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Is this a really bad call Is this a really bad call

04-07-2011 , 08:58 PM
Playing in a cash game at a local casino. blinds are $1/$1 NL. i bought in for $100. A few hands in a player raises in middle position to $7.Average raise is generally anything from $5 to $12. He is a pretty good player but i don't really know how he plays. I call in position with AcKs. i don't really like raising here as i am only about 90bb deep. flop comes Ah Js 10s. he bets $12 i call. turn comes a blank, he checks so i bet $22 figuring i'm good he then check raises to put me all in. I only have $55 behind so after a while deliberating I call figuring he has something like AQ or Ax spades. I find it hard to put him on AJ A10 as why would he check the turn to let me see a free river. river comes queen to give me the straight and he turns over AJ for 2 pair looking pretty disgusted with my call and asks me how can I call there as what do I think I am beating and i didn't put him on 2 pair as he checked the turn. My thinking was that i only have $55 behind and there are a few hands I am beating. Thinking about it after I guess he checked the turn to get me to bet so he could raise and get me of a flush draw as if he juts bets again I will prob call. I do not profess to be a great player. did I make a really bad call. how should i play the hand should i 3 bet pre flop? i thought i was pretty commited to the hand withh only $55 behind
