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02-24-2011 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by Chaos_ult
Going to to tap my maple trees in my backyard in attempt to make syrup.

Has anyone here made maple syrup before?
Not sure if the same risk exists for syrup, but I know that unpasteurized honey often contains the toxin that causes botulism, so I'd be careful.
02-24-2011 , 03:20 PM
i thought honey contains spores and not the toxin, which is why babies are affected and not adults (please correct me if im wrong.) i'm actually about to start relearning all of bacteria right now, so i'll holler if i discover one way or the other.
02-24-2011 , 04:19 PM
That sounds awesome chaos. You can probably find all the info you need on google.

Trying to convince my ginger friend to get the woot shirt today:
02-24-2011 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by ofishstix
i thought honey contains spores and not the toxin, which is why babies are affected and not adults (please correct me if im wrong.) i'm actually about to start relearning all of bacteria right now, so i'll holler if i discover one way or the other.
Yeah you're right, damn it I literally just learned this too and still managed to mess it up. Yeah the honey contains the spores which are able to grow in the semi-uncolonized gut of the baby and cause botulism, and I think I remember that adults wouldn't be affected. So yeah chaos disregard what I said earlier, my bad.
02-24-2011 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by The-fryke

Also, looking at getting back into working out. Thoughts on this starting combo?

Do i need anything else? I figure two proteins and a preworkout thing + free vits is all good?

FWIW those are the top recommended whey, casein, vits and pre workout thing at, i figure they cant be awful. Any experiences with them, any other substitutes that might be better, and supplement group im missing?

As a supp whore and guy who lifts a lot these days, I'd recommend the same things I recommended a few pages back (custom carb mix from with Gold Standard Whey, Optimum Nutrition Creatine.

It ends up being cheaper and more customizable than standard pre / post mixes.

If you want to go off the shelf, for recovery I personally really like Optimum Nutrition After Max as it has 40g carbs / 40g protein / 5g creatine / and maltodexterin.

I tried NO Explode / Jack3d / Super Pump Max / Pre Surge Unleashed - and have not liked any of the pre workout NO / caffeine things at all. They really just feel kinda nasty.
02-24-2011 , 06:30 PM
So i'm getting this weird pain in my chest around my pec around the breastbone area. Very localized. Not super painful. If I poke it it feels like pushing on a charlie horse almost.

I'm right to just take a couple days off?
02-24-2011 , 07:10 PM
so all you craft beer enthusiasts that post about it here, are you reasonable with your intake and like 95% of the time keep it to one or two beers and match it up with food like its meant to be; or are you unfortunately like me and at least 50% of the time you go out and get a 6 pack of 10% abv hopslam (the worlds greatest beer behind stone ruination ipa i must declare, although im from ne ohio so have never had any of the greats from out west) you finish them all except for maybe a lone soldier
02-24-2011 , 07:16 PM
This is ****ing fantastic!!! Vampire dude turns the tables on his bitch bank, takes advantage of some esoteric laws, and through a series of unpaid 'damages' free rolls - forecloses on their branch!!!!

02-24-2011 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by cberasi
so all you craft beer enthusiasts that post about it here, are you reasonable with your intake and like 95% of the time keep it to one or two beers and match it up with food like its meant to be; or are you unfortunately like me and at least 50% of the time you go out and get a 6 pack of 10% abv hopslam (the worlds greatest beer behind stone ruination ipa i must declare, although im from ne ohio so have never had any of the greats from out west) you finish them all except for maybe a lone soldier
No man left behind.
02-24-2011 , 07:31 PM
Vampire story is mad funny.
02-24-2011 , 07:43 PM
what do i eat for dinner?

sandwich ? (if so, which kind- subway like sandwich or a philly?)
something else

i will eat the first suggestion that is posted (if it is one of the above 3).
02-24-2011 , 08:09 PM
02-24-2011 , 08:25 PM
WP. Would only be better if you had saved the pic of Orange actually BEAMING next to one of those.
02-24-2011 , 08:32 PM

02-24-2011 , 08:33 PM
(those are from my own experiences making the pizza burger)
02-24-2011 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by shpanko
Yeah you're right, damn it I literally just learned this too and still managed to mess it up. Yeah the honey contains the spores which are able to grow in the semi-uncolonized gut of the baby and cause botulism, and I think I remember that adults wouldn't be affected. So yeah chaos disregard what I said earlier, my bad.
I have made my own maple syrup. It take 40 gallons of sap to make 1 gallon of syrup. Also, Maple is boiled down and it kills any bacteria.

Regarding honey, raw honey is one of the best foodstuffs you can consume, esp when it is local to your area.

I am planning on getting honey bees this year to go along with my 12 chickens and 2 ducks.
02-24-2011 , 08:38 PM
Lol im impressed if that was today
02-24-2011 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by TimothyVdp1
solid tip for milkshakes/smoothies:
buy some frozen fruits like raspberries/pineapple/... and add them=>cheaper,already diced/..., no need to put ice in it to make it cold and its damn good ^^
For healthier version.

Buy banana's that are going south in the super market. Freeze them.

Puree frz banana with other frz fruit add water/milk/soymilk etc.

I make a banana/soymilk/chocolate and you'd swear it was made with ice cream.
02-24-2011 , 08:51 PM
wait, so which founding father was a ginger?
02-24-2011 , 08:53 PM
02-24-2011 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by Chaos_ult
Going to to tap my maple trees in my backyard in attempt to make syrup.

Has anyone here made maple syrup before?
Response from a friend of mine who makes her own:


Hmmm, good question. I don't know of any specific websites or things to send him to, but basically he'll need to buy taps, and buy or find food safe buckets with lids. You can use plastic food safe 2 or 5 gallon buckets but the metal ones made for maple syrup are really the best, but a little pricier. The place we order supplies from is in NH.

For the boiling assuming it's small quantities, he'll need a large pan to boil on the kitchen stove, the more surface area the quicker it will evaporate, so a big roasting pan or something that could go over two burners is good. And there better be a really good exhaust fan in the kitchen, otherwise you are just creating a steam bath- a friend of mine literally had the wallpaper coming off the walls when he did his first batch!

It's 40 gallons of sap to 1 gallon of syrup typically so it means a LOT of boiling! (and a lot of gas or electricity!)

I know people doing it for the first time have a hard time knowing when the syrup is done and ready to put in jars. It's key to watch it very closely and it's like if you've ever made homemade candy and you boil off enough of the liquid all of a sudden it starts to foam up like crazy (your pan needs to have at least 3-4" of space above the surface of the liquid for when it expands... 6-8" is even better). It goes from being big bubbles to very small bubbles like the head on a beer, and then you know it's ready to take off the heat- right away or it will burn or start to crystallize. Any jars work, just sterilize them first in a dishwasher or by dipping in boiling water.

I just googled and saw this site- pretty simplistic but maybe a good place to start.:

Certainly you can give him my email if he has more specific questions I'm happy to answer them.


let me know if you want her email
02-24-2011 , 10:53 PM
02-24-2011 , 11:49 PM
Thanks poin!

I've already made my own wooden taps, just because I wanted to do it the early/traditional way.

Going for my first attempt tomorrow morning.
02-25-2011 , 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by cberasi
so all you craft beer enthusiasts that post about it here, are you reasonable with your intake and like 95% of the time keep it to one or two beers and match it up with food like its meant to be; or are you unfortunately like me and at least 50% of the time you go out and get a 6 pack of 10% abv hopslam (the worlds greatest beer behind stone ruination ipa i must declare, although im from ne ohio so have never had any of the greats from out west) you finish them all except for maybe a lone soldier
MBN to be able to pick up a 6er of hopslam whenever you want! Lately I've been hitting up a co-op (volunteer 4hrs/week you get 30% off cost) and they let you mix and match whatever you want so I get a 6er of 6 different beers. I've basically killed the entire 12oz selection there doing that though so now I am going to have to start buying the liters. I barely ever try to pair it with a good food however I would love to do that on a regular basis (but would probably then drink a ton after dinner as well).
02-25-2011 , 12:46 AM
Yeah, I went to OU for a brief stint and they had hopslam there so it was a nice treat whenever I felt the desire for a year or so. Now I'm back at akron and never had access to it, but just this past week when I went to the place I regularly go for craft beer selection, they just decided to start selling hopslam in addition to there other bells selection after like 2 years waiting. Good for the palate, bad for the wallet at 19 and change for a 6 pack after taxes haha; on another note, hopslam has to be my favorite bottle art logo of any ive seen
