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08-07-2008 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by Ra_Z_Boy
Putting someone's phone number in the public domain without their permission is extremely douchey. I would be ****ing pissed at you if you did this.
Relax buddy, I have a long standing relationship with a bunch of friends where we pull practical jokes on each other...
08-07-2008 , 10:31 PM
I am going to London in a couple of weeks for 5 days. I am really looking forward to seeing Lion King the musical.

Here is a question: will it be hard to get from the center to Stansted airport in the middle of the nigh/early morning?

Edit: also, can anyone recommend some good pubs in London? I heard that there are some which are 500-600 years old. Where do I find those?

Last edited by Ratamahatta; 08-07-2008 at 10:44 PM.
08-07-2008 , 10:43 PM
Do want new music.

Anyone got any good trance/new age artists? Let me know k thnx
08-08-2008 , 01:16 AM
im about to watch internal affairs, the movie that 'the departed' was based off. will report back when done.
08-08-2008 , 01:30 AM
15 minutes in and all these ****ing chinamen look alike. jesus this is hard. i keep having to rewind this ****.
08-08-2008 , 02:38 AM
Originally Posted by Ratamahatta
I am going to London in a couple of weeks for 5 days. I am really looking forward to seeing Lion King the musical.

Here is a question: will it be hard to get from the center to Stansted airport in the middle of the nigh/early morning?

Edit: also, can anyone recommend some good pubs in London? I heard that there are some which are 500-600 years old. Where do I find those?
Yes, it's difficult - book a car. Pubs:

The great fire in 1666 didn't leave a whole lot, not sure how many pubs are going to be older than that.
08-08-2008 , 03:38 AM
BOOM!!! Just got a brand new Callaway FT-i Tour LCG 8.5 Ozik XS shaft. ****ing pumped!!! $300 + $9.50 s&h - not bad imo. We'll see about the X-Flex - hopefully it doesn't give me 'swing out of your ****ing shoes' syndrome.

I also hope the brick-on-a-stick-ness of it doesn't **** with me.

I had to do something after tonights live venture capital poker session where I managed to call a 3b shove on A5d6d board with 98hh getting 2.2:1 after misreading my hand

Sadly, I was pretty sure I had 87hh - lol. Hooray live poker.
08-08-2008 , 03:39 AM
Internal Affairs was pretty good. I liked the Departed more though.
08-08-2008 , 03:41 AM
08-08-2008 , 04:55 AM
I finally got an entertaining cat story. I was getting a trash bag out of a draw and noticed that Bingley seemed intrigued, so I left it open and watched as he jumped in and sniffed around. I went to go get my camera, except that he seemed to have found something...oh, wait, he just climbed through the back of the drawer. wtf???

Fortunately there was an escape route for him:

Gratuitous picture:

Super late edit: Sometimes Bingley will be sitting on the kitchen counter maybe 2ft away from me, and he'll look at me, and lift up a paw, and get this crazy look in his eye like he's about to actually jump from the counter onto me, which will inevitably result in him bouncing off and frantically grabbing at my shirt with outstretched claws which will obv result in significant pain for either my shirt, me, or both. So far I haven't called his bluff, I quickly walk away before damage can be done. You guys have like 8 hours to pool money for me to stand there and take whatever happens if he jumps.

Last edited by goofyballer; 08-08-2008 at 07:25 AM. Reason: CATS R CUTE IMO
08-08-2008 , 07:46 AM
Ship Olympia, opening ceremony so close...
08-08-2008 , 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by orange
15 minutes in and all these ****ing chinamen look alike. jesus this is hard. i keep having to rewind this ****.
08-08-2008 , 10:35 AM
i just saw Pineapple Express last night... great if you're baked.
08-08-2008 , 11:05 AM
I find nothing more tedious and unnecessarily stressful then breaking up with a lady friend. It took be about 6 months to close off a 3 year relationship with my ex and its been about a week going back and forth with my current lady. Like i can see the end coming but i'm never sure if i'm writing off the relationship too soon; so i find myself in the "we're working it out" phase and that never really goes anywhere. Furthermore women tend to never want to break up till they have another branch to jump too so i really don't know if i'm just fooling myself into believing we're working it out or if they're just stringing me along till they can jump ship. The break up with my ex wasn't so bad as we basically ended up being **** buddies till she found herself in another relationship (and i can handle those non committal situations), but with the current lady we're doing long distance and all i'm getting out of the break up is a bigger phone bill. I'm trying to be tactful because me and the girl were friends for 8 years prior to the relationship, but even then i don't know if you can ever go back.
08-08-2008 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
I finally got an entertaining cat story. I was getting a trash bag out of a draw and noticed that Bingley seemed intrigued, so I left it open and watched as he jumped in and sniffed around. I went to go get my camera, except that he seemed to have found something...oh, wait, he just climbed through the back of the drawer. wtf???

Fortunately there was an escape route for him:

Gratuitous picture:

Super late edit: Sometimes Bingley will be sitting on the kitchen counter maybe 2ft away from me, and he'll look at me, and lift up a paw, and get this crazy look in his eye like he's about to actually jump from the counter onto me, which will inevitably result in him bouncing off and frantically grabbing at my shirt with outstretched claws which will obv result in significant pain for either my shirt, me, or both. So far I haven't called his bluff, I quickly walk away before damage can be done. You guys have like 8 hours to pool money for me to stand there and take whatever happens if he jumps.
Adventures In Babysitting!!!
08-08-2008 , 01:50 PM
lol cataments
08-08-2008 , 01:52 PM
I don't know why but goofy's cat updates are pretty damn entertaining.
08-08-2008 , 01:55 PM
Olympics opening ceremony was pretty special.

What's the view on an SSNL olympics discussion thread to stop it cluttering up the life thread?
08-08-2008 , 01:58 PM
They are replaying the Opening Ceremonies tonight, right?
08-08-2008 , 02:06 PM
sucks holdem sorry to hear. always more fish in the pond
08-08-2008 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by matt_hilary
Olympics opening ceremony was pretty special.

What's the view on an SSNL olympics discussion thread to stop it cluttering up the life thread?
We can discuss the Olympics here. BBV4L has a hot Olympian thread and if you want real in depth stuff, there is always sporting events.
08-08-2008 , 02:29 PM
Paging spivey for USA! USA! USA!
08-08-2008 , 02:48 PM
08-08-2008 , 02:56 PM
I had the weirdest dream last night. I had a terrible night's sleep too. It felt like I was dreaming the whole time, even while I was dreaming. I guess the people in the know call that lucid dreaming.

So, my dream was about work (huge beat, especially when you wake up, and realize you have to go to work). I was supporting an install for my company, and missed my first shift. I was trying to get a ride with co-workers, but there weren't enough cars and everyone just drove off without me. Some people were riding in trunks, too. Then, someone for the client I was working with had a sit down with me after I missed my shift, letting me know that the users were lost without me.

Now, I remember that people say any time you read something in a dream, it doesn't read the same if you try to re-read it. So this person having the sit down with me had a name tag, so I tried to pull this stunt on him. I looked at his name tag, and it had a normal, Asian name (he was Asian, in the dream). I looked away, looked back, and sure enough he had a different Asian name. Now, I was just mesmerized by this so I kept doing it. After a few iterations, his name tag said something like "********* PLFFFFFFF". I was just thinking, that ain't right boy.

I ended up missing my next shift under similar circumstances and wandered off to a carnival where apparently everyone was (I assumed for lunch).
08-08-2008 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by Wraths Unanimous
Download all of M.I.A's stuff, I just started listening to them and they are ill.
I love "Paper Planes", it used to be my opening song for session for like two month.
M.I.A. - Paper Planes

They are replaying the Opening Ceremonies tonight, right?
Afaik it wasn't broadcast live in the US. Will be broadcast during prime time...due to $$$
Loved the footsteps, the little girl sang awesome and the way the flame was lit was sick. (I think this sin't spoiling anything)
