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2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread 2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread

12-18-2020 , 11:16 PM
Originally Posted by whb
I take crypto and gold.
Can easily liquidate 20k of this if you don't mind no escrow. (50k+ pictured)

2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
12-18-2020 , 11:37 PM
I'd probably take that tabletop over 50K if I had that kind of cash lying around, beautiful.
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
12-19-2020 , 02:35 AM
Originally Posted by whb
Again, sometimes I swear I am going crazy trying to keep simple ideas as such.

You’re saying you think there’s a higher chance they both die than Trump beating them or some weird event like Pelosi ends up temporary president?

Can you set a line on B/H not dying for me?
Idk its probably like 1 in 10k for them both to die (assassination being by far most likely for Harris; Biden a mixture of that and Covid/age related stuff)

The bottom line is if we're going to bet on it, I want to win on any scenario where a Democrat is inaugurated (it will obv be Biden/Harris 99.999% or so). You are claiming voter fraud/Trump will be inaugurated (or obv if Trump somehow gets incapacitated, you win if his replacement Pence or whichever Republican is next in line is seated)

If the chances are negligible just agree to those terms obv and you can have your action

If you want Trump and Pence vs my Biden and Harris and a void in the event that anyone else from either party is inaugurated as President either Democrat or Republican that's fine too. I'm happy with either those terms or my any Democrat vs your any Republican with a void if anyone other than Trump or Biden who is not a Democrat or Republican is inaugurated. Either way is fine.
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
12-19-2020 , 02:38 AM
Originally Posted by Dubnjoy000
Jesus Christ, they are barely progressive : Biden/Harris would pass as fairly right-wingers for any normal and sane country
This lol imagine thinking Joe 'nothing will fundamentally change' Biden is some sort of left wing activist. Sure, he's to the left of Trump but he's centre right to centrist by global standards. So is basically every other world leader everywhere outside of eastern europe and third world countries.

AOC is a mid-left figure by european standards for wanting *gasp* a livable minimum wage and universal public healthcare and the right acts like she's gonna abolish private property rights and seize the means of production

Biden barely even favors a public option and while he campaigned on it he may not even get it done
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
12-19-2020 , 06:16 AM
Originally Posted by HolidayInTheSun
legend. gratz!
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
12-19-2020 , 06:28 AM
Originally Posted by SwoopAE
AOC is a mid-left figure by european standards for wanting *gasp* a livable minimum wage and universal public healthcare and the right acts like she's gonna abolish private property rights and seize the means of production

Biden barely even favors a public option and while he campaigned on it he may not even get it done
To be fair if I wanted to abolish private property rights and seize the means of production the first two steps I’d take would be to raise the minimum wage and create universal public healthcare. People with jobs who are doing well financially tend to vote against socialist ideas so the first step is to separate people from jobs and there is no better way to do that than discouraging companies from hiring via increased cost of labor.

Then you raise taxes and increase government assistance. That should get people addicted to the idea of being paid for not working which is central to the goal of instituting socialism. Those two will also slow economic growth which further helps goal #1 of increasing unemployment.
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
12-19-2020 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
People with jobs who are doing well financially tend to vote against socialist ideas so the first step is to separate people from jobs and there is no better way to do that than discouraging companies from hiring via increased cost of labor.
Wrong. Again People with secure high paying jobs from sane countries do not feel insecure (or entitled) in helping with safety nets for their fellow citizens that had it rougher/were on the wrong end of variance. It's called gaining wisdom and perspective, having compassion and, well, being a good human

Originally Posted by whb
Before you give me a whole soap opera righteous response, show me a table of how many immigrants move in to your country/yr.
That is exactly my point : my country has a WAY >>> better international image then yours and quality of life ; if you got your (cognitive dissonant) head out of your (American-centric) arse, perhaps you could start seeing what others internationally see as being dreadfully wrong with your country... And what the majority of Dems also notice...
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
12-19-2020 , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
To be fair if I wanted to abolish private property rights and seize the means of production the first two steps I’d take would be to raise the minimum wage and create universal public healthcare. People with jobs who are doing well financially tend to vote against socialist ideas so the first step is to separate people from jobs and there is no better way to do that than discouraging companies from hiring via increased cost of labor.

Then you raise taxes and increase government assistance. That should get people addicted to the idea of being paid for not working which is central to the goal of instituting socialism. Those two will also slow economic growth which further helps goal #1 of increasing unemployment.
How close would you say we were to abolishing private property and seizing the means of production under Nixon when the minimum wage was $12/hr. (inflation adjusted)?

2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
12-19-2020 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
To be fair if I wanted to abolish private property rights and seize the means of production the first two steps I’d take would be to raise the minimum wage and create universal public healthcare. People with jobs who are doing well financially tend to vote against socialist ideas so the first step is to separate people from jobs and there is no better way to do that than discouraging companies from hiring via increased cost of labor.

Then you raise taxes and increase government assistance. That should get people addicted to the idea of being paid for not working which is central to the goal of instituting socialism. Those two will also slow economic growth which further helps goal #1 of increasing unemployment.
For someone with an extraordinarily infantile understanding of both politics and economics, you sure are confident in yourself. Fun combo.
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
12-19-2020 , 02:09 PM
I love the passion and drive from everyone in this thread. Let's bring it around to discussing sports and analytics. Can you imagine what we could accomplish if we used this energy to work on winning together?
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
12-19-2020 , 02:54 PM
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
12-19-2020 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by TomG
I love the passion and drive from everyone in this thread. Let's bring it around to discussing sports and analytics. Can you imagine what we could accomplish if we used this energy to work on winning together?
That everyone would just bet on their favourite team?

I've been paid out (Betfair) so I'm done here anyway. Thanks (to those that deserve them) for the chats and tips.

If you want a tip from me - one thing a lot of the Trump bettors were modelling wrong is that they assumed a big incumbent advantage. The lesson from other countries has always been that when someone gets elected into government on an "anti-politics" type of ticket (e.g. "drain the swamp") then they come around for reëlection as a more established candidate, there is no observed advantage, more the reverse - possibly having to do government removes a big part of their original appeal or the kind of voters who swing based on incumbency are not attracted to anti-politics candidates.
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
12-19-2020 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by LektorAJ
That everyone would just bet on their favourite team?

I've been paid out (Betfair) so I'm done here anyway. Thanks (to those that deserve them) for the chats and tips.

If you want a tip from me - one thing a lot of the Trump bettors were modelling wrong is that they assumed a big incumbent advantage. The lesson from other countries has always been that when someone gets elected into government on an "anti-politics" type of ticket (e.g. "drain the swamp") then they come around for reëlection as a more established candidate, there is no observed advantage, more the reverse - possibly having to do government removes a big part of their original appeal or the kind of voters who swing based on incumbency are not attracted to anti-politics candidates.

This is the same logic of the guy who shoved drawing dead and binks the river and then tells the table how to improve their game.

The blatant ignorance of this all is what bothers me the most. I’d rather be told the Republicans just didn’t wisen up to the dirty game of politics than this self serving ignorant comments.

You cannot model 4 am stoppages followed by 200k+ votes at 95% Biden advantages.

You cannot model the GA Sec of State making secret deals that the GA legislature is unaware of.

You cannot model the same GA SoS to use the mantle of “But im a Republican guys!!” And then say “Surprise!! I’m a Democrat now lulz”

You cannot model the Maricopa election county refusing a subpoena from the AZ senate to examine the machines/equipment.

But do tell me how you’re a genius political master.
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
12-19-2020 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by whb
This is the same logic of the guy who shoved drawing dead and binks the river and then tells the table how to improve their game.

The blatant ignorance of this all is what bothers me the most. I’d rather be told the Republicans just didn’t wisen up to the dirty game of politics than this self serving ignorant comments.

You cannot model 4 am stoppages followed by 200k+ votes at 95% Biden advantages.

You cannot model the GA Sec of State making secret deals that the GA legislature is unaware of.

You cannot model the same GA SoS to use the mantle of “But im a Republican guys!!” And then say “Surprise!! I’m a Democrat now lulz”

You cannot model the Maricopa election county refusing a subpoena from the AZ senate to examine the machines/equipment.

But do tell me how you’re a genius political master.
When you are drawing dead, there is no river for you to bink.

There is, however, one person in this thread desperately trying to shove while drawing dead.

For the love of God, please bet me.

Then read Mistakes Were Made (but Not by Me).

But first, bet me.


Last edited by PTjvs; 12-19-2020 at 07:47 PM.
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
12-19-2020 , 09:54 PM
All of that stuff only exists in your LARP alternate reality universe. If it had any basis in fact, Republican appointed conservative leaning judges would have been all over it, but they have to adhere to things like facts and evidence as judges.

The reality is, Trump had a polling error in his favor which was not guaranteed, at about the same level as the 2016 polling error and still lost by a small to moderate margin because he was an underdog after his poor response to Covid + divisive governing style for four years leading to most Democrats hating him and resolving to turn out to vote against him and many independents no longer being open to supporting him.
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
12-20-2020 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by SwoopAE
All of that stuff only exists in your LARP alternate reality universe. If it had any basis in fact, Republican appointed conservative leaning judges would have been all over it, but they have to adhere to things like facts and evidence as judges.

The reality is, Trump had a polling error in his favor which was not guaranteed, at about the same level as the 2016 polling error and still lost by a small to moderate margin because he was an underdog after his poor response to Covid + divisive governing style for four years leading to most Democrats hating him and resolving to turn out to vote against him and many independents no longer being open to supporting him.
You've got zero knowledge as to what you speak of. Your knowledge of the court cases are derived from the following methods: scroll reddit/twitter/fb for headlines and synthesize the idea "50+ cases got THROWN OUT of court for being baseless."

Is it often you jump into arguments without preparation? I know this is common on the internet, but this is getting ridiculous. No actual Trump case has reached evidentiary stage where they can get discovery and cross examine witnesses etc. So there goes your primary argument.

There is the Antrim case brought on by a random citizen who got that report and the judge decided to proceed to a full case later this spring based on result of said report.

Lastly on your points about a "republican judge" shows you have little awareness as to what the established old republicans think of the newer populist Trump supporters. The former thinks they would be crushing it were it not for Trump which is absurd.
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
12-20-2020 , 12:21 AM
Originally Posted by whb
Is it often you jump into arguments without preparation?
I suggest you do the same next time your country goes into elections and, well, be a little smarter about it/show up well informed. And I do apologize to other posters who are still making free money off whb, I don't want to kill your action, but a part of me tells me that this will not dissuade from taking on (guaranteed) losing bets with you
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
12-20-2020 , 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by whb
Is it often you jump into arguments without preparation?
I don't THINK he is a member of the Trump legal team, but I guess anything is possible.

2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
12-20-2020 , 01:52 AM
Originally Posted by PTjvs
Can easily liquidate 20k of this if you don't mind no escrow. (50k+ pictured)

Can I have the solring?
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
12-20-2020 , 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by SwoopAE
AOC is a mid-left figure by european standards for wanting *gasp* a livable minimum wage and universal public healthcare and the right acts like she's gonna abolish private property rights and seize the means of production
still gullible as always ey lol

when AOC actually fights for something in politics rather then ads let me know lol

Just like Bernie suckers like you get conned every year
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
12-20-2020 , 03:17 AM
Cool story lvr we get it you're incapable of feeling empathy for strangers so you assume everyone else is lying/'virtue signalling' when they claim to

We got a mention on Timex's twitter feed today we're all famous

whb; if you want Trump/Pence to be inaugurated over my Biden/Harris to be inaugurated i'm happy to bet with you but require you to pay your end upfront since you've only paid me half of the Trump 20% of black vote bet so far and went awol for weeks after the election.

20-1 is fine. Bet voids if anyone other than Biden, Harris, Trump or Pence is inaugurated. You win on Trump and Pence I win on Biden and Harris.

Alternatively i'm fine with Biden vs Trump, anything else is a void

or any Democrat vs any Republican and anything else is a void.

You can take your pick of the three.

Bitcoin or PP fine for settlement, btc better since less in fees. I do not have any magic the gathering cards to wager unfortunately

If you want to book any of the above three let me know.

If not, I mean, you're not gonna get much better than 20 to 1 I assume (betfair is right around 1.05/1.06 for Trump exit date in 2021 which is basically someone else inaugurated this year)
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
12-20-2020 , 03:34 AM
Originally Posted by Da_Nit
yeah, all the books are. people are doing 20:1 bets here still though.
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
12-20-2020 , 04:24 AM
Originally Posted by solring
Can I have the solring?
UserName checks out!

But, no.

2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
12-20-2020 , 08:22 AM
Originally Posted by whb
This is the same logic of the guy who shoved drawing dead and binks the river and then tells the table how to improve their game.

The blatant ignorance of this all is what bothers me the most. I’d rather be told the Republicans just didn’t wisen up to the dirty game of politics than this self serving ignorant comments.

You cannot model 4 am stoppages followed by 200k+ votes at 95% Biden advantages.

You cannot model the GA Sec of State making secret deals that the GA legislature is unaware of.

You cannot model the same GA SoS to use the mantle of “But im a Republican guys!!” And then say “Surprise!! I’m a Democrat now lulz”

You cannot model the Maricopa election county refusing a subpoena from the AZ senate to examine the machines/equipment.

But do tell me how you’re a genius political master.
Trump managed to model all that before the election and said in advance it would be rigged against him. You just need to believe harder in what he says and you would have bet on the side that was declared winner.

Originally Posted by hERESY
yeah, all the books are. people are doing 20:1 bets here still though.
On Betfair you can still bet Trump to leave in 2020 (at 75 decimal, +7400 US) or 2021 (1.05 decimal -2000 US) which works out to something like 1 to 27 with the bonus that if he somehow continues you still win if he doesn't make 31 Dec 2021 (as always on Betfair assassination voids).
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
12-20-2020 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by SwoopAE
Cool story lvr we get it you're incapable of feeling empathy for strangers so you assume everyone else is lying/'virtue signalling' when they claim to

We got a mention on Timex's twitter feed today we're all famous

whb; if you want Trump/Pence to be inaugurated over my Biden/Harris to be inaugurated i'm happy to bet with you but require you to pay your end upfront since you've only paid me half of the Trump 20% of black vote bet so far and went awol for weeks after the election.

20-1 is fine. Bet voids if anyone other than Biden, Harris, Trump or Pence is inaugurated. You win on Trump and Pence I win on Biden and Harris.

Alternatively i'm fine with Biden vs Trump, anything else is a void

or any Democrat vs any Republican and anything else is a void.

You can take your pick of the three.

Bitcoin or PP fine for settlement, btc better since less in fees. I do not have any magic the gathering cards to wager unfortunately

If you want to book any of the above three let me know.

If not, I mean, you're not gonna get much better than 20 to 1 I assume (betfair is right around 1.05/1.06 for Trump exit date in 2021 which is basically someone else inaugurated this year)

You’re Australian right? Your country is going to get bent over by China, the same way Japan did it to the other surrounding countries in the 20th century. Funny how you’re digging your grave and handing over the rifle to your killer when you don’t connect Biden’s policy vis a vis China.

Already you’re getting massive punitive actions against your country based on reports and think tanks talking out against the concentration camps among other things.

The foreign exchange markets at the night of November 3 where pricing one single event, and it wasn’t Biden winning. But you’re savvy to all this I’m sure.

Last edited by whb; 12-20-2020 at 12:29 PM. Reason: More data
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
