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From Winning to Losing SSNL player[advice needed] From Winning to Losing SSNL player[advice needed]

11-29-2007 , 05:32 AM
Hey guys,
I've been a long time lurker of ssnl and I know I don't have many posts but please bear with me. First of all let me say I used to destroy msnl with a ptbb/100 of about 6 over 125k hands which I know is pretty unbelievable but some sites are just that easy. When I hit nl 50 i was sorta stuck in a rut and went on a 9 bi downswing but soon adjusted and tightened up my game and ran at about 4.4 ptbb/100 over the next 50k+ hands and then moved to nl 100 after some coaching from a really good msnl player. It was then that my two most profitable months happened when i made between 7 and 9k at nl 100. Sorry I don't have my pt stats, my comp got a sick virus and had to reformat without any chance of recovery. It's okay if you don't believe me I expect many won't but yes basically I became super rolled for nl 100 but couldn't move up due to personal financial reasons + lots of ppl borrowing money. Anyway flash forward 4 months and I've started grinding it out again. Pulling in 23k hands this month isn't really grinding I know but I've had midterms/girls/etc. and this happens:

i'm at 19/12/4.2 6max and 12.9/8/3.42 fr
the little variance near the end is nl 50 when i moved down today

i'm tired of blaming it on bad beats although we all know how big of an impact those make, i've lost enormous amounts in this graph on sets v. AA/KK flips (<QQ v AK) etc. and yeah that has made a huge impact on my graphs but I'm wondering why I can't seem to run like I used to. Obviously my 12k+ br wasn't a fluke cause I pulled in my share of hands but now it is getting ridiculous I'm left w/ so little self respect after losing so much at ssnl which I used to dominate.
I have preflop hand selection on my opponents, valuebet in the best spots and know when to squeeze/bluff/etc. but I don't know why I'm still losing. One of the leaks I've found with my game is that I'm not aggro enough w/ certain hands such as if someone c/r me on a J(hearts)4(hearts)10(club) board I will just flat call his c/r w/ AJ and call down and see a made flush on the river. But that's a few isolated hands, I go over all my bigger hands after every session and try to fix leaks as soon as they develop. I don't want to blame it on all bad beats but sometimes looking at my sklansky bucks makes me want to puke. Is this normal variance? I'm quite baffled to be frank. The players aren't good at all I've honestly met like 1-3 players at nl 100 that have maybe outplayed/played back at me enough for me to notice and 0 at nl 50. Do the sites matter that much? These hands are all on stars and I used to dominate Absolute. Should I just redeposit, pull in more hands and pull through this slump? Any advice? Any people feeling the same?
11-29-2007 , 05:43 AM
Take a break for a week and then find the leaks in your game.

There are always leaks to fix and you won't be able to assess them fairly with that attitude.

If you got coaching from someone who helped your game, go back to him and get checked up. It's going to be hard to fix without outside perspective.
11-29-2007 , 05:45 AM
"try 100 NL when can lay down AA unimproved"
11-29-2007 , 05:52 AM
i've laid down aces a couple of times vs. low af but it's pretty hard not to get stacked by sets on a low flop at lower stakes especially if draws are out, what signs do you look for when folding overspairs?
11-29-2007 , 06:05 AM
I don't lay down Aces like ever postflop. It's not that important and certainly not the one "leak" (if you can even call not folding AA postflop a leak) that's causing him trouble. Most of the situations you'll be in with AA where you're thinking about folding are marginal at best and don't contribute too much to WR!
11-29-2007 , 09:24 AM
I don't want to blame it on all bad beats but sometimes looking at my sklansky bucks makes me want to puke. Is this normal variance?
Your sklansky bucks line is standard. If you play both tighter and more aggressively than your opponents, it's almost bound to be like this, whether or not you are running good or bad. Don't puke, by itself it DEFINITELY doesn't imply you're running bad.

That said, don't panic, this can easily be variance.

Try to stay more open minded, just because players don't play like you, don't assume they are plain bad. They may be, but (even if it's just by chance) they may have hit upon ways to exploit you. And just because they do some stupid things, doesn't mean everything they do will be stupid.

There are more than 1-3 reasonable players at most limits > nl 100.

Keep improving, keep an open mind, keep learning etc and you will be crushing the games again soon.
