Turn Decision: Overpair with flush draw
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 160
6-Max 50NL (0.25/0.50)
You (BB): AcAs
Villain (Button): ?
We are readless against him. We are playing 23/23 over 40 hands.
PREFLOP: Villian raises to 1.5 and I raise it to 4.5. He calls. Pot size: $9.25
FLOP: 8d7s2s. I bet $6. Villian calls. Pot is $21.25
TURN: 3s. I bet $15. Villian raises to $35. I push making it $39 total. he calls.
Outside of maybe making my c-bet a bit bigger to say $7, is this a standard double barrel and call to a shove spot in a vacuum...or are there grounds for checking the turn and pot controlling?
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Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 160
No just $4 more. $39 total
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 155
because you have the nut flush draw+ovp you're double barrelling there every time. and snap calling that shove