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2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread 2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread

11-04-2020 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by zplusz
Twitter not letting people retweet stuff about the 138k votes screenshot.


Where there's smoke, there's fire.

Yes they would be that ****in dumb and desperate. They literally believe Trump is worse than Hitler. If you thought someone was literally the worst human in history, you'd do anything to stop him.
If they were that desperate, they would have hatched a much elaborate scheme than dumping 130k fake votes all at once, you know, something like having state legislatures order that mail in votes not be counted ahead of time so that you have time to get the lawyers ready to try to keep them from being counted after you've built the day of voting lead. Or wait, which side was doing that? Keep drinking that kool aid bud.
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-04-2020 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by punkass
Where's the dumb smart guy?

I love that dumb smart guy comment, Hero should put that as his location.

He’s probably exhausted and getting some much needed sleep after screaming dumb smart guys all night.
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-04-2020 , 11:48 AM
The democrats already told us what they were going to do and how this would go down. Things to consider in the future vs Nate Silver's garbage polls
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-04-2020 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by thebruiser1000000
this is 3rd world stuff. trump side winning handily in a bunch of states all night. then the dem cities say go to sleep everyone time to keep results a secret and all of a sudden they start winning. fortunately i thought this would happen so most of my action is on trump to win states. maybe ill end up breaking even. still shows what absolute scum dems are. good job guys
Literally none of these sentences are true.
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-04-2020 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by confirmedtroll
Literally none of these sentences are true.
Actually the last one is.
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-04-2020 , 11:50 AM
if it goes to recounts this might be relevant.

AZ: R Gov, R controlled State Senate, R state house,

WI: D Gov, R controlled senate and house

PA: D Gov, R controlled senate and house

NC: D Gov, R controlled senate and house

GA: R Gov, R controlled State Senate, R state house
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-04-2020 , 11:55 AM
Dems: getting all the votes counted days after Election Day is completely normal, even if we suddenly find a sack of 100% Biden votes in a storage locker somewhere. Democracy!


Get ready for it.
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-04-2020 , 11:57 AM
Now they're coming out with the story that Biden got 150k votes in a city and someone "accidentally" only entered 15k at first, then that was corrected and thats why it jumped 130k Biden votes only

What a COINCIDENCE amrite?! LMAO

Not like its anything important, let's make typos on this type of thing.
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-04-2020 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by gmcarroll33
The democrats already told us what they were going to do and how this would go down. Things to consider in the future vs Nate Silver's garbage polls

This supports the republican argument of fraud?
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-04-2020 , 12:03 PM
One thing evident from this thread. Sigs is a robot with no emotion, straight up terminator of bookies. Also evident 90% of posters here are way to emotionally vested and have no place putting money into election betting.
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-04-2020 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by HolidayInTheSun
sorry chuck, but no. nobody buys your bullshit. you're done here.

you can still post on 2+2, i guess. but what's the point? it's completely clear to anyone with an iq above 90 that you're a pretender. this thread has 246,000 views and counting. a quarter of a million views. everyone saw it chuck. everybody knows that you're nothing.

we had two of the greatest bettors of our time, mocking you for your delusional posts the past few weeks. all of the serious bettors here, a handful of people who have made millions and millions of dollars putting their own money on the line every day for years, were telling you that you're wrong. you were too blockheaded to listen. your bet looks good at the moment. but it's clear that it was not the lock of the century you were touting it as. it's clear that you were full of **** the entire time.

you've posted very badly, and you're through. a quarter of a million views, chuck. everyone on this forum knows you're a fraud. you promised the lock of the century. the lock of the century! and when the lean times came, where were you? nowhere to be found. 10pm, 11pm helsinki time. finland is one of the most boring countries on earth. i've been there chuck. 10, 11pm on a cold, dark november night in helsinki and you were nowhere near an electronic device, chuck? really? why weren't you making any posts? remember, you said that anyone who didn't recognise that this was the betting opportunity of a lifetime was a fool. why weren't you making any posts when the lock of the century, which you took at big negative odds, had less than 25% equity?

but now everyone knows, chuck. you disappeared on us. your bet was losing and you scurried like a roach in the light. you're just a scared ****ing kid. nobody who knows anything will ever again read your book. your reputation as a gambler, and as a man, is shot. from now on, anytime you post in a gambling forum, everybody knows who you are, and what you are. it will follow you around for the rest of your life.

i'd recommend you run along now. no sense in humiliating yourself further. maybe some of your friends on twitter there in finland didn't follow the us election too closely. maybe they won't realise how close this was, and what a fool you've made of yourself. go spend some time with them. maybe apologise.

remember chuck, every lie we tell pays a debt to the truth. sooner or later that debt must be paid. i don't think it will be long now, chuck, till you pay your debt.
Hahahahahah wtf mate, you may want to cut off the cocaine for a while

"The two greatest sports bettors of our time"... who? Zplusz and whb?

I not only gave you who to bet on, I even gave you how to bet on Trump and still win when he loses. Not that I'd be interested in what the peanut gallery thinks, but as I posted ITT before they started counting votes, I was very chill chugging beers at a friend's not following forums. I kept telling twitter all night that the states where Biden was meant to win were still left and he was still a favorite when literally the entire world was on mega panic and his odds drifted. Kept telling dolts for weeks that even in a worst case scenario there are states where a 2016 polling error still can't reach Biden, gave those exact five states and what do you know Biden went 5/5. What else do you need?

Sure I was extremely surprised that the polls missed by that much. But they still missed within the margin they were allowed to and the only one who got proven wrong were the Trump is a surefire win people. I must have told them 20 times ITT over the last 2 weeks that guys it's not about whether polls will miss or not, it's about the margin in these states and if the polls miss Trump still can't win, but it went ignored because "LUL NATE SILVER LUL POLLS". If the results were given in reverse order starting from the rust belt people would be like oh what a boring election, it was all over in 3 hours already, Biden bettors were genius.

PS: By all means take up my posting rights with the 2p2 high court, we'll see how that claim holds up

PS2: My lowkey favorite part was that after I told you who to bet on, how to bet on Trump and still WIN, that I was going to sign off until after the election, and kept telling a much larger reach on social media all night that the panic is unwarranted and in real time gave accurate insights of what was happening that was extremely against the consensus, you're like "250k views, Chuck! 250k views!" as if that's a big number and I'm supposed to have been F5ing the thread all night. I told you in advance how to get an invincible position, how to hedge your bets, I didn't know I need to hold your hand all night. I haven't seen a single other person posting a public prediction to both the winning and losing side where both sides win and putting as much effort into trying to convince people make money for free.

When you're off the cocaine I'm expecting a public apology or I might contact the 2p2 high courts. Be very afraid!

(In case it's not obvious, yes we ran very good here. But after dealing with braindead dolts and to my knowledge being the only poster ITT who gave a precise way to bet the main markets and the side markets and hit both the main bets and the hedges, I deserved one brag post. It's been weeks of mental torture dealing with people like whb and unlike you I've done this under my own name for no additional compensation just out of goodwill to help people out. Incredible how trolls like you still manage to find a way to twist things around)

Last edited by Chuck Bass; 11-04-2020 at 12:30 PM.
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-04-2020 , 12:07 PM
Trump might win AZ. Since in person counting has started he's been winning those at about a 2:1 ratio. Based on the remaining number of votes and location of them he will win by 50k if it holds which also will put it in contention for lowest MOV %.
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-04-2020 , 12:09 PM
is there shot at 269-269? If biden takes MI wisconsn, and trump holds PA georgia?
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-04-2020 , 12:10 PM
Lots of words. Let's not get bogged down in details.

Trump was winning big then they stopped counting the votes.
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-04-2020 , 12:11 PM
not since Biden won NE-2. 270-268 is what happens if Biden wins AZ/MI but loses PA.

I still think it's going to be 279-259 either way dependent on PA
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-04-2020 , 12:13 PM
Yup AZ

The latest plot twist comes from Arizona, which had reportedly counted 95%+ of its votes. NYT notes that "due to an error in an Edison Research data feed of results ... the actual estimate is that 86% of the vote has been counted."
Weird how all these errors coincidentally happen on something that "everyone is watching, everything is clearly above the board"
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-04-2020 , 12:15 PM
z what you think of all these mail in ballots coming in in AZ? Biden was up huge and all these ballots just appear out of nowhere?

And in WI, what happened to the Jo Jorgensen ballots?!
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-04-2020 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by zplusz
The mess in Pennsylvania shows how this revolution will unfold. The president’s lead there is a staggering 14 percentage points. From the early hours of Tuesday night it was clear the President was dramatically overperforming his polls in the Keystone State, and as votes poured in his lead only grew and grew. But Democrats control Philadelphia and the state government, and they had a plan. Early Tuesday night, they stopped updating vote totals in Philadelphia and announced that they would only resume updates on Wednesday, with counting perhaps taking until Friday.

This is a farce. It does not take four days to count ballots anywhere; it doesn’t even take more than one night. Philadelphia and every other Democratic city could absolutely could have counted every vote in its possession on Tuesday night. The only reason to delay the tally is to muddle the waters and provide Democrats with the necessary time to “find” the votes they need to win. Philadelphia is the exact city to do it in. The city already has a proven record of voter fraud:

The same stunt is happening around the country, in the deep blue cities of America’s swing states. Atlanta, Detroit, Milwaukee, all of them have slow-rolled or outright ceased counting votes, for no reason except to drag out the process and create the friction needed to add questionable votes. This isn’t complicated. It’s an effort to snatch an election they know they are on the brink of losing.
I wonder if they will use this clip of Biden admitting to fraud to add to the suspicion of taking these "needed extra days" to "count" the extra votes.

It actually makes no f**king sense why they need all these extra days to count, besides bringing to life the idea of getting up to some mischief with the votes
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-04-2020 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by Chuck Bass
Hahahahahah wtf mate, you may want to cut off the cocaine for a while

"The two greatest sports bettors of our time"... who? Zplusz and whb?

I not only gave you who to bet on, I even gave you how to bet on Trump and still win when he loses. Not that I'd be interested in what the peanut gallery thinks, but as I posted ITT before they started counting votes, I was very chill chugging beers at a friend's not following forums. I kept telling twitter all night that the states where Biden was meant to win were still left and he was still a favorite when literally the entire world was on mega panic and his odds drifted. Kept telling dolts for weeks that even in a worst case scenario there are states where a 2016 polling error still can't reach Biden, gave those exact five states and what do you know Biden went 5/5. What else do you need?

Hey I'm the guy that posted the election as PLO hands on twitter, just want to say ty for the election tip, I was a pussy and only bet 10% net worth but still, you staked your reputation hard.
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-04-2020 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by zplusz
Yup AZ

Weird how all these errors coincidentally happen on something that "everyone is watching, everything is clearly above the board"
The "errors" in AZ favor Trump if anything. Its not counting errors, it the people reporting the counts to the news agencies that made an error.
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-04-2020 , 12:21 PM
Woah crazy, I went to sleep and trump was up big in Mich and Wisc and now hes losing... I heard they got really high voter turnout in Wisc, maybe highest ever. Biden overperformed in Maricopa.. Hopefully trump can pull out a miracle win
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-04-2020 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by sled mobiles
zplus, just think for 5 seconds. Ready? If the dems were conspiring to cheat, under the most watched political event of the century, with literally billions of people worldwide watching, lawyers ready to go at the drop of a hat on both sides, do you think they'd be so obviously dumb as to dump 130k straight votes at once so that twitter geniuses could take screenshots and start screaming? Use your ****** brain dude. It's like saying the twin towers were rigged with explosives but no one noticed all the construction workers, noises, no one leaked it, no one got the security cam video. Before you hit send, just think about the ways in which your conspiracy could be invalidated in 5 seconds.

No one will take you seriously ever if you post stupid things that don't pass the smell test for even most 100 iq people.
maybe you should look at the clip where it comes straight from the horse's mouth that there could be some fraud going on
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-04-2020 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by spooner90
maybe you should look at the clip where it comes straight from the horse's mouth that there could be some fraud going on
Obviously he's never been exposed to it, doubt he follows the other side on twitter and the media would never push that.

Notice how it's only their side that wants to censor us too, only that side was calling for our voices to be banned ITT

I'm literally more confident than before, after processing everything.

Let's end this with PA and AZ though, I don't wanna have to go do the dirty R word, recount.
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-04-2020 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by DuckMe
I hope your delusion doesn't cost you elsewhere in life mate. That's all that really needs to be said at this point. Stop thinking the world is out to get you. It's not that deep.
it would be delusional to think that a platform like twitter wouldn't be capable of silencing/removing such content that would harm the progress of getting Biden elected, especially at this stage
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
11-04-2020 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by whb
Lol I might lose $100k in this election to fraud. I definitely didn’t factor that in this week.
Originally Posted by zplusz
Detroit is dumping batches of absentee ballots at 5AM ET they supposedly sat on the entire night. It’s unbelievable. Trump was right and this could be a fraud like we’ve never seen in Milwaukee/Detroit
In an extremely shocking twist of events, the "Trump is 100% to win" people are now blaming the loss on fraud
2020 US Presidential Election Betting Thread Quote
