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What Tracker/Manager Stats? What Tracker/Manager Stats?

01-19-2012 , 08:18 PM
Hi experts (hope its just the experts answering this question)

Downloaded PokerTracker, snapped some stats in and realized that I am not using them correctly ... I play mainly .50/$1 and .25/.50 ... Does anyone have any good setups for the pokertracker stats that would mean at a glance I can see everything I need to know on the villains at the table ... Also put why I need to know this so I know what I am looking out for and if someone could go as far as putting relevant ranges for this as well I will be over the moon and in much thanks .

Thankyou guys in advance for your help.
01-20-2012 , 03:06 AM
The default stats they give you are the essentials. VPIP, PFR, AF, 3bet are the main ones you really need, and honestly when I'm playing, I mostly just look at VPIP and PFR.

VPIP = how often they are voluntarily putting money into the pot. So if a player's VPIP is 55, then they are seeing 55% of flops. Most good players's vpips are around 15-28. Once you're playing around 25-30ish%, then you're playing LAG. 22ish and less is TAG. Fish start at around 30ish, and anything above 50 is a clear-cut fish.

PFR = how often the player is raising. At 6max 0-15 is nitty. 20-26ish is LAG. Anything above 30 is pretty maniacal.

AF = aggression. 0-1ish is passive. 2-3 is aggressive. 5+ is really aggro.

3bet. 5-7 is pretty normal for regs at 6max. 4 and less is kinda tight. 8+ means a lot of light 3betting.

You should also pay attention to a player's 'attempt to steal' and 'fold to 3bet. ATS will show how positionally aware a player is. A player's PFR could be 20 overall, but if his ATS is 40+ it could very well mean his EP PFR is 10 (tight) and his BTN PFR 60 (loose). In summary, you'll need to look at positional PFR to see how often a guy is opening from EP, for example, because he may not be as loose from that position as indicated on the surface.

'fold to 3bet' is helpful because someone who calls too many is probably fishy or at the very least someone is trying to outplay you a lot. 60-75 is a normal fold to 3bet for a regular. 75+ means they fold to too much of them, and below 50 means they don't fold enough to them.

WWSF, WTSD, W$SD are also helpful. 3rd post
01-20-2012 , 07:22 AM
@ Hollywood,

thanks for the link you posted: very useful

can I ask you some considerations on WWSF, WTSD, W$SD?
In particular about the value these indicators should have so that we can understand something.

thanks a lot!
01-20-2012 , 10:13 AM
wwsf: around 44-47% is kinda the middle. when a player is around 45 they are fighting for pots a decent amount postflop. This stat kinda indicates how often they are betting/raising without a hand. 48+ means they're bluffing a lot/fighting for pots without real strong hands. When I finish a session and my wwsf is 50 or more, I'm happy because that means I wasn't just waiting for hands and was picking spots to take opponents off of theirs. 42% and below means the player just isn't playing back much and is playing their hand straightforwardly. It should be noted, however, a player can have a really high wwsf due to catching a lot of good hands; this is why you need a big sample of hands before this stat becomes reliable.

WTSD: How often they are going to showdown. If a player's is high, you should valuebet lighter and bluff less. If it is low, valuebet less and bluff more. I'm not sure how much this varies, but if you look at the winning players in your database, I imagine most will be around 25%. 25 is what I've been at for years now. So I imagine 35+ is really fishy and 20ish is too low.

W$SD corresponds with the previous stat, and it's how often the player is winning at showdown. if it's really high, the player usually has the goods when the cards are turned up. the opponent may be weak-tight so hero may want to decrease his betsize because it won't take as much to push the opponent off. If the opponent's is really low, hero should value bet a lot and increase the betsize. fwiw, mine hovers around 50%. A calling-station's will be much lower because he's constantly calling down and losing.

check out the links I provided; they provide greater detail than I did. Also, regarding the first link, I meant look at the 4th post. And, if you want to begin to realize how much of a goldmine this forum is, read some of Pokey's old threads.

Last edited by HollywoodHogan; 01-20-2012 at 10:24 AM.
