management!

To everyone else out there still waiting, I think you can be pretty confident at this point that your payment is in the works.
According to SBR, MatchBook leaving U.S. market Quote
03-30-2011 , 01:55 PM
My debit card was credited today. Minus $36.
According to SBR, MatchBook leaving U.S. market Quote
03-30-2011 , 02:03 PM
Sounds great everyone. I don't know why I'm so far behind. Still have my balance in my account but they assured me that they will work with me past the end of the month.

I'm 99% sure I'll see all the money I just wish it didn't take so long. I have a stock in mind to put all the money into thats been beaten down and I've been forced to watch it go up about 10% in the past two weeks while waiting
According to SBR, MatchBook leaving U.S. market Quote
03-31-2011 , 02:55 AM
Got credited today. Unfortunately I now have negative reward points for that credit card.
According to SBR, MatchBook leaving U.S. market Quote
03-31-2011 , 07:34 AM
my balance is being split into six wires (sick brag). i have received two so far
According to SBR, MatchBook leaving U.S. market Quote
04-01-2011 , 10:26 AM
No joke, mb funds hit my account for debit.
According to SBR, MatchBook leaving U.S. market Quote
04-01-2011 , 12:16 PM
I received my entire balance from Matchbook today.
According to SBR, MatchBook leaving U.S. market Quote
04-02-2011 , 01:06 AM
Good - They took the balance out of my MB account on 3/31 and sent it to the processor.

Bad - Now a wait of a few more weeks until the wire hits they say. Also getting alot of spam calls to my unlisted cell. First one was something about a sportsbook but not MB and now debt consolidation, lower credit card rates, vacation packages etc. I hardly ever got spam calls before, this happening to anyone else?
According to SBR, MatchBook leaving U.S. market Quote
04-04-2011 , 08:01 PM
Sent my info / requested withdrawal on March 8, still waiting. I had just a shade under 10k in the acct at the time so I am doing it the regular way I guess. Such a shame to see this happen, I am a big MB fan
According to SBR, MatchBook leaving U.S. market Quote
04-05-2011 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by darko3131
Good - They took the balance out of my MB account on 3/31 and sent it to the processor.

Bad - Now a wait of a few more weeks until the wire hits they say. Also getting alot of spam calls to my unlisted cell. First one was something about a sportsbook but not MB and now debt consolidation, lower credit card rates, vacation packages etc. I hardly ever got spam calls before, this happening to anyone else?
yeah I got some random voicemail from someone in florida lol... still waiting on my $. MB is terrible at responding to e-mails.
According to SBR, MatchBook leaving U.S. market Quote
04-15-2011 , 01:10 PM
Just got my wire. It took 45 days in total and is $63 light but I'm happy. Good luck to those still left.
According to SBR, MatchBook leaving U.S. market Quote
04-17-2011 , 02:56 AM
Good to hear, I'm still waiting for mine...
According to SBR, MatchBook leaving U.S. market Quote
04-18-2011 , 06:47 PM
Requested a withdrawal right away when they pulled out and was supposed to get the transfer around March 30th. When I e-mailed them they said it didn't go through and so they resent April 8th. I'm still waiting on my 50k.
According to SBR, MatchBook leaving U.S. market Quote
04-18-2011 , 11:15 PM
I really hope they weren't using the same processors that the poker sites were using, or are going to be affected by this in any way
According to SBR, MatchBook leaving U.S. market Quote
04-19-2011 , 01:57 AM
I am still waiting on my wire as well. I sent my info March 4th.
According to SBR, MatchBook leaving U.S. market Quote
04-19-2011 , 08:15 AM
lol I am ******ed. Turns out I got the $ on 3/31 and just didn't notice until I checked all the way back to my march statement just now. It was just under 10k so they used an xfer to card rather than bank wire, looks to be like 30 bucks short but I'm just glad I got it. Fwiw they said they sent the 28th and to expect it within 10 business days, so it got here pretty quick.

According to SBR, MatchBook leaving U.S. market Quote
04-20-2011 , 09:50 AM
Mine's just under 50k I'm waiting on.
According to SBR, MatchBook leaving U.S. market Quote
04-20-2011 , 03:22 PM
So my bank is holding my Debit card refund until I verify the purchase that I am getting a refund for...

Just emailed matchbook, but any ideas of what my play is here?
According to SBR, MatchBook leaving U.S. market Quote
04-20-2011 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by atrainpsu
So my bank is holding my Debit card refund until I verify the purchase that I am getting a refund for...

Just emailed matchbook, but any ideas of what my play is here?
can you pm me the bank name. You can tell them your wife or someone sent to the wrong card, but I don't know if it will work

This happened to someone on SBR w/a debit card, and MAtchbook sent them a check.
According to SBR, MatchBook leaving U.S. market Quote
04-20-2011 , 08:51 PM
Which bank? There could be a fee assessed, in addition to waiting longer. Matchbook may reimburse the fee.
According to SBR, MatchBook leaving U.S. market Quote
