I have 2 examples where I need help to run the math to decide if that move could be successfull:
This is all NL100
# hand1, I am in the BB:
UTG limps, MP limps, BTN iso-raises $7, Hero want to 3bet (bluff?)
So basically we all know that the button has a very wide range for isolating the limpers, so let's assume he's folding to 80% of 3bets.
How often does this kinda move have to work for me, means how often does the button need to fold for me to be profitable?
(lets assume I have air and I will give up on the flop when called)
# hand2, we are CO:
UTG fold, MP raises $3.5, CO flat call $3.5, BB 3bets $16.50
flop: 2



... BB cbets $28 into $35.15... we missed the flop and want to shove and make him fold his 99, TT, AK, whatever..
How often does this move have to work?