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VERY DEEP vs donk and reg VERY DEEP vs donk and reg

03-30-2008 , 04:21 AM
Originally Posted by LetMeLive
how do u kno this?

27/22 reg's are positionally aware.

Edit: The dog in my avatar really does look smart
03-30-2008 , 06:39 AM
I don't understand why ur flop call looks that strong. looks like a draw/Qx to me. raise the turn you have the nuts and the nut draw deep you have to get money in ASAP.
03-30-2008 , 08:08 AM
Hand is fine so far, need to pump it up now. Chantech sucks but he won't try to bluff two players on a board like this
03-30-2008 , 08:09 AM
seventy one dollars
