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11-10-2014 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by jungmit
Wh is it hard to believe ? This is how I feel. I feel u can win more live and if u had the chance why woulnst u play live? I wish I could play live every day. Does not mean I don't like online poker, I just think sites do things to even up games so winners don't win as much. Pokerstars now increased rake so in we won't win as much. Sites do lots of things to make sure games stay even. It is the most profit for a site if games are even. Just a fact. Does not mean I don't like it. I love all poker. I like playing everyday. Just how I feel.
Just because you feel this way doesn't make it right.

At stakes as low as 25nl a good multi-tabler is likely to beat live 1/2 by a good amount.

I don't know how accurate the vip caluclator here is but assuming its close this is a pretty lol conversation.

A 3bb winner at 25nl playing max tables for 150 hours a month makes ~$47k yearly or ~$26 an hour. Because of the pace, doing half of that at live 1/2 with a $5 rake is probably average. Absolute upper end of the spectrum might get you to $20 an hour but once you start factoring in gas for travel expenses and tipping, now you're at ~$15-$17 an hour. Add in a random BBJ or something and you have another hit.

As you were told in the SSNL full ring forum its about hourly. I don't understand why this is so hard for you to wrap your head around? A decent mass tabling 25nl grinder has a higher hourly than 1/2 live. A decent 50nl grinder has a higher hourly than 2/5 live. A decent 100nl grinder has a higher hourly than a 5/10 live player. And all of this is done from the comfort of your own home where you don't have to deal with the crappy live players complaining about everything (and yes, they do complain about everything), the disgusting ones that practice poor hygiene, and the ones that are flat out scummy degens.

In short

lolive players
11-10-2014 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by Menace ll Society
Just because you feel this way doesn't make it right.

At stakes as low as 25nl a good multi-tabler is likely to beat live 1/2 by a good amount.

I don't know how accurate the vip caluclator here is but assuming its close this is a pretty lol conversation.

A 3bb winner at 25nl playing max tables for 150 hours a month makes ~$47k yearly or ~$26 an hour. Because of the pace, doing half of that at live 1/2 with a $5 rake is probably average. Absolute upper end of the spectrum might get you to $20 an hour but once you start factoring in gas for travel expenses and tipping, now you're at ~$15-$17 an hour. Add in a random BBJ or something and you have another hit.

As you were told in the SSNL full ring forum its about hourly. I don't understand why this is so hard for you to wrap your head around? A decent mass tabling 25nl grinder has a higher hourly than 1/2 live. A decent 50nl grinder has a higher hourly than 2/5 live. A decent 100nl grinder has a higher hourly than a 5/10 live player. And all of this is done from the comfort of your own home where you don't have to deal with the crappy live players complaining about everything (and yes, they do complain about everything), the disgusting ones that practice poor hygiene, and the ones that are flat out scummy degens.

In short

lolive players
Yes but they are not winning much. It's all bonus/rakeback stuff. This is why is a the game is not harder online/ they player don't really win much money, but thy make money due to other stuff. Good players win, break even players can we money online and even losing players can. U can't do that live
11-10-2014 , 03:13 PM
According to his math any 5-10 guy winning 3bb should be making well over 6 figures . And all the rest below should be making 50-100k. Show mnay 10 people point 100nl making this amount of money?
11-10-2014 , 03:14 PM
what the f is your obsession with this sht

yes ffs, winrate is bigger live

hourly though, is bigger online

yes, rakeback is part of the reason why

inb4 another post whining about the same stuff
11-10-2014 , 03:16 PM
It does not matter where the money comes from... it only matters how much it totals.

Let me ask you a question for a change? If I arrange a match with Phil Ivey where he offers to pay me $100 an hour to play him at heads up. I'm pretty good so I accept and somehow I only lose at a rate of -$50 an hour to Phil Ivey at the tables for a total hourly profit of +$50. Is this scenario somehow worse for me than playing live 1/2 because I'm losing $50 an hour at the table but making +$50 because of the side wager? Or should I be spending my time at 1/2 because, welp, I'm actually winning chips and not losing them?
11-10-2014 , 03:18 PM
Ok so show may somekne playing 25nl making more then a1-2 live player. U must have proof right?
11-10-2014 , 03:22 PM
U guys are all missing the point. Let me clarify
1. Win rates are lower online cuz the players are better according to u all
2. Mos players don't win at poker but they do make money due to rakeback bonus and cop stuff according to all
3. Live games are soft according to u all
Most lo limit players don't win, but they make money due to rackeback etc. they would actually destroy live games but choose not to so they can sit at home. And no kne has proof of any of these guys actually making a profit at poker with out bonus. Seems to me like online games are weaker. What u guys think??
11-10-2014 , 03:23 PM
here are the small stakes yearly results threads for 12 & 13 from the full ring forum. if you want to look at more I suggest you use the search function at the other appropriate forums. good luck to you, I hope when your journey is complete your affliction with this topic is cured
11-10-2014 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by jungmit
What u guys think??
you probably used to ride the short bus
11-10-2014 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by Menace ll Society
here are the small stakes yearly results threads for 12 & 13 from the full ring forum. if you want to look at more I suggest you use the search function at the other appropriate forums. good luck to you, I hope when your journey is complete your affliction with this topic is cured
Great thanks for the info, but it proves my point. No one is making money at 25 and 50nl. It's all people at bigger stakes. So these so called guys who could destroy 1-2 live don't make money at 25nl online. Seems about right to me. Thanks for the info.
11-10-2014 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by PlasticElephant
ah shame. If you ever do want some 1 vs 1 holdem practice pm me though.

I'll respectfully decline, suspect it would prove that you're an idiot for playing a game which would result in you quartering your hourly at the very least.

EDIT; although on second thoughts you do seem to have a passion for regularly engaging in ego battles at the expense of large amounts of money so maybe your hourly wouldn't take such a hit
Plastic I told u I would do it at plo if u want. Let me know
11-10-2014 , 04:32 PM
Actually I would enjoy it. I have been looking for a challenge for 5-10k hands. Let me know what u think
11-10-2014 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by jungmit
U guys are all missing the point. Let me clarify
1. Win rates are lower online cuz the players are better according to u all
2. Mos players don't win at poker but they do make money due to rakeback bonus and cop stuff according to all
3. Live games are soft according to u all
Most lo limit players don't win, but they make money due to rackeback etc. they would actually destroy live games but choose not to so they can sit at home. And no kne has proof of any of these guys actually making a profit at poker with out bonus. Seems to me like online games are weaker. What u guys think??
online is tougher because its convenient and flooded with smart semi 3rd world country dudes. If they flooded the casinos there would be no money there either. sure is convenient to play online. and I for one hate going to the casino...hate it. hate everything about it. people can kill online for 4-8bb at 50nl-100nl. not sure about higher. maybe you cant do it on stars, but i know for sure u can other sites. not many are getting rich on stars....weve seen the data. but some solid players plug away at it.
11-10-2014 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by piepounder
online is tougher because its convenient and flooded with smart semi 3rd world country dudes. If they flooded the casinos there would be no money there either. sure is convenient to play online. and I for one hate going to the casino...hate it. hate everything about it. people can kill online for 4-8bb at 50nl-100nl. not sure about higher. maybe you cant do it on stars, but i know for sure u can other sites. not many are getting rich on stars....weve seen the data. but some solid players plug away at it.
Ok so let me see if I got this right. Say it's .25-.50 which is 50nl I believe. One bb is double the .50 right? So say 4bb is $4. So killing it is earning $4 every 100 hands? So if I play 1000 hands a day u are killing it earning $40? Sound about right? So 30 days a month would be $1,200 a month killing it? So if u are not killing and earning say 1bb per 100 u are making like $300? But if u are a capable player u would not rather go to a live game and earn maybe $500-600 a week? Or higher cuz according to most here 50nl is like beating 2-5 live. Good 2-5 players can earn $25 per hour or like 50k a year.
11-10-2014 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by jungmit
Ok so let me see if I got this right. Say it's .25-.50 which is 50nl I believe. One bb is double the .50 right? So say 4bb is $4. So killing it is earning $4 every 100 hands? So if I play 1000 hands a day u are killing it earning $40? Sound about right? So 30 days a month would be $1,200 a month killing it? So if u are not killing and earning say 1bb per 100 u are making like $300? But if u are a capable player u would not rather go to a live game and earn maybe $500-600 a week? Or higher cuz according to most here 50nl is like beating 2-5 live. Good 2-5 players can earn $25 per hour or like 50k a year.
well....sit at ur live table and turn off ur phone. enjoy your ignorance while ur at it.
11-10-2014 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by piepounder
well....sit at ur live table and turn off ur phone. enjoy your ignorance while ur at it.
Did I do some math wrong? Please let me I know. I want to Make sure I get the math right. Thanks for your help
11-10-2014 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by jungmit
Ok so let me see if I got this right. Say it's .25-.50 which is 50nl I believe. One bb is double the .50 right? So say 4bb is $4. So killing it is earning $4 every 100 hands? So if I play 1000 hands a day u are killing it earning $40? Sound about right? So 30 days a month would be $1,200 a month killing it? So if u are not killing and earning say 1bb per 100 u are making like $300? But if u are a capable player u would not rather go to a live game and earn maybe $500-600 a week? Or higher cuz according to most here 50nl is like beating 2-5 live. Good 2-5 players can earn $25 per hour or like 50k a year.
4bb would be 2$/100h at 50nl

most regs play several thousand hands a day though, so your assumptions are off

again, why do you care?
11-10-2014 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by jungmit
Why is that?? I play 7 days a week. Primarily plo. I would prefer to play live but I don't have the option. I play 1 live game a week.
lol at playing 25k-50k hands live with only 1 session per week. is it a 24-48 hour session?
11-10-2014 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by microstakesfish
lol at playing 25k-50k hands live with only 1 session per week. is it a 24-48 hour session?
I play once live per week, and I make 2-3 week long trips to a casino. Some years more then others.
11-10-2014 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by Calm Down
4bb would be 2$/100h at 50nl

most regs play several thousand hands a day though, so your assumptions are off

again, why do you care?
So they make even less then. $2 per 100 hands?? So 1000 hands a day $10 a day would be killing it? Sick money
11-10-2014 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by jungmit
Did I do some math wrong? Please let me I know. I want to Make sure I get the math right. Thanks for your help
Whathepl you want? you are just here to legitimize what you are doing and no one here gives a ****. Thats what your mom is for.

and as far s math goes yah u got it all f'd up, and are speaking out your ass. lol u play 500k hands online but complain about huds and multis. you think 1k a day is substantial, yet you play 500k hands per year online on top of your live games. yeah im a math genious to figure ur talking out ur ass.
11-10-2014 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by jungmit
So they make even less then. $2 per 100 hands?? So 1000 hands a day $10 a day would be killing it? Sick money
They play more hands than 1000 in a day.
11-10-2014 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by just_grindin
They play more hands than 1000 in a day.
Who is they?? And why doesn't everyone do it?
11-10-2014 , 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by piepounder
Whathepl you want? you are just here to legitimize what you are doing and no one here gives a ****. Thats what your mom is for.

and as far s math goes yah u got it all f'd up, and are speaking out your ass. lol u play 500k hands online but complain about huds and multis. you think 1k a day is substantial, yet you play 500k hands per year online on top of your live games. yeah im a math genious to figure ur talking out ur ass.
I am not doing anything. I play mostly heads up so I be lots of hands in.
11-10-2014 , 08:14 PM
You play half a million hands of hu a year and also say that no one can beat limits for more than 4bb/100. Cool troll.
