Originally Posted by WHITEBOYAEHS
damn........looks like ure getting too good a price to fold here? there is 302 in and its 75 more to you...
FYP. It doesn't matter how much money he's put in the pot up to this point. This is a cash game, not a tournament, you can keep rebuying forever. Unless you are really deep with a big fish and you don't want to take a marginal spot b/c you think you may lose the EV of being deep vs a bad player, but that's not the case here.
It's a weird **** line whatever it is. I expect there to be plenty of 9's in a 22/20's opening range 4handed so I wouldn't discount anything due to that. c/c turn and then c/r river small is... eh, weird. I'd call and expect to get shown some weird club draw or something often enough w him usually having some sort of 9x.
Flop raise seems almost mandatory given you are a little deep, 4handed, and it's a drawy board. Unless you have a really good that he will like auto triple barrel if you don't raise anywhere.