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10-10-2008 , 01:40 PM
ppl are getting the **** out
10-10-2008 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by 4_2_it

If they complain, just share this ancient American proverb with them: "You get what you pay for."
I lol'ed.

Also - Gran Turismo Prologue is SIIIIIIIIIIIICK!!!! Had to blow the dust off my PS3 - but well worth it imo. Plus - it makes me want to grind as every car I buy I'm like 'Hmmm, only $85k for a GT-R? Sick - that's only like - 425 BI. If I run at like 15 BB/100 12 tabling NL200 for 5.5 days straight - it's as good as mine - WITHOUT RAKEBACK!!!"

EZ fkn game.
10-10-2008 , 02:05 PM
does anyone have a link to the disgusted asian putting his face in his palm pic?
10-10-2008 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by orange
can somebody explain WTF is going on with the stock market these days? jesus.
This article seemed pretty reasonable to me, but I don't know much. 4_2_it?

I got lucky, though. About 2 years ago, I thought "hey, I should really learn something about investing." So I bought some books and stuck like 70% of my money into really conservative investments while I read the books.

Obviously, I'm a lazy bastard, so I never finished the books. Which means that I never moved my money out of the conservative investments. So I win!! (except for the large chunk I put in FMAGX a long time ago. D'oh!).

Last edited by poincaraux; 10-10-2008 at 02:17 PM. Reason: yeah, yeah, it's all more complicated than that picture. that doesn't mean the picture didn't make me chuckle.
10-10-2008 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by Ra_Z_Boy
My point was simply that IQ doesn't mean much when it comes to ability to run a country. Also IQ is a very flawed measure of intelligence.
I think intelligence matters a lot. That IQ is a flawed measurement is true. That doesn't mean we shouldn't somehow strive to put smart people in charge.

But by the way, I have rarely met anyone with a very LOW IQ that I thought was a smart person (I've met plenty with average IQs that I thought were smart). If you simply SUCK at everything an IQ test measures, then you just aren't smart, and I don't care how flawed the test is.

The same applies to SATs/ATCs/GREs/GMATs/etc, in my opinion.
10-10-2008 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Wait you go/went to UCSTD? ahahahahahahaha
no, i go to UF.

i got into UCSB and went to their summer thing for accepted freshmen.
10-10-2008 , 02:51 PM
10-10-2008 , 02:52 PM

I made the following upgrades:

- Intel Core 2 Quad Processor Q6600
- Microsoft Office for Students 2007
- 3 GB memory

Are any of these upgrades unneccessary? Is it a waste of money to pay for McAfee anti-virus software?

Also I assume that none of the videocards offered will help me any so I should just take the free one and buy another some where else.

Also, I swear this is my last post about this.
10-10-2008 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by bilbo-san
Do I misunderstand you? Are you suggesting that Hitler's IQ did not contribute to his ability to conquer the world?

Or that if Hitler had been dumb as a board he'd have been an even more thorough ethnic cleanser?

No one claimed that:

-- intelligence and morality are correlated, and that by filtering for intelligence we'd also be filtering for high moral character
-- intelligence and sanity are correlated, and that by filtering for intelligence we'd also filter out whackjobs?

You seem to have come to the conclusion that since moral character is unrelated to intelligence, this somehow makes intelligence irrelevant. Which is silly because I'd like to pick a candidate who has high moral character AND is smart AND is sane (wishful thinking, sure, but we are talking about desired outcomes, right?).


Stupidity and Evil are the same thing if you only count results.


of course morality is essential, but much harder to test for. just gotta put it on faith that whoever you pick has the world's best interests in mind.
10-10-2008 , 03:19 PM
so apparently the FTSE dropped 7% today. me and my flatmate were thinking about what happens when **** hits the fan and people are rioting and stuff. i'm kinda imagining 28 days later but without all the people biting each other.

obv this is hypothetical but i like the idea that i'll have some kind of pre thought out mission plan in case it ever comes up. below is some stuff ive come up with already.

so obv i need to acquire certain things to survive:


i'm assuming getting to the countryside or something is gonna be enough. i dont have guns,and the only real deadly weapons we have are kitchen knives (which im not very fond of as a primary weapon but they are obv good as secondary/concealed). I assume that i want to acquire some kind of bat/metal pipe situation.

food shouldnt be too much of a problem, it being central london and all. i can also get a provisions bag ready. for transport im not sure what to do. assuming public transport is not viable, one option is to GTA style someone for their car. i also think another possibly might be trying to find some kind of water vehical and just cruise out on the thames. im not sure what i like here.

working with others in a group would also be a huge benefit but seems unlikely given we'll be in fight or flight and people wont be able to think rationally enough.

i'll also need valuables, in order to use as trade items. again, not too sure what the best items will be, assuming money turns out to be useless. medicine would be one of the most valuable types of commodity, so i guess im off to Boots and am jacking them for all i can get.

what other stuff can u guys think of?
10-10-2008 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by tufat23
so apparently the FTSE dropped 7% today.
full tilt securities exchange...?
10-10-2008 , 04:28 PM

I think you're gonna want handcuffs / restraints and **** as, it will be advantageous to take prisoners - other peoples family members will be the new currency imo.

Also - some of these

I knew doing a deal with these guys would pay dividends.

I'm down to form the SF chapter of the 2p2 Apocolypse Team if anyone's interested. I have the gats and transportation - and a place in the country next to a lake for food.

I just need someone with knowledge of agriculture and livestock - any CAL POLY grads out there? Lol Bovine University.
10-10-2008 , 04:28 PM
lol at my genius $9k investment in mutual funds two weeks ago.

I read good.

And this is not the end of the world. Lol, I'm a bigger conspiracy/end of world type guy than anyone here and I understand the market has to adjust and hit a bottom before this is over. If the terrorists had their **** together this would be a great time to **** us up fwiw.
10-10-2008 , 04:38 PM
fall housing prices fall
10-10-2008 , 04:41 PM
Now is good time to buy property right?
10-10-2008 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by KaiserSose

I made the following upgrades:

- Intel Core 2 Quad Processor Q6600
- Microsoft Office for Students 2007
- 3 GB memory

Are any of these upgrades unneccessary? Is it a waste of money to pay for McAfee anti-virus software?

Also I assume that none of the videocards offered will help me any so I should just take the free one and buy another some where else.

Also, I swear this is my last post about this.
Memory good. More is better. HEM isn't as bad as PT3, but both will slow down your pc a lot if you don't have enough RAM.

Don't pay for anti-virus software, there's free stuff that is perfectly fine.

I personally don't think you need office unless you use it a lot for work or school or whatever. I mean, I love Excel but if I am honest with myself I could do everything in Google Docs or whatever just as well, given that I use it once or twice a month. And if I didn't make videos I'd basically never use PPT.

You don't need the processor either unless you are going to game on this, or do something like video encoding or some such. If it's just a poker machine that CPU is serious overkill.
10-10-2008 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by RUDIKULOUS
fall housing prices fall
QFT. When all the inevitable foreclosures come it's going to be such a great time for us. (People looking to buy houses.)

Just got into an accident with my sister, some guy tried to whip across 2 lanes of traffic after the left lane waved him on, me and sister were coming up right lane. I guess two motorcycles also went before the guy we hit went. Glad we didn't hit either of them. No injuries, and it was a complete bad luck honest accident. I thought I was running bad earlier and this makes me realize it could be a lot worse. The kid was probably 20 or so, drove a 96 escort, and seemed like he lived with his grandma since that was the first person he called. I feel terrible for the guy. Standard?
10-10-2008 , 04:53 PM
Also probably a lot cheaper to buy the memory upgrade at newegg or something and click it in yourself. The single easiest thing to do by yourself and theres always good deals.
10-10-2008 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by bilbo-san
...if I didn't make videos I'd basically never use PPT.
You make vids?
10-10-2008 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by Wraths Unanimous
No injuries, and it was a complete bad luck honest accident. I thought I was running bad earlier and this makes me realize it could be a lot worse.
It took a near death experience for you to realize a downswing is not the worst thing in the world? Not all that standard tbh.....

Why do you feel terrible for the guy if no one got injured?
10-10-2008 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by bilbo-san
Memory good. More is better. HEM isn't as bad as PT3, but both will slow down your pc a lot if you don't have enough RAM.

Don't pay for anti-virus software, there's free stuff that is perfectly fine.

I personally don't think you need office unless you use it a lot for work or school or whatever. I mean, I love Excel but if I am honest with myself I could do everything in Google Docs or whatever just as well, given that I use it once or twice a month. And if I didn't make videos I'd basically never use PPT.

You don't need the processor either unless you are going to game on this, or do something like video encoding or some such. If it's just a poker machine that CPU is serious overkill.
Thansk a lot for the response.

Any recommendations for free anti-virus software?

I don't mind shelling out for office as I'm an accountant and might take home some work that i'll need excel for.

You are the first person that said the processor might be overkill. I don't really know much about processors. If I wanted to 14-table, listen to music on i-tunes and use Hem / browse the internet at the same time would this upgraded processor help out much?
10-10-2008 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by KaiserSose
Thansk a lot for the response.

Any recommendations for free anti-virus software?

I use AVG - would be interested to see if there's a better alternative (though it's pretty straight forward and seems to work well for me).
10-10-2008 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by Snipe
I use AVG - would be interested to see if there's a better alternative (though it's pretty straight forward and seems to work well for me).
I use AVG too it is really good for a free programme.
10-10-2008 , 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by Ra_Z_Boy
It took a near death experience for you to realize a downswing is not the worst thing in the world? Not all that standard tbh.....

Why do you feel terrible for the guy if no one got injured?
It wasn't a near death experience. It was an experience that made me realize my "running bad" is so much better than other people's running bad. This guy probably is from a lower income family, doesn't have that much going for him, and will now probably see an increase in his insurance for an accident that isn't entirely his fault. Furthermore I am not down swinging just having a bad day at the tables, and this accident helped put it in prospective in terms of running bad. I think I summed up why I feel bad for him but in case you missed it, the accident wasn't entirely his fault, he seemed like a nice guy, and it seems like this is going to have a pretty negative effect on him. I guess I can empathize with him.

I use AVG and ZoneAlarm for security. I used to have Adware but the trial ran out or something.
10-10-2008 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by Wraths Unanimous
It wasn't a near death experience. It was an experience that made me realize my "running bad" is so much better than other people's running bad. This guy probably is from a lower income family, doesn't have that much going for him, and will now probably see an increase in his insurance for an accident that isn't entirely his fault. Furthermore I am not down swinging just having a bad day at the tables, and this accident helped put it in prospective in terms of running bad. I think I summed up why I feel bad for him but in case you missed it, the accident wasn't entirely his fault, he seemed like a nice guy, and it seems like this is going to have a pretty negative effect on him. I guess I can empathize with him.

I use AVG and ZoneAlarm for security. I used to have Adware but the trial ran out or something.
I was being sardonic. I realise it wasn't actually a near death experience. Just poking fun at the poker players mentality and how sometimes the way we see the world compared to everyone else is so skewed. Like your sister wasn't thinking "wow and I thought I ran bad!" was she?

I just think my overall feeling in that situation would be relief and I would be so busy being glad the guy was ok I wouldn't really be able to feel bad for him if you know what I mean?

Also he will get over it. Guys that have motorbikes generally won't have the disposition that will lead to a minor accident having any sort of long term affect on them. This is because they are crazy people already. Love the rush etc. You did talk to the guy so you would obviously know whether this would be the case or not.
