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And yet another Mandalay Bay <img /2 hand... And yet another Mandalay Bay <img /2 hand...

12-04-2007 , 04:30 AM
The game was pretty tight. At least 3 of the people there were regulars and solid overall players. Add in me and Mike and you have yourself a tight table for sure. So I had been raising more often preflop, often only to $7. Had been successful taking down a few small pots. I had raised 3 out of the last 4 pots to $7 preflop and followed them all up with continuation bets on the flop.

One villian in this hand is a middle aged lady who thus far has played almost exactly as I play at $1/2. Obviously it hasn't been enough to tell for sure how good she is, and obviously there has to be some reason why shes only playing $1/2, but I would say I was impressed. She had about $215.

Other villian in hand is a young big breasted lady who just sat down with her boyfriend. Both of them were drinking and looked to be there just to gamble and have fun.

I get KK in MP and it has been folded to me. I raise again to $7, praying that someone gets tired of my act and comes over the top. Nobody does. In fact, the worst possible thing happens: I get a ton of callers.

Flop is 9TQ. Not exactly a perfect flop for me, but it'll do. Checked to me, I bet $15 and get 4 callers. Not good. Probably should've bet more, but I was prepared to release the hand to any aggression.

Turn is a rag, although I believe there is now a flush draw out there. Checked to me again, I bet $50. The big breasted lady calls from LP and the older villian calls from the blinds.

River is another rag, no flush came. If I had to say I think the board is something like 9TQ45, but the last two cards are really inconsequential. Older lady checks. Older lady has $150 left, big breasted lady has $100 left, you have them both covered. Your move.

What I did
I moved all in. Big breasted lady folded. Older lady called. Older lady showed Q9 for two pair and took the pot.

What I think I should've done
My thoughts at the time were that any hand that had me beat on the flop or turn would've surely bet or raised at some point to protect the hand against the draws. However, looking back I can see why she played the hand like she did, and I actually could see myself playing the hand like that(although I probably lead out on river once draws miss) some of the time. I dunno. I was surprised that I was beat. Still not really certain if I should've checked or not. Thoughts?
12-04-2007 , 04:32 AM
I think there's a rule that stipulates 2 HH threads per day per person. You should('ve) consolidate these into one or two threads.
12-04-2007 , 04:37 AM
I don't post much in this forum, so I read the FAQ before I posted and saw this:

"Post one hand for analysis per thread. If you have a couple hands with the same theme (TPTK on monotone) or a few hands vs. the same villian, those would be exceptions. "How'd I play these 4 hands" threads are discouraged."
12-04-2007 , 04:38 AM
quit being an idiot
12-04-2007 , 04:38 AM
13 hands is a lot to post at one time and expect anyone to even read, let alone reply to.
12-04-2007 , 04:39 AM
Originally Posted by Keyser.
quit being an idiot
Keyser, please either offer advice or don't respond to my threads. I don't have time to deal with your trolling. Thanks.
12-04-2007 , 04:40 AM
Originally Posted by deaders
13 hands is a lot to post at one time and expect anyone to even read, let alone reply to.
By all means, I don't expect any one person to offer me advice on every hand.
12-04-2007 , 04:43 AM
Originally Posted by Assani Fisher
Keyser, please either offer advice or don't respond to my threads. I don't have time to deal with your trolling. Thanks.
quit being an idiot.

also it appears time is not something you lack atm.
