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too thin? too thin?

08-24-2010 , 05:31 AM
Bet and bet big, something like $20-24... We don't want to induce and also if he has 7x he should be more likely to call a big bet than a small one.

If I'd bet small on this river against "aggressive fish", I'd probably call any raise (and then laugh at how bad I am after losing).

Can he call you with a worse hand like 87? If he is folding all hands like this and hands with a nine in them, then he can only call you with a hand that is beating you such an ace, two-pair or the flush, so yeah, you should probably check back unless you have a stellar read on him and think he will call with 8-7 or 10-9 etc.
Against regulars you should at least consider calling here with 7x because your hand is somewhat face up and if you're folding pairs worse than JJ here always then you probably are folding >70% of the time on the river.

If you don't expect someone (who is not a passive nit) to valuebet JJ here, how the hell can you say hand like 78 should be an easy fold? It's a board most decent players realize they should be 3barreling every time they find themself on the river like this. I'm not saying they should often be calling with hands like 89 or 7x against avarage NL100 villain here, but I think they do often enough that we should be valuebetting this.

Last edited by chinz; 08-24-2010 at 05:53 AM.
08-24-2010 , 05:46 AM
Villain is bad enough and his worse range for calling the turn has enough weaker made hands that I think you need to bet and let him make a mistake.

It's on the thin side but on 7539 villain is calling the turn with a lot of hands that will still likely call an A river. In particular any 9x that floated flop (98, 96s, and then any 7x with a biggish kicker like K7, Q7, J7, 7xs. Obviously he peels turn with 87, 76, 65, 54, K5, Q5, J5, 5xs - really just any piece of the board, and then probably a lot of blank gutters like 6x and A4/A2 kind of hands.

So the A sometimes made two pair or top pair for a gutter, and he should have some two pair on the turn, although he didn't raise so it's less likely. I think the range of hands that could call a modest bet is still large enough to go ahead given how comparatively little of his range improved.
08-24-2010 , 05:59 AM
Originally Posted by DamienT
Care to explain please?
6 on flop, 15 on turn , 20-30 on river.

Gotta build the pot against massive fish.
08-24-2010 , 08:51 AM
Originally Posted by riske
Haha yeah, that's an awesome feeling. I recall once barreling away with deuces and getting called by AQ high, made my day.
Love those fish!
08-24-2010 , 09:16 AM
If he's a fish it's definitely a bet. He can show up with pretty much anything. If he's an aggro fish it's even more of a bet since he would of raised his good hands.
08-24-2010 , 11:25 AM
