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12-09-2008 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by FlanCrest
im now reading atlas shrugged, been at it for about 3 months and still only halfway through. i dont like it as much as fountainhead, she just keeps pounding the same damn thing into your face over and over. still a good book, but id take fountainhead over it any day.
Atlas Shrugged has a good title ... but it's quality sorta drops way off from there. Not worth it, imo.
12-09-2008 , 06:39 PM
ayn rand is a crazy bitch
12-09-2008 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by Suigin406
CC, if you have to reset your router a lot because of lag issues, then it's usually because your router sucks/needs to be updated. This is because it's not able to hold or has issues dropping connections.

I had these specific issues on my old router, got a new one and occasionally need to update it when these issues start up again. Pretty annoying.
I had a similiar problem and it turned out that my PC was overheating in a weird way (ever heard of a machine working online for 15 minutes then doing everything else perfectly thereafter, but no internet?). If in doubt, always look at the basics....
12-09-2008 , 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by FlanCrest
i dont like it as much as fountainhead, she just keeps pounding the same damn thing into your face over and over. still a good book, but id take fountainhead over it any day.
Whatever you believe, it's a bad sign if you can condense it into one chapter, let alone one sentence. I enjoyed her ideas, but her view of the world is much too simple.

PS: Don't you owe me a beer?
12-09-2008 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Wraths, sorry about your gf man If you want to post naked pics or something to make yourself feel better, that's totally ok, but if not I understand.

To all you terp-supporters: I mean, he can upload porn back to the rest of the internets without using 100% of our upload pipe, WHICH CRIPPLES OUR ABILITY TO ACTUALLY USE ANYTHING ELSE ON THE INTERWEBZ.
B, I am disappointed. You are basically the morlock here, letting the Eloi take control of the technology in your house. Fail.

Get a READYNAS NV+ for the house, setup its Bittorrent, then block the ports to BT on everything but the NAS. Only one BT client inna house == easy control/config of bandwidth.
12-09-2008 , 07:30 PM
hehe...i'm just finishing that book now bilbo, excellent imo. what an imagination wells had.

tonight i start my rock climbing class, its 2.5 hours ugh. then i get to start my 11 pager due on thursday. *** my life
12-09-2008 , 09:27 PM
So today, totally random, a 4 ft party hero just showed up at my office. We didnt order it, the guys upstairs didnt, there was no receipt saying where it was from , who it was for, who payed for it.

How long before you crack it open and eat it?
12-09-2008 , 09:33 PM
10 mins max

if there's oil and vinegar on the sub, 5 mins max.
12-09-2008 , 10:47 PM
so ufkin druk right now..........................,
12-09-2008 , 10:48 PM
bros, layof f the 1551 baccardi guys...fukc this ****.
12-09-2008 , 10:49 PM
bar tenedcdrer was so ****in hot, i can't belive my friend is dating her, sisiilkkk
12-09-2008 , 10:50 PM
ra my tab up to around 250, fml bros. fukkk that.
12-09-2008 , 10:54 PM
yay, new bleacjh came out..shippipp
12-09-2008 , 10:59 PM
suigin ftw
12-09-2008 , 11:00 PM
Today has been such a long day and such an eye opener. Hopefully I get some good advice because I am trying to open up and I will probably sound like a little bitch after all this.

Today after the breakup I felt anger and resentment. The reason I felt this way is because I felt that the reason she wanted to end things was based on the stipulation that we weren't getting engaged any time soon. Make sure you read further down because it gets better. So anyhow, I was beyond mad. I didn't want to talk to her or think of her or anything. This went on for about an hour or two until she messaged me and we talked a bit. It was during this conversation that I paid attention to her like I did when we first started dating, like I should have all along. The engagement was an issue to her but not one that she couldn't live without. The bigger problem was that I have become in my own words a dick to her lately. Me a dick? Yeah, who would have thought. There were certain things that I have done lately that are totally uncalled for and I never noticed. Things that she HAD tried to communicate to me about that I brushed off for some reason or another. I truly thought that I was the perfect boyfriend and any girl would be so lucky as to have me. Specifically, my temper has been an issue. I have let things bother me lately that I didn't used to let bother me as much. Poker has been the cause of much of this anger. I feel like I don't "tilt" at the tables anymore and that I can quit sessions when I need to. This is great...if I left all my emotions from poker with poker. My gf has put up with my endless rants about rigged ass PS and FTP for as long as we have been together. Her parents are more than likely against me gambling and nag her for it no doubt. She has never once asked me to stop playing and this is something that I have taken for granted for far too long. When I am having a bad poker day I am in a sour mood. The thing is I just don't take my frustrations out on her, I have been unecessarily mean/rude/*******-ish to my mother and sister as well. This is wrong, and it took today for me to realize all that. The funny/ironic thing about all of this is that I had toyed around with the idea of asking her to marry me this coming May on our 4th anniversary. I want to believe that I was going to do it, I had even looked at rings online within the last two weeks. I think I would have gone through with it. I feel like it is a compromise of sorts and that is what a good relationship needs. I have felt that I was meant to be with her forever and I want to marry her. My "delay" of not popping the question stems from me thinking that engagement is so close to marriage and I am just so young to get married. I think she understands that we are too young to get married, but she did want a ring. I didn't do this out of selfishness and my own uneasiness I guess.

She and I just got off the phone from like an hour talk. She wants a break for a while for both of us to think about what we want out of each other, ourselves, and life in general. I don't know how I am going to go so long without seeing her. She has become my best friend and the best person I could ever ask to meet. She has flaws don't get me wrong, but I think most of them are caused by the way I treat her and stress her out. She has only ever wanted what is best for me and I think she still does. She says she still loves me and I know that I still love her and want her more than anything in this whole world. Yes I cried on the phone when I talked to her and I made stupid promises that don't mean anything anymore. I told her I wouldn't play poker anymore, she doesn't want that. She wants me to enjoy what I do and is behind me 100%. I can not ask for anything more of her.

Another issue that she brought up and this is more of one where I was hoping to get some advice on. As long as we have been dating, I have been the one with friends, and the one to spend time away from her. Lately she has made friends at work that she has started hanging out with at least weekly. I encouraged her to make friends to have a social life away from me. This was brought on by the fact that she would get sad/upset when I left with friends for a week or two at a time. Now that she has friends that she can hang out with, that she wants and NEEDS to hang out with, I don't know what to do with myself. I am lonely, bored, and sad. It is because of this that I have been unecessarily hard on her for leaving me the times she does to be with her friends. I have said things I shouldn't have and have been overall controlling. This is something I despise and I hate myself for it but I don't know how to deal with it. I have never had a moment in the last few years where she was going somewhere besides with me in her time off. She had a pretty rough high school year where her friends were like most high school girls and generally nasty. These new friends are older, more mature, and seem like they also have what is in her best interest. In a way I feel like I am competing against them. This is so dumb and I can't help but be jealous of them. I don't know if this is standard for a guy or if I am overly sensitive/crazy/whatever. I don't know how to deal with this because I have never been in this position before. I love this girl with my whole heart and would do anything to make her happy. In that process I have started researching anger management, temper control, and positive thinking. I think this is best for my life with or without her and is just another example to me of how she want's what is best for me. I feel like I am fighting a losing battle and I have already lost her. I don't know how to rectify our relationship or if she even want's to. She says she needs time to think about things and work on things and that she thinks we will be back together but I am so scare to what will happen if we don't. I hate being out of my "security" zone and this is definitely it.

If you have read through all this I am sorry. Any and all criticism appreciated. I am sure I am missing things so I may add them later as I remember. I suck at remembering things and this is also a bad thing in our relationship. I can't remember when she is supposed to be at work, or when she is going to hang out with her friends, or even when my homework is due. Sigh. That's all for now. Sorry goofy for blogging.
12-09-2008 , 11:02 PM
remind me to read that later when I'm not spaced out on caffeine
12-09-2008 , 11:16 PM
getting engaged this early is the worst thing you couldve done man. i think thac would be a good person to ask about this, as he has had experience with tough breakups.
12-09-2008 , 11:16 PM
(of the life changing kind that is)
12-09-2008 , 11:20 PM
Well, it's true that you never really know how good you have it until it's gone. true story
12-09-2008 , 11:23 PM
Originally Posted by orange
getting engaged this early is the worst thing you couldve done man. i think thac would be a good person to ask about this, as he has had experience with tough breakups.
they're back together just recently...
12-09-2008 , 11:54 PM
12-09-2008 , 11:55 PM
wraths when i broke up with my ex i felt alot like that for a couple months, then realized that it was actually mostly her and i got over with all that **** though
12-10-2008 , 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by Wraths Unanimous
Sorry goofy for blogging.
Don't be sorry man, it's good to get that stuff off your chest and we're all friends here.

I don't really have any advice b/c I'm a relationship noob but for what it's worth it sounds like you guys really love and care about each other and I hope that whatever problems you guys are having, that underlying fact will be enough to push you guys to work it out and get back together.
12-10-2008 , 12:27 AM

Sounds like you are pretty honest with yourself, which imho will lead you down the right path. It may or may not be with this chick (and the latter possibility is something that you probably don't want to hear right now, I know), but the ability to look at oneself and say "I ****ed up by doing X" is pretty rare in my experience.

I have pretty much the same problems with rage regarding poker, which is why I only play short sessions and book wins a lot (I know it's not the highest EV move to quit when you are playing well, but my mood away from poker is more important than the money, and my winrate is way higher now that I don't tilt). This isn't an option for poker pros unless you play higher stakes but keep it in mind if you ever have a different career and poker becomes a hobby.
12-10-2008 , 12:48 AM
Apparently Mr. goofyballer now refers to himself in the third person as goofyballer with sayings such as "man that chick really should want to have sex with goofyballer" and "goofyballer loves to play video games I M O [with the I the M and the O all being pronounced]."

I will test this theory when I visit SF next week.
