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09-10-2010 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by Keyser.
Yeah, but all my furniture and stuff have just been accumulated over the past several years. Most everything was paid for with pre-UIGEA monies and earnings from when I was 2-4 baller for a few months before I got lazy. I actually didn't play any poker for about 5 months just now and cashed out some retirement funds for a starter roll in Vegas so I'm kinda busto IRL. Am also a live pro now, which is pretty funny. I'm thinking about doing Teach for America or just trying to get a standard teaching job here in Vegas as I think I'm about done with poker.

Golf is good. I've been working with a swing coach and my game has improved considerably. I shot a 74 at an easy course back home (REALLY easy, like 99 slope) and average probably like 82'ish at a real course. I'll take some new swings vids to show my progress next time I play.
That's cool. I wish i had been playing pre-UIGEA but i hadn't even heard of poker then really. But it's fun now, the games are tough and challenging which is cool. And i imagine money can be easy to come by as a live pro because games are always good from any of my casino experiences.

When i stopped playing golf myself i was shooting high 70's at my home courses which was cool so i was around the same standard as you are. I'm thinking of getting back into golf right now but i feel when you get your handicap down to single figures it's just so much more of a grind to actually keep it there and consistently shoot low scores. So much time is required.
09-10-2010 , 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by jaysu
how do the japanese feel about white people, do they dislike all foreigners?
09-10-2010 , 10:51 PM
nice place keyser. how much does a 1br apt go for in vegas? i'd guess something like $800 a month?
09-10-2010 , 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by Keyser.
Yeah, but all my furniture and stuff have just been accumulated over the past several years. Most everything was paid for with pre-UIGEA monies and earnings from when I was 2-4 baller for a few months before I got lazy. I actually didn't play any poker for about 5 months just now and cashed out some retirement funds for a starter roll in Vegas so I'm kinda busto IRL. Am also a live pro now, which is pretty funny. I'm thinking about doing Teach for America or just trying to get a standard teaching job here in Vegas as I think I'm about done with poker.

Golf is good. I've been working with a swing coach and my game has improved considerably. I shot a 74 at an easy course back home (REALLY easy, like 99 slope) and average probably like 82'ish at a real course. I'll take some new swings vids to show my progress next time I play.
how old are u? where'd you live before moving to vegas? do you know other people there? always fascinated by people who just pickup and move somewhere else. (idk if that's even your case or not)
09-11-2010 , 12:25 AM
Kil, how can you be anything except ecstatic about having a hot 18yo Japanese **** buddy? You're seriously infuriating me. Stop being scared and just enjoy your life for once.
09-11-2010 , 12:49 AM
I am drunk....and still drinking. Woot! HU4rollz?
09-11-2010 , 02:25 AM
Wow what a cool place. I usually am not into art but those pieces are cool. I especially like the hallway pieces, I think you posted those before a year or more ago? Did you get those custom made?

I wish I had more money so i could afford nice stuff :P
09-11-2010 , 03:31 AM
09-11-2010 , 03:38 AM
Originally Posted by EATITPAL
And i imagine money can be easy to come by as a live pro because games are always good from any of my casino experiences.
My hourly has got to be higher playing online but in a sadistic way I'm enjoying live poker. It's a nice change of pace and you can definitely play higher live which is nice. Of course it's tediously slow. I've played like 22 hours this week without having a set, and I'm not saying that in a woe is I type of way because I've been running good still, it's just funny that not flopping a set for that long is probably not even statistically improbable. Like, what if goofyballer were a live pro? He could theoretically go a 24 period without putting a dime in postflop!

Originally Posted by orange
nice place keyser. how much does a 1br apt go for in vegas? i'd guess something like $800 a month?
Mine is $850. It cost more than some others I looked at but I really liked the private garage and the community seems more secure. You can get decent 1 brs in decent parts of town for $700-$750, or $600 in less desirable parts.

Originally Posted by GoodGame
how old are u? where'd you live before moving to vegas? do you know other people there? always fascinated by people who just pickup and move somewhere else. (idk if that's even your case or not)
I'm 26. Lived in DC before, Missouri, St. Thomas, I don't know, relocating is easy. Making friends isn't that hard especially in a place like Vegas where there are lots of 2p2ers around or people to golf with and stuff. I kinda enjoy my own company though so if you're the type who needs friends around 24/7 the second you move then it might be more difficult.

Originally Posted by Randiek
Did you get those custom made?
Yeah, had a friend who put me into contact with a local artist. The ideas were all mine. He drew some sketches of what I wanted and we polished it from there. It actually doesn't have to be very expensive if you get into contact with some art school students or broke local guys.
09-11-2010 , 03:39 AM
I have a pretty big night tonight after not really going out for a few months. I would be more excited if scoring stuff wasn't such a pith
09-11-2010 , 03:39 AM
09-11-2010 , 03:47 AM
Originally Posted by Windmasta
I first visited japan last year with one of my friend's from college, i wanted to go to Barcelona and Paris, but he was like lets go to Japan... lol so we went there not knowing anything besides konnichiwa... and wakarimasen (Hi, and i dont understand) It was pretty fun trip, culture was so much different from back home.

anyways fast forward to now. I just returned from visiting tokyo for 2 months. I only recently started learning the language the past 2 months since i was too busy with school to do any kind of serious study. Although i kind of regret not studying more in my spare time since the quality of your experience in Japan exponentially increases the better your Japanese is. I basically finished the entire Rosetta stone stuff Lvl (1,2,3) in like 3-4 weeks while i was in Tokyo i guess it was pretty helpful especially with pronunciation... even though the jguys i know say i talk like a girl.. lol Also doing some work in books now in my spare time since my senior year just started again. I've probably studied around 150 hours of Japanese and know all the basic stuff vocab probably a couple thousand of words. Can keep a convo going for like 10 minutes. They say you need around 900 hours to be fluent so i would say im not even close haha, but given that ive been studying for like a month its not too bad. Even so, a little bit of Japanese goes a long way here. Probably going to keep studying little by little and probably going to go back in November and/or December, was gonna go back in October for fall break, but id like to go back when i know some more Japanese. Tokyo is insanely fun. I already miss it
just let you know now, 900 hours isnt even remotely, remotely close to fluent, in any language (I actually spent more time playing SF4)

Ive been in Japan for quite a while, and go to a Japanese college, with all my classes in japanese, and not even remotely close to fluent. It will be another 10-15 years at least for me

but yeah, tokyo is fun. Glad to hear youre trying to learn the language
09-11-2010 , 04:08 AM
Originally Posted by Shpank_oh
Kil, how can you be anything except ecstatic about having a hot 18yo Japanese **** buddy? You're seriously infuriating me. Stop being scared and just enjoy your life for once.
Its not fear. Its just... a feeling of emptiness

shes kinda cute, but the only reason I slept with her is because she came on to me so hard

not only that, but she constantly emails and sometimes talks about the guy she likes, and the guy she wants to date. She also asks me who I like, so she can help me.

Also, when I call her randomly, like I do with any of my girlfriends, shes like 'wtf, whats wrong?'

I dunno, I just feel uncomfortable with a sex buddy. Plus I dont see it ending all that well.

other side of that; whoooooo, sex buddy thats 5 years younger than me!!!1
09-11-2010 , 07:28 AM
My friggin god ATVs are so fun !
09-11-2010 , 08:12 AM
Originally Posted by Reefypoopoo
DJ Reef- Interlude

Slim ft Young Joc- So Fly
Nicki Minaj ft Rick Ross- Your Love
P Diddy- Satisfy You
Missy Elliot ft Nas- Hot Boys
D. Willz- Supposed To Do
Warren G ft Nate Dogg- Regulate
50 cent- Candy Shop
R. Kelly ft The Game- Playas Only
J. Holiday- Homework
Lil Rob- Summer Nights
Fat Joe ft R. Kelly- How Did We Get Here

Click link to PM me if you want it

no shortdonkers ldo
mmm, prob not the optimal time to bump this but whatevs.

Getting pretty good reviews so far imo

Originally Posted by ofishstix
this is really good
like this one glad you enjoy it sir
09-11-2010 , 09:43 AM
Originally Posted by Kilillan
just let you know now, 900 hours isnt even remotely, remotely close to fluent, in any language (I actually spent more time playing SF4)
yeah... spent so much time when i was younger playing video games. Good thing i only play like FIFA nowadays.

Haha i guess it means what we describe as fluent. Nobody is obviously going to be as good as a college student native japanese speaker in 900 hours. Im mostly referring to the JLPT guidelines. ~2000 kanji ~10,000 vocabulary. Which i imagine would place somewhere around an HS student, pre college student according to the Kanji Kentei test.. But, then these are 900 "good" hours working almost nonstop...

Anyways i don't think i'll ever be fluent in Japanese.. I don't have anything pulling me here except a mild interest, so its hard to find any real motivation to study. Plus, i couldn't really imagine myself living in japan for longer than a year or so... being around Asians 24/7 kind of drives you a little crazy. So, i don't see a huge long term benefit in learning the language. Plus... Japan just seems like one huge level to me while im there. Probably cause im not doing anything very productive. If i could get to the level of like a 5th-7th grader i would be completely satisfied. In all honestly, id probably rather be learning mandarin right now if it wasn't for ridiculous pronunciation scheme.

also im pretty sure kil is leveling you guys half the time.
09-11-2010 , 09:50 AM
How much did you have to pay orange to shave his ass and then write on it?
09-11-2010 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by Wraths Unanimous
How much did you have to pay orange to shave his ass and then write on it?
frstly, my ass is bare...i'm not hairy like you stupid crackers.

secondly, i have a leatherass, so unless i went on jenny ****ing craig for a few months straight, those bumps aint gettin out.
09-11-2010 , 11:42 AM
ahaha that's awesome narf
09-11-2010 , 11:53 AM
man I can feel my heart skipping beats and fluttering past two days. Scared and stopped smoking now
09-11-2010 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by Windmasta
yeah... spent so much time when i was younger playing video games. Good thing i only play like FIFA nowadays.

Haha i guess it means what we describe as fluent. Nobody is obviously going to be as good as a college student native japanese speaker in 900 hours. Im mostly referring to the JLPT guidelines. ~2000 kanji ~10,000 vocabulary. Which i imagine would place somewhere around an HS student, pre college student according to the Kanji Kentei test.. But, then these are 900 "good" hours working almost nonstop...

Anyways i don't think i'll ever be fluent in Japanese.. I don't have anything pulling me here except a mild interest, so its hard to find any real motivation to study. Plus, i couldn't really imagine myself living in japan for longer than a year or so... being around Asians 24/7 kind of drives you a little crazy. So, i don't see a huge long term benefit in learning the language. Plus... Japan just seems like one huge level to me while im there. Probably cause im not doing anything very productive. If i could get to the level of like a 5th-7th grader i would be completely satisfied. In all honestly, id probably rather be learning mandarin right now if it wasn't for ridiculous pronunciation scheme.

also im pretty sure kil is leveling you guys half the time.
If youre talking about JLPT guidelines then thats completely different

I passed level 1 in about a year btw
09-11-2010 , 02:27 PM
oh so it is pretty doable in a year. How long do you think you studied total/hours per day?
09-11-2010 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by Windmasta
oh so it is pretty doable in a year. How long do you think you studied total/hours per day?
went to a japanese language school at the time

it was 5 hours a day 5 days a week

plus I had an additional hour nearly every day of 1 on 1 time with the teacher, asking questions. Plus I was living with my japanese gf and self study time

overall maybe 9-10 hours a day

btw, doing it in a year is very hard. I studied my ass off and passed by 4 points, and even then I think I got very lucky on the questions
09-11-2010 , 02:46 PM
yeah i bet it was tough... thats pretty sick. I know those Japanese schools are pretty intense.

Unfortunately i don't have as much time to study, since im double majoring in college right now... and not in Japanese..

I think i'll go for JLPT 3 this December or something. I could probably pass JLPT 4 if i review for a couple days. My personal goal is just to reach 2 by the end of July or something.

yeah when i hear stuff like this... i think its stupid that people think its easier to learn a language as a child. No way you're almost fluent in a language as a child in under a year.
09-11-2010 , 02:51 PM
do japanese people dislike foreigners with accents speaking japanese? just curious because i don't mind people speaking english poorly or with an accent
