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This ship is leaking... This ship is leaking...

07-17-2008 , 06:30 PM
So... First, I must admit that I'm a tourney donk, but it's about time I learn how to master cash games. As you can see from my stats, there are a whole lot of leaks to plug. Where do I start? I assume fixing the most obvious leaks may lead to others being automatically fixed, but may also create "new" leaks.

VP$IP: 19%
PFR: 12%
AF: 1.7 (too low, probably because I focus on getting to SD cheap)
3-BET: 3.5% (should be higher?)
W$WSF: 33.6%
WTSD: 25%
W$SD: 55.5%
Att to steal: 24.7% (steal more from CO and BTN, right?)
Fold BB to steal: 79.3%
Fold SB to steal: 84.6%

Position (VP$IP/PFR):
BTN: 26/17
CO: 20/15
MP: 13/11
UTG: 11/10
BB: 17/5
SB: 25/11

Pretty obvious that I need to call a whole lot less hands from the blinds and 3-bet some more from those positions. As it is now, the amount of money I lose from BB is more than my total winnings from positions UTG to BTN. Also, I lose twice as much $ in non-showdown pots compared to what I win in pots that goes to showdown.

I believe a common scenario is me calling from the blinds with a speculative hand, hit the flop partially, call a cont bet to see if Villain is bluffing, and then give up when he bets turn. Tightening up significantly from the blinds should see my AF rise. It would also mean I lose less $ in non-showdown pots, but in order to turn that graph more towards zero, I probably need to fix some more leaks.

So, apart from totally revamping my game from the blinds, any other major leaks I should plug ASAP?
07-17-2008 , 06:38 PM
Ew, that W$WSF is gross, especially with a 19 VPIP. Your AF is too low, and there's too big a gap between your VPIP and your PFR, which means you call too much preflop. You should definitely be stealing more, and from your positional stats it looks like the biggest problem is on the button and in the blinds. Your other positional stats look OK, but you should be raising more on the button instead of calling so much, and you should be playing much tighter from the blinds.
07-17-2008 , 06:39 PM
PFR needs to go up, 3bet does not. It's OK to play a bit nitty nowadays because the training sites have everyone acting like brain damaged spewtards. Honestly, play the top 10-13% of your hands from the blinds and no one will even notice you're that tight there.

Work on increasing your AFQ (aggression frequency) rather than your AF. AF is a stupid stat that seriously needs to go away. AFQ should go from mid to upper 40's at least. This will most likely increase your terribad W$WSF, which should be 40+.

Take a huge drop in limits even though it will be a kick to your ego and beat those games for awhile.

It looks like you're not value betting nearly enough to me.
07-17-2008 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by Fistdantilus
Take a huge drop in limits even though it will be a kick to your ego and beat those games for awhile.
I have a healthy roll for my limits and dropping would probably just result in me not respecting the money spaz out. But I'll consider your advice and drop one level.

Originally Posted by Fistdantilus
It looks like you're not value betting nearly enough to me.
True. I see monsters under the bed to often and check lots of rivers I should value bet. Thanks for your evaluation.
07-17-2008 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by Rocco
I have a healthy roll for my limits and dropping would probably just result in me not respecting the money spaz out.
This will probably have a positive effect on your game.
