Theory: overpairs and TP in 3-bet and 4-bet pots
Join Date: Aug 2014
Posts: 17
the traditional "don't fold overpairs or top pair" in reraised pots seems a little spewy to me especially at 100nl, which is still pretty nitty. for example, when we 3-bet squeeze with KQ or KJ, it doesn't seem like we should be getting 3, or even 2, barrels on K high (or Q / J high boards). what should the guidelines be on this? and if we are 2-barreling or 3-barreling with KQ or KJ on K-high boards, what are we going to be 2-barreling or 3-barreling as bluffs?
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 395
TPGK is pretty damn face up most of the time after you call 2 barrels so were 100% bluff catching by the river and there are also times where we are offering 0 fold equity to villain on the river if we call with tpgk and so its prolly poor balance in those spots.