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(stats) NL200 - 26k hands, leaks? (stats) NL200 - 26k hands, leaks?

07-18-2008 , 04:01 PM
i know its a pretty small sample but anyway: my first 26k Nl200. results: breakeven had some pretty sick swings...

so here are the stats:

points id like to discuss:
position play: is 19% too loose UTG? depending on the table im raising as far as Axs+, 45s+, ATo+ 22+, obv tighting up if there are too many stations/3betting player behind me

3bet/4bet: imo 6% 3bet isnt that much at NL200, 3bet more in position? i really like cold calling IP against fish and against certain regs (predictable, cbet too much etc...), too. also notice that i table select pretty hard, so i have position on a fish most of the time and id rather like to play 45s on the BU against them instead of 3betting and play a huge pot against a station with a marginal hand.
is 4betting too high? i 4betbluff frequently with marginal success, call more ip 4bet less against 3bets? (also notice 77% fold to 3bet.. way too much?)

blind defense: fold more in the BB? ^^

AFs: looks like i need to 2nd barrel more right?

vpip/pfr: at NL100 i played 24/21 which worked perfectly fine, maybe i need to adjust more to the more frequent 3betting at NL200 (party) and stop cold calling that much on the BU

cbet: flop/turn fine? as i said i table select a lot so i have to give up a lot when playing with fish, also regs tend to move a lot more, so i dropped my cbetting a bit
07-18-2008 , 04:17 PM
1) construct a little different range for UTG/HJ. You're a little loose there. Chop out SC/Axs types of hands.

2) "3 betting is overrated" -

3) Need to focus on your post flop play. Yes, it does look like you need to 2 barrel a bit more.

4) I honestly think table selecting at this level is overrated: everyone is terribad. Plus, you need to know how to beat the regs. Personally, I just check for full stacks.
07-18-2008 , 06:01 PM
you call to much @ BB
07-18-2008 , 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by Fistdantilus
I personally hated that article when I read it. I don't remember all he said, but I recall reading that and thinking that I understand where hes getting at, but the standard tag ATS is ~40% of his range on the button. So 3betting there is profitable. You run into someone who will call down light and try and outplay you post every now and then, just make a note and don't do it as much. 3betting on the button when CO is ATS is profitable too, since its essentially the same thing, but you have position on them, and they are generally folding KJ, Q10, and most suited connectors to a 3bet and if they aren't they are cold calling with hands that are getting mauled when a king flops because they are just like, "wtf, he 3bet, I called, I flopped a king on a k36 board, I have kj, I'm oop, I check, you raised, what do i do now." The reverse implied odds hes getting are great for you when someone is calling down light like that oop.

I did like how he said he usually 3bets the top and bottom of his range though, I think he said that, I haven't read it in a while. The only problem is, you call a raise with KQs on the button. You flop a king on a k48 board, and the CO goes spastic and is like, arrrr in. You have to call one street and fold generally, because yea you have top pair, but he could have AA, AK, 44 and 88, which, if you would have 3bet pre, folds out his small suited cards and gets 4bet by AK AA, which then its an easy fold.

If someone is 4betting a lot, 5bet them semi light. I remember Acehole 4 bet me like, 3 times in a row one session and I shoved over his 4bet with 55 and got a fold.At the same time a call isn't then end of the world there. He calls your 5bet with AK and your ahead, he calls there with KK and your a 4:1 dog he then thinks your a maniac spewtard, which you were for that one hand, but thats all it takes for him to take a note. That note helps you two fold: he now knows that you'll 5bet light and that will stop him from 4betting you light and will give your 5bets more credit since the first time you didn't have it, now you have AA and he has JJ and you win.

Wall o' text, but I just think there is more clout to 3betting 6-10% of your range effectively than he gives credit. Just a little rant about 3betting. Convince me otherwise, and I will love you for fixing a leak.
07-18-2008 , 10:30 PM
Ignore stats, sign up to Leggo/DC if you haven't, watch videos, take notes, implement, play a lot, play a lot postflop.
07-18-2008 , 10:42 PM
Your W$WSF is on the low side and your W$SD is uber high. Now, this could be due to variance (sample size isn't all that big), but most of the time it means that you're not value betting enough. You probably also play a bit too many hands from UTG and MP, and defend your BB too light.
07-19-2008 , 09:10 AM
i really liked that article thx for the link...
as my stats kinda tell, im cc a lot from the BU, too.
most of the time ive either a good multiway hand and want to invite fish to play or keep stack/pot low, so i got some room to move post flop (scs or pps) or stuff like ATs,AJ,AQ,KQ or sth like that which dominate the range of a high ATS player and will most likely get 1 or 2 bets when i hit (otherwise i can just outplay postflop...)
i feel like 3 betting these type of hands just leads to the fact that they now dominate our hand
also some regs really like 4betting in CO vs BU or SB vs BB spots...
what i probably need to work on is to find decent squeeze spots (im kinda low on these) but as i said i table select a lot so i have a high vpip fish at my table most of the time
(getting obviously squeezed by some reg than having the fish call his 3 bet is one of the most fun and satisfing things in poker imo )
07-19-2008 , 09:15 AM
Originally Posted by clowntable
Ignore stats, sign up to Leggo/DC if you haven't, watch videos, take notes, implement, play a lot, play a lot postflop.
