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The Well: FoxwoodsFiend The Well: FoxwoodsFiend

08-15-2008 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by KingDan
Recently I was playing someone who was going absolutely nuts. He was defending way too many hands (including like k3o ,59o etc)

10/20 I had 3775 he covered by a tiny bit

I opened 8d2d he called
Flop Kd7d5s
I bet 100 he makes it 311 i call

Turn 8d

he bets 800

Do you think shoving makes any sense? I didn't expect him to really fold better hands (except maybe like 68) but while thinking on the turn, I wasn't sure what rivers I could call. I was thinking I couldn't play the river profitably so I jammed

in retrospect I thinking maybe I should have just called but I'm still not sure which rivers to hero call.
08-15-2008 , 06:58 PM
offsuit 8 sorry
08-15-2008 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by FoxwoodsFiend
We are all stupider for having read this post.
Lies. Total lies.
08-16-2008 , 01:39 AM
Whats your thought on shortstacking? Do you consider it unethical?

Should sites make the minbuyin larger for all tables?

Last edited by Jehaim; 08-16-2008 at 02:03 AM.
08-16-2008 , 02:20 AM
Originally Posted by FoxwoodsFiend
Weird to say "get to play live poker" instead of "find yourself tempted for some reason to go into a casino and play poker only to remember how awful it is." When I'm in NYC the opportunities are rare because I don't have connections to the home games and I don't go to A.C. too often (I'm not in NYC too often anyway, when I am in town I don't want to spend my free time going to A.C.)

A.C.'s awful. The Borgata's decent but I don't go there often at all.
You've made reference to your dislike for live poker, also the fact that high stakes provides you with the meaningful tension required to play your A game. If you could regularly get a seat in the Kenny Tran game (an were bankrolled for it) would consider making it your primary game?
08-16-2008 , 03:38 AM
now i realize why he stopped replying to this thread
08-16-2008 , 01:15 PM
Love the new avatar lol stevesbets
08-16-2008 , 08:06 PM
Ariel - this is random, but I was the guy who won FX your (my) senior year. Got 9th the year before, obviously knew you were the **** and was blown away after the f-up in semis. After my speech in finals ("What role now for Russia in the arena of world affairs?") you came up to me and said something along the lines of "good job, that's the right way to give an extemp speech". It was a great gesture, you seem like fundamentally a nice guy amidst all your success (which is reinforced by your 2p2 posts, etc.)

- John
08-19-2008 , 02:21 PM
Here is an interview with him......the best part is (imo)

DS: How did you get your rep being the go-to guy for flips?

FWF: I made a couple different BBV threads asking people to flip, in which I flipped and lost like $10k each time. Then I'd see people post like "anybody want to flip?" and it's always for some small amount of money that I think it would be funny to flip for.

So I'd go to some guy's table and flip for his $25.37 roll on Stars or something.

That and I'm always sitting at empty tables waiting for action and people will sit in and ask to flip and I will always say yes if I don't have games going because it's boring just sitting and waiting for somebody to play me so it's a good way to keep entertained.

I guess the TL;DR version is that I am just always down to flip and thus end up flipping all the time.

Part I

Part II
08-19-2008 , 08:54 PM
FWF: ...In general I think that most $25/$50 regs (with very few exceptions) are very, very good players and I could keep listing but I have tons of respect for almost all of my opponents. stevesbets is another example.

DS: I find that last one difficult to believe.

FWF: Yeah stevesbets was just to see how up to speed you are on the scene; he's awful.

DS: Lol fair enough.
08-23-2008 , 06:24 AM
Did you go and woke up Emil or was it the camera guy?
08-24-2008 , 11:42 PM
Emil was indeed woken up, as can be seen in the video: High Stakes Poker part II
04-27-2010 , 04:13 AM
so whats new?
04-27-2010 , 10:37 AM
nice thread!
04-05-2014 , 06:40 PM
Just read through this thread again. (I think i read it back in 2008 aswell)

This is such a good well by foxwoodsfiend, it's pretty amazing how spot on he was with so many concepts 6 years ago.

For example:

i'd say that this is one of the toughest spots in NLHE and that the best way to avoid having trouble with it is by playing tough enough out of the blinds that your opponent can't barrel you (show him some postflop slowplays, float oop to c/r bluff the turn, etc). the less your opponent thinks he can **** with you in position the less you have to worry about getting run over and the easier it is to get to showdown with the marginal hands. i'd say i slowplay and take unconventional lines with big hands more than most opponents precisely because it makes me more likely to get to showdown and slow my opponents down.

This is basically how every good HUNL plays OOP in 2014 to protect against getting barreled HU when they have a defined range. Back in 2008 everyone was playing 20% flop chk raise etc.
