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02-02-2009 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by orange
eh, i think i was more ref to the chicks you have to work harder to get laid? do you think its more due to your skin color?
ive shipped 2 legit girls here, ted has shipped this 31 year old like 40 times... don't really have to work hard to get laid. thai girls annoy the hell out of me though
02-02-2009 , 06:54 PM
how many of you guys are renting a place on your own? I really want to rent,I think I have everything in place... 18months - 2 years living expenses depending on rent cost, steady bankroll for poker, still a student, but an older one @ 23 and have at least 2+ years left of school depending on if I go past undergrad or if I do full/part-time.

I really dislike living at home, it's very deflating/depressing, no bad relationship with parent/siblings, just feels like it hinders my independence. I just haven't been able to muster up the courage to move out.. I always plan to, then immediately the fear sets in. I want to plan for the future but not waste my mid-20's just saving and living @ home.. I figure if all goes well I can pay for the majority of a house in like 3-5 years, if I stay @ home... Do you think rent is a waste of money if I have somewhere to live? I know it depends, I want to move more downtown, I live in a small city but it at least has a pulse downtown (good bar scene, close to shops, festivals in the summer, restaurants, can walk to everything so would help get me more active etc) and I think it would be better for me, but there's a voice in my head that fears if things (namely, poker) doesn't work out then I'll be left with nothing after a couple years and have to start from scratch again, back to my mom's house.. I do plan on getting a job post college, but that's still 2+ years away.

Also, if you don't mind sharing, how much do you pay for rent? (Utilities included) Did you pay asking price or get it knocked down a bit? The prices in my area seem inflated, there have been listings for months on end but they don't reduce their asking price for some reason.. Any tips on negotiating? Do I just come out and say "I would like to pay $x" and see if they accept or not?

edit: and ya fully expecting the obligatory "dude, just grow a pair and GTFO of your parent's house!".. I tell myself that everyday!
02-02-2009 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by Marwan
how many of you guys are renting a place on your own? I really want to rent,I think I have everything in place... 18months - 2 years living expenses depending on rent cost, steady bankroll for poker, still a student, but an older one @ 23 and have at least 2+ years left of school depending on if I go past undergrad or if I do full/part-time.

I really dislike living at home, it's very deflating/depressing, no bad relationship with parent/siblings, just feels like it hinders my independence. I just haven't been able to muster up the courage to move out.. I always plan to, then immediately the fear sets in. I want to plan for the future but not waste my mid-20's just saving and living @ home.. I figure if all goes well I can pay for the majority of a house in like 3-5 years, if I stay @ home... Do you think rent is a waste of money if I have somewhere to live? I know it depends, I want to move more downtown, I live in a small city but it at least has a pulse downtown (good bar scene, close to shops, festivals in the summer, restaurants, can walk to everything so would help get me more active etc) and I think it would be better for me, but there's a voice in my head that fears if things (namely, poker) doesn't work out then I'll be left with nothing after a couple years and have to start from scratch again, back to my mom's house.. I do plan on getting a job post college, but that's still 2+ years away.

Also, if you don't mind sharing, how much do you pay for rent? (Utilities included) Did you pay asking price or get it knocked down a bit? The prices in my area seem inflated, there have been listings for months on end but they don't reduce their asking price for some reason.. Any tips on negotiating? Do I just come out and say "I would like to pay $x" and see if they accept or not?

edit: and ya fully expecting the obligatory "dude, just grow a pair and GTFO of your parent's house!".. I tell myself that everyday!

I'm curious why you're scared of living by yourself? Are you used to the security that living with your family affords you?

And I lived by myself for a while in seattle. It was way overpriced. Almost as bad as tokyo

But if you're going to college, and the college isn't particularly far, then why not live at home. Unless it interferes with any kind of dating you would want to do
02-02-2009 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by Kilillan
I'm curious why you're scared of living by yourself? Are you used to the security that living with your family affords you?

And I lived by myself for a while in seattle. It was way overpriced. Almost as bad as tokyo

But if you're going to college, and the college isn't particularly far, then why not live at home. Unless it interferes with any kind of dating you would want to do
I would love to live by myself, I lived alone once @ beginning of college and then with roommates another year and it was liberating not to be embedded and reliant on family for everything, the only thing that scares me is finances, especially thinking long-term

The college isn't particularly far, about a 35 minute drive.. I guess what it comes down to is that I think my quality of life would be far greater getting my own place, except in the money and stress department.. Plus saving for eventual home ownership would be much tougher with guaranteed expenses each month
02-02-2009 , 07:30 PM
marwan i live in an apt w/ roomies. im actually planning on going back home after im done w/ school since i plan on traveling (and paying for an apt while not being there blows imo).

but i mean, wtf...just move out now while still a student...what are you, scared? i dont mind going home for the holidays but being on your own teaches you alot. that, and you have alot more freedom/independence to do what you want. i guess staying at home is alright, but meh.
02-02-2009 , 07:56 PM
personally, I think living with family sucks balls hard.
I moved into my own apt at the age of 15, using poker money. I think it helps with your independence a lot. Not having to rely on other people is the nuts. For better or worse, living by myself for about 5 years at a young age made me who I am

I really regret having to move back in with my mom, but the free rent, plasma, visa etc nullify that feeling
02-02-2009 , 08:00 PM
i dont think living w/ family is bad, as long as they give you freedom and you have a good relationship w/ parents/siblings. but ya, i agree that you grow up alot when you are independent.
02-02-2009 , 08:33 PM
I have some friends who still live with there family and are going to school.... I feel bad for them 24/7

i loved living at home but imo you dont get the college experience if your living at your parents house
02-02-2009 , 08:40 PM
best thing ive ever done in my life which has really helped to develop me as a person and become more mature is by packing everything i own into my vehicle and driving across country to find a new home... i came up with the idea about 3 weeks before i left, and I went with it.... best decision of my life... next place im going is probably going to be in the bahamas.
02-02-2009 , 08:55 PM
Got a new setup I had a 30 inch Samsung and dual 20 inch Samsungs in portrait mode before and I just picked this up: 17 inch Macbook Pro and a 30 inch Apple monitor I have no idea why, but I love it and I usually hate Macs

02-02-2009 , 09:09 PM
nice setup

mine is similar except my **** is junkier
02-02-2009 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by steel108
Got a new setup I had a 30 inch Samsung and dual 20 inch Samsungs in portrait mode before and I just picked this up: 17 inch Macbook Pro and a 30 inch Apple monitor I have no idea why, but I love it and I usually hate Macs

I hear there's a lot of problems with the macbook dual DVI adapter, have you been experiencing any?
02-02-2009 , 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by Kilillan
I hear there's a lot of problems with the macbook dual DVI adapter, have you been experiencing any?
i have only had it for a couple of days but everything is working great so far
02-02-2009 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by steel108
i have only had it for a couple of days but everything is working great so far
neat. Does the monitor have any HD inputs on it?

I'm seriously considering getting the same setup.

We'll see if I can convince the government to give me a 30 inch apple display
02-03-2009 , 12:15 AM
that is basically my setup in chicago, except i have a desktop connected to the apple 30 most of the time
02-03-2009 , 12:16 AM
orange, where/when are you planing on traveling?

me/czglory/rsxpunk are planning some future trips atm
02-03-2009 , 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
that is basically my setup in chicago, except i have a desktop connected to the apple 30 most of the time
I basically changed my whole setup because of the 17 inch MacBook Pro. It is lighter than most 15 inch PC laptops and its specs were better than my PC

Last edited by steel108; 02-03-2009 at 12:53 AM.
02-03-2009 , 02:09 AM
meh, my problem was that windows never ran quite right on my macbook pro.
02-03-2009 , 02:57 AM
Originally Posted by Marwan
how many of you guys are renting a place on your own? I really want to rent,I think I have everything in place... 18months - 2 years living expenses depending on rent cost, steady bankroll for poker, still a student, but an older one @ 23 and have at least 2+ years left of school depending on if I go past undergrad or if I do full/part-time.

I really dislike living at home, it's very deflating/depressing, no bad relationship with parent/siblings, just feels like it hinders my independence. I just haven't been able to muster up the courage to move out.. I always plan to, then immediately the fear sets in. I want to plan for the future but not waste my mid-20's just saving and living @ home.. I figure if all goes well I can pay for the majority of a house in like 3-5 years, if I stay @ home... Do you think rent is a waste of money if I have somewhere to live? I know it depends, I want to move more downtown, I live in a small city but it at least has a pulse downtown (good bar scene, close to shops, festivals in the summer, restaurants, can walk to everything so would help get me more active etc) and I think it would be better for me, but there's a voice in my head that fears if things (namely, poker) doesn't work out then I'll be left with nothing after a couple years and have to start from scratch again, back to my mom's house.. I do plan on getting a job post college, but that's still 2+ years away.

Also, if you don't mind sharing, how much do you pay for rent? (Utilities included) Did you pay asking price or get it knocked down a bit? The prices in my area seem inflated, there have been listings for months on end but they don't reduce their asking price for some reason.. Any tips on negotiating? Do I just come out and say "I would like to pay $x" and see if they accept or not?

edit: and ya fully expecting the obligatory "dude, just grow a pair and GTFO of your parent's house!".. I tell myself that everyday!
I pay $1,625 (cheapest place 1 BR I could find) for a tiny ass 1 BR directly above a bar (loud as **** at night). My monthly nut is roughly $2,500 if I'm VERY frugal, but I buy a bunch of expensive **** I don't need all the time.

I can't wait to be done with grad school so I can move to where rent isn't ridiculous. I don't even want to think about what type of house I could buy with my monthly rent

BTW: is there a reason why you want to move? Is it interfering with your social life (friends can't come over, girls don't like it)? Moving out just to move out is kind of dumb. I wish I could still live with my mom; life would be sweet
02-03-2009 , 03:03 AM
02-03-2009 , 03:04 AM
Went to a red wings game tonight with my dad. Fun times, made me wish for the old days:

****ing lemiuex, **** all french canadians.
02-03-2009 , 03:43 AM
Originally Posted by klink10k
orange, where/when are you planing on traveling?

me/czglory/rsxpunk are planning some future trips atm
planning on hitting up thailand this summer, probably in early may to early june. i'm not sure on where exactly, still have to figure some details out...maybe you guys can offer some advice. or i'll just pm nick.
02-03-2009 , 03:44 AM
Originally Posted by steel108
I pay $1,625 (cheapest place 1 BR I could find) for a tiny ass 1 BR directly above a bar (loud as **** at night). My monthly nut is roughly $2,500 if I'm VERY frugal, but I buy a bunch of expensive **** I don't need all the time.

I can't wait to be done with grad school so I can move to where rent isn't ridiculous. I don't even want to think about what type of house I could buy with my monthly rent

BTW: is there a reason why you want to move? Is it interfering with your social life (friends can't come over, girls don't like it)? Moving out just to move out is kind of dumb. I wish I could still live with my mom; life would be sweet
lol i live in nebraska so my portion of the rent is about $300. + utilities/cable and its about like...$400 total. holla at a g
02-03-2009 , 03:46 AM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
switch hands for a while
