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What is the best way to get money in here? What is the best way to get money in here?

09-03-2009 , 06:31 AM
Hello guys,
Couldn't find a good topic for this one...

Live game 1-2. Stacks 'bout 200$. 6 players.

utg calls(200$) , all fold to cutoff (50$) who calls.
Hero on button (covers both) with 88, makes it 10$

blinds fold, utg and CO calls.

pot 33$

flop 2 8 Q rainbow

UTG checks

CO bets 15$

hero calls

utg calls

turn: 3

utg checks

CO goes allin for remaining 25$

Here's my read:

Co is a very loose aggressive player with absolutely no clue about the game. He had a big argument with the dealer the hand before and didn't understand why he lost a pot against me with K10 vs my KJ on K 5 5 7 8...

Utg is quite loose passive and have a history of calling down with marginal holdings, floating etc. I give him a range of pretty much any Q, given my call on the flop. He's very likely to show up Q10, Q9, KQ here imo.

Anyways...what is the best way to get him to stay in the pot here if he in fact holds q10-kq?
I went Marlon Brando on the CO, sighing...thinking...looking irritated...looking at the utg with my "do-you-believe-him?-let's-call-him-down-look".

To me, this seemed to be the only way for me to get more money into the pot at this point. I reluctantly called after about 30 seconds.
And for a while I think it worked, because utg was thinking for well 2 minutes before he laid it down.

My question is; do you think this kind of acting serves any purpose against bad players? Or is it your experience that in a situation like this you'll be more successful to just flatcall and try to draw as little attention as possible?
09-03-2009 , 06:50 AM
omg you played this terribly fold preflop
09-03-2009 , 07:05 AM
to much to read..

board 2 q 8 3 r

pot 78$

co goes allin for 25$ .. you make it ~70$ and be happy if utg is a calling station?! I mean whats your question then?
09-03-2009 , 07:43 AM
Question is; what is most likely to get called?

why make it 70$ on that board with one player allin?

Is flatting totally out of line IYO? 99% of the time, utg is gonna snapfold if i raise...
09-03-2009 , 08:07 AM
Originally Posted by 80-20Poker
Question is; what is most likely to get called?

why make it 70$ on that board with one player allin?

Is flatting totally out of line IYO? 99% of the time, utg is gonna snapfold if i raise...
I'd reraise small to make it look like an isolation raise and then bet like 1/5 - 1/3 pot on river if he does overcall.
You could also just call and bet out small on river.

Raising also gets you a lot more value for the times he has a smaller set that he wants to slowplay.
09-03-2009 , 08:34 AM
Don't go overboard with the oscar performance at a live table. Any semi intelligent person, be they a regular poker player or otherwise, has enough basic experience of human behaviour to know that nobody delibrates publically with cash at stake with a marginal holding.
09-03-2009 , 09:33 AM
You actually fold on the turn. CO has shown strength both flop and turn if we look at his hand range AQ/QQ sometimes 5x4x o/s that picked up a OESD and thats going to win some of the time on the river. Thinking about calling would be a mistake, you have to fold, show what you folded to the table then you can make some bluffs later in the session and other players will respect you.
