Some input Please!!! Plus two hands from foxwoods
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 740
Just got back from Foxwoods yesterday, and had a nice two days up 1400 grinding 1-2 about 15 hours. Going back down on Sunday for another two nights, so if anyone is down there and wants to meet up let me know.
Anyway, a little back history. I've been playing fairly competitively for over 18 months now, that is playing 8-15 hours live per week, and have been a consistent winner at 1-2 over this period, and have been a winner at about $25 an hour over my last 600 hours tracked. (Didn't track before). I just came back from an 11 day trip to Vegas, which didn't go as planned, but was able to break even after some bad bankroll management, and breaking rule number 1...don't bluff the drunk calling station!!! I had a day down 2k, when my loss limit was set at 900, and I think I have learned my lesson from that. Anyway, I was able to make up the 2k loss and actually go up money, and then lose another 700 before winning 300 back and breaking even (up 50) after 11 days.
With the amount of hours I have put in over the past 3 weeks. I think I have made some great strides, especially in analyzing board structure, and villian ranges. This past couple days at foxwoods, I called down really weak, with stange board textures and betting, and won the hands. Hopefully a step in the right direction.
Here are two hands.
Hand one: I pick up 44 on the button. One raise to 12, two callers and then me on button. I call looking to set mine. But then the BB raises to 42.
Villians 1 2 and 3 all call 42, so I am forced in and make the call.
Flop Ad 7h 2d. Now on the flop I can see the bb is struggling with this flop. I put him on KK instantly. He ends up checking and it seems painful. All other 3 villians check.
Now I am sitting with 44, and think anyone with a big A would have bet it, especially with two diamonds on board. Now there is 200+ in the pot, and know I can not win this thing by checking. I take a chance and bet 150.
How would you have played it, and what do you think happened.
Hand two: I pick up 4s6s utg and raise to 11. Just mixing it up (please no fold pre posts). two callers and the flop come:
3s 5s 7h. Gin!!!
Now with that low board, and me raising pre I try to represent an over pair and lead out for 20. One caller.
Turn kd. At this point I do not know what to do, and decide to after some time to bet out 40. Villian calls.
River 4h. I still have a straight, but now it is the second nuts. I don't put him 6-8 or a 4, so I feel with him calling along he has an overpair or a busted FD. I don't think I can get value by betting so I check and the villian pops it 120.
What to do, how did I play it, etc...ALright that is all for now, looking forward to responses
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 740
Leaving tomorrow, anyone gonna be there?
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 7,699
If Hand#1 was online I'd say you can bet much less on the flop and achieve the same thing, but I'm not sure about live.
Hand#2, as played raise big, but I'd bet it myself against most (and never fold).
You provided zero reads though.
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 13
Hand 1: Easy bet just as a bluff shut down if called on basically any turn and river, I'm ok with the sizing, 3/4 is fine for live, unless you have nits at the table than you can bring it down some.. I have no clue what happened either they all folded you got somewhere between 1 and 3 callers, or you got checked raised.. how could we tell that..
Hand 2: If you don't put him on 86 as you said than raise.. if he does not have 86 we have the nuts at that point... I like the sizing on all streets almost pot the flop, 2/3 turn and check river looks like you are protecting TT or JJ or something like that, that's what I would give you credit for in most cases. I guess I don't see much calling that he has but if he does not have 86 as you say we have to raise if anything just to protect our image UTG. Stack sizes would be helpful for how much to raise though, I would suggest anything from basically a min raise to massive over bet depending on your stack and his stack... just in case we get paid by A2s or some sort of oddly played set here.