Originally Posted by BobOjedaFan
While the debates won't change most peoples minds, we all know this and have known this. But swing voters (obviously) do exist, they decide these elections. Most of them aren't swing voters because they just love both candidates and cannot decide who they love more. They're generally disgusted with both sides, but consider voting or civic duty or whatever. I think something like 'refusing a debate' is highly likely to sway such people. The swing also could just be a swing between voting for the major candidate or casting a protest vote for RFK/ refusing to show up.
People can tell me if I'm wrong here, but I've always largely thought that the first debate is massively advantageous to the challenger unless you are living in utopian times. And even if you were, Americans wouldn't consider it that way anyway.
The challenger gets to say look at XYZ, that's this guys fault and all the incumbent can really do is sit there and talk about his half measure policies, how they're working hard, how he inherited a disaster and the challenger gets to nitpick every single policy to death and put all blame on him. In this case for Biden, that would be stuff like crime, border, inflation. Obviously incumbent can't say anything close to "Yeah jackass, when you're in the big seat it isn't that easy", nobody wants to hear that. The next guy will make it that easy.
Romney and Biden both did pretty well in their 1st debates vs the incumbents in 2012. In Sept/Oct 2020, there just wasn't much Trump could say about covid. In 2012, it was tough for Obama to sell that positive a message of the economy when still coming out of the GFC.
Obviously all Trump looming legal stuff could blow this up, but I think generally speaking he probably looks pretty good in the first debate and catches a bump there. So buying Trump would make more sense now and buying Biden if 1 were inclined to do so would make more sense after Trump debate W.
Don't really see Biden hitting anything out of the park wrt to debate. Everything he would want to say about Trump has been said already ad nauseam. Maybe in Sept when we're closer to the actual moment of truth.