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11-19-2010 , 03:38 AM
If you went back to age 3 with your current knowledge I'm pretty sure you'd get into Harvard by 12 if you wanted. I'd probably just go to 1998 - I was 18 then
11-19-2010 , 03:38 AM
Not just about the money. You would destroy all kids at all levels at nearly everything requiring thought. If I had my head now in my 8 year old body, I'd kick so much ass at sports.
11-19-2010 , 03:39 AM
Originally Posted by Sciolist
If you went back to age 3 with your current knowledge I'm pretty sure you'd get into Harvard by 12 if you wanted. I'd probably just go to 1998 - I was 18 then
30? Man life is over for you.
11-19-2010 , 05:05 AM
True story: tonight our "moderator" terp spoiled 127 Hours for me by nonchalantly saying

something about the graphicness of the amputation scene. I, knowing nothing about the movie other than seeing TV ads and posts on 2+2 being like "it was awesome", was like WTF THANKS A LOT DUDE. I mean something like that would be a lot more powerful if you didn't know it was coming and didn't see the dude go through the process of bringing himself to do it knowing it was eventually going to happen in the end anyway!
11-19-2010 , 12:15 PM
i'd go back to like 7ish - 1997.
convince my parents to buy gold, destroy the poker boom, and dominate sports, boom.
11-19-2010 , 12:27 PM
This always blows my mind. Apple since I graduated from high school:

$1000 investment in 2003 = $45579.27 today.
11-19-2010 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
True story: tonight our "moderator" terp spoiled 127 Hours for me by nonchalantly saying

something about the graphicness of the amputation scene. I, knowing nothing about the movie other than seeing TV ads and posts on 2+2 being like "it was awesome", was like WTF THANKS A LOT DUDE. I mean something like that would be a lot more powerful if you didn't know it was coming and didn't see the dude go through the process of bringing himself to do it knowing it was eventually going to happen in the end anyway!
127 hours was awesome

brutal though
11-19-2010 , 01:28 PM
i want to check that movie out...that guy is pretty much the definition of a man's man...badass mofo.

friend getting married at a courthouse today. very weird.

also, i had another part to that question (going back in time)-

if you go back to say...age 3 or whatever with whatever knowledge you have now, do you think you'd be a 'genius', perse? obviously at your age you'd be a super genius...but i think as years went on, your upside wouldn't be nearly as high.

i believe that while you will (obviously) be smarter than you would have been normally (since you have an extra 10 years or w/e to add on to what you already know), you still wouldn't be like...super genius (good will hunting style). you'd probably just revert back to the mean at x age.

i feel like some of those super geniuses you see on tv...those people are a combination of genetic/environmental freaks that we couldn't reach, no matter how large of a headstart we have.
11-19-2010 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by Randiek
You don't need some ridic opportunity like microsoft to get rich. Even if you can go back to 8/11 you can get superrich from options.

However, you will probably get arrested at some point so maybe that isn't the best idea.

Either way, any market fluctuation up or down can make you major bucks.
options would require more detailed memory about the timings of swings and would be more effort, as opposed to "buy Amazon in 1997, wait for 1999, get rich"
11-19-2010 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by orange
i want to check that movie out...that guy is pretty much the definition of a man's man...badass mofo.

friend getting married at a courthouse today. very weird.

also, i had another part to that question (going back in time)-

if you go back to say...age 3 or whatever with whatever knowledge you have now, do you think you'd be a 'genius', perse? obviously at your age you'd be a super genius...but i think as years went on, your upside wouldn't be nearly as high.

i believe that while you will (obviously) be smarter than you would have been normally (since you have an extra 10 years or w/e to add on to what you already know), you still wouldn't be like...super genius (good will hunting style). you'd probably just revert back to the mean at x age.

i feel like some of those super geniuses you see on tv...those people are a combination of genetic/environmental freaks that we couldn't reach, no matter how large of a headstart we have.
You could obviously be a "genius" through your ability to "invent" things.

I mean, 'simple' ideas like "Selling books on the internet" can be regarded as genius in hindsight.

I guess you'd be more likely to be considered 'visionary' than 'genius'
11-19-2010 , 08:19 PM
spent 23 of the last 24 hours in bed. drunk + girl + hungover. finally got SC2 workin though.

kitten ridin' drrrty
11-19-2010 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by orange
if you go back to say...age 3 or whatever
Think how awful this would be just knowing you have nothing to do till high speed internet is available
11-19-2010 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by PJo336
Think how awful this would be just knowing you have nothing to do till high speed internet is available
I guess getting rich would be a nice consolation
11-20-2010 , 03:56 AM

over the past year, ive hooked up a couple times wiht this girl a year above me. tonight, we go back to her place and make out and do some other stuff for a while then i tell her to meet me at my place in 10 mins (bc my friend is picking me up to go home for tgiving break at 10am) and i quickly pack and get ready to do stuff with her. she lives a 30 second walk from me in the same apt complex. 5 mins later, i walk back to her palce and shes in her bed passed the f out. this feels way worse than going home alone bc i was guaranteed sex and now im posting on 2p2 bc shes ****ing tired
11-20-2010 , 04:00 AM
but on the bright side, im about to spend a week at home/in nyc for the first time since april
11-20-2010 , 04:24 AM
sweet ofish, i live in new jersey, enjoy home.

i'm studying for another organic chem test right now, its on sunday, i studied earlier but then got massively side tracked because its friday night, although i stayed in. trying to focus now and get some more done before i go to sleep, because if i go to sleep now ill be nervous tomorrow and procrastinate, yet if i get this done before i sleep then i think i'll force myself to do it, as long as i don't get too tired. then, i will have less to do tomorrow, and it's easier to study when you are more confident i think.

with that said, i am very bored, since i want to take another break, but i can't do anything that would take too long
11-20-2010 , 05:16 AM
Just spent the last few hours changing a brakeline in a cramped garage.

Pray that you never have to do that.
11-20-2010 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by FlanCrest
spent 23 of the last 24 hours in bed. drunk + girl + hungover. finally got SC2 workin though.
Medical school = serious business
11-20-2010 , 01:05 PM
korean bbq from 2-7AM, fml, I feel like a brick
11-20-2010 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by shpanko
Medical school = serious business
hey man, i got a 60% on my cardio exam, i deserved a night off!!

i was gettin 80s on the cardio usmleworld tests though... damn inhouse exams
11-20-2010 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by orange
if you could go back in time to the point where you keep your current mind (and everything you know) but go back to your body, what age would you go to?

for instance, say you wanted to go back to 8 years old. you'd keep your current knowledge (so you'd be like the smartest 8 year old alive) but be in your 8 year old body.

assume most all things that happened to you before happens again. other than small minor details. and obviously your knowledge can change the future a bit.

how early would you go back? wraths U says like...kindergarten. what do you think?

certainly very early in life because it would give me more time to target my learning and studying towards career paths i could predict with great certainty would be highly profitable when i go to be an adult. but too young would make for several really unpleasant years.

this boils down to what you've learned from your life experiences and what changes you would make. i think most of us would probably say some version of "i wish i devoted more of my time to productive activities. (be they learning, exercise or sports and games i was good at/liked). i wish i had avoided some major embarrassing decisions. i wish i went after more (and better) girls. i wish i had been a better person to those around me."

you can nearly maximize your ability to follow these goals by starting in pre adolescence and the ROI on the extra years between, say, 3 and 7, seems negligible.

you'd want to be young enough that you could still guarantee you got into the top local high school since that's the best chance of getting into a top college, and that's the best chance to ship jobs with awesome highly scalable income (assuming there is a meritocratic selection system in place for some sort of local magnet school) but much younger than that would be a total waste because your peer group would bore you and it would be several years of unpleasant social isolation. think about it, would your 18 year old self hang out and drink with an 7 year old because he had the brain of an intelligent 22 year old? so id guess something around 10 or 11 years old.
11-20-2010 , 03:27 PM
the biggest advantage is that you would be a millionaire from the old fishy games

however i guess it wouldn't be legal to play though lol
11-20-2010 , 07:08 PM
At a wedding tonight, and there are hardly any girls. I run so f bad.
11-20-2010 , 10:31 PM
So what is SSNL asking for Christmas?
11-20-2010 , 10:47 PM
i usually ask for books or movies or something.
