UPDATE evryone. I had a descent week played 1-2 twice this week LIVE of course! 2 sessions walked away up 1246.00 . and making a run at the 10k mark. Check out the graph. I've decided to give it to atleas 10k to go 2-5 and even then only about once a month or so also mixing in a few 1-3 games as well. . An input is appreciated.
Earnings: $9215.25 Avg. Return: $107.15 Return Std.: $289.69
Win Rate: $18.92/hr Avg. Win Rate: $17.54/hr Win Rate Std.: $48.96/hr
BB/hr: 16.91 Avg. BB/hr: 18.79 BB/hr Std.: 50.42
ROI: 42.65% Time played: 487h 0m Avg. Session: 5h 40m
ROI vs. DJIA: 2.29% Expenses: 0.00 Avg. Expenses: 0.00
Sessions: 86 First: 2009-07-12 Last: 2010-11-04