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Too tight with QQ on the flop? Too tight with QQ on the flop?

05-31-2012 , 12:18 PM
IPN (Boss Media) - $1 NL - Holdem - 10 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3

BB: $47.36
UTG: $67.80
UTG+1: $100.00
MP: $160.99
MP+1: $83.25
MP+2: $137.03
LP: $135.18
CO: $71.63
BTN: $20.00
Hero (SB): $253.80

Hero posts SB $0.50, BB posts BB $1.00

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero has Q Q

UTG calls $1.00, fold, fold, fold, fold, LP raises to $4.50, fold, fold, Hero calls $4.00, BB calls $3.50, fold

Flop: ($14.50, 3 players) 8 3 6
Hero checks, BB bets $6.00, LP raises to $32.50

Hero ???

LP is 40/2 over around 70 hands and BB is 64/0 over 10 hands.

First question, is a 3bet better than a flat pre? Villain had only raised one other hand pre so I decided to flat and re-evaluate on the flop.

Second question, did I play this too tight on the flop? I decided to target BB for a check raise since it is likely he would stack off with one pair but when LP raises I get the feeling there is a pretty good chance I am beat. I gave him a range of TT+ and AK. This makes me about a 58/42 favourite but I thought his range was a bit more top heavy making this a bit of a coin flip. Throw in the fact that there is still another player in the hand and I think that it is a fold but what do you think?
05-31-2012 , 12:20 PM
nh wp fold now.
05-31-2012 , 02:10 PM
i noticed that donks tend to do the huge raise with sets or two pair, I always call down too fml, if only I could fold in these situations.
05-31-2012 , 02:44 PM
Some 40/2s raise trash hands preflop while they limp/call their premium hands. We don't know that yet, but it's something one could keep in mind. As played, I think I would lead the flop. As played, I think I would fold.
05-31-2012 , 03:01 PM
OOP on the flop I'm sure to 3b pf. Prices out under pair limpers and better defines their calling range which is pretty much AA KK. LP raising range is huge and by 3b we potentially still preserve an element of their beatable calling range by looking like AK or AQ and not wanting to play OOP.
05-31-2012 , 03:20 PM
3bet pre. Fold now.
05-31-2012 , 03:46 PM
Thanks for the input guys. The more I think about it the more I think 3betting pre and folding to a 4bet is the best play. Like you said it makes his range much easier to read and makes the hand much easier to play.

What do you think I should do here if I have a hand like TT or JJ?

As most of you said I did end up folding the hand. Here is how it played out:

Flop: ($14.50, 3 players) 8 3 6
Hero checks, BB bets $6.00, LP raises to $32.50, fold, BB raises to $42.86 and is all-in, LP calls $10.36

Turn: ($100.22, 2 players) Q

River: ($100.22, 2 players) Q

LP showed up with TT and BB showed up with K8.
05-31-2012 , 04:49 PM
3 bet pre, jam flop as played. I play HU fwiw but I find this to be an easy shove
05-31-2012 , 05:10 PM
Most competant players aren't shoving K8 here, they both really had the bottom of their range.
05-31-2012 , 07:03 PM
I also 3bet pre 100% but calling is fine if it fits into your overall game plan. As played i think shoving the flop is burning money. If you chose to flat pre, then you need to be prepared for marginal flop decisions like this, and as such folding should not be difficult.
06-01-2012 , 01:26 AM
130+BB deep shoving can't be all that great and this player obviously wants to get it in it seems. If you were 50-100BB's deep with villain I would be a lot more happy getting it in or calling down. As played that is probably the bottom of his range that he is doing this with and I think it is still a fold.
06-01-2012 , 01:40 AM
I'd 3bet preflop normal/big/huge, I mean you have two calling station Fish with awkward stack sizes to play with. This is a money making spot imo with QQ. I'm gonna play it for stacks anyway I can.
06-01-2012 , 02:55 AM
I think you played perfectly.

Imo flatting pre is best when we don't know wich 2% the fish is raising. Those who 3bet, how do you handle a 4bet?
