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Poker and health. Poker and health.

01-31-2011 , 06:27 AM
good info i appreciate , definetly gonna check call those forums
01-31-2011 , 08:35 AM
Originally Posted by rsxpunk
my diet involves around eggs/milk, wide varieties of tasty animals, and i try to limit carbs to mostly fruits/vegetables.
love that pic.

pasta/bread/rice are all so good though, do you not eat them much/at all?
01-31-2011 , 09:16 AM
Pasta, bread and other carbs are cheap and tasty but they are just going to make your blood sugar swing like crazy and affect your mental state.
01-31-2011 , 09:52 AM
Originally Posted by mountaingoat
While cooked meals are much better than fast food, I must say you are a healthy food donk :P
Guys didn't mean to start the carnivore - vegetarian/vegan debate here. Everything we are going to say here has been said a million times elsewhere in the past 20 years so just search for:

- human carnivore or herbivore
- any recent full length movie on factory farming

And after you get disgusted a little bit check what body-builders eat and the faily stories of people trying to suddenly go vegan without being all aware of everything they should include in their new diet.

I personally believe in the diversified diet and nobody can convince me else We should definitely avoid too much meat, sugar and all the preservatives they put in food which are believed to be carcinogenic. I just found it funny that the first things that come to OP's head when thinking about healthy food are meat, fish and meat again (dead animals, dead animals, dead animals) as opposed to veggies and fruits
01-31-2011 , 10:38 AM
The problem with veggies and fruit is that it's not enough for you. Sure I do mix them in, but you need dead stuff on your plate, otherwise your body will be seriously lacking nutrition and will tell you so by getting tired and getting headaches. This is why vegans and vegetarians has to eat certain pills along with their food, to fill the gaps.

Some people do believe humans were meant to eat vegetables originally though. This is based on the facts that our teeth are formed to crunch rather than saw (think horse vs shark) and that our blind gut no longer has any function (it is thought to have dissolved grass and roots and stuff thousands of years ago, but was then rendered useless and into something we no longer need because man stopped eating that stuff).
01-31-2011 , 11:07 AM
i don't see how diet affects your mental state at all unless you have a psychological expectation connected to what kind of diet you maintain. i know i feel really terrible after going binging chocolates, ice cream, chips and whatever the ****, but that's because i'm not living up to my own expectations as to what i can eat. if i eat DELICIOUS ICE CREAM once or twice a week, i'd rather say my mental state goes up rather than down, because i enjoy the taste and it's something i value.

i respect vegans for their choices. do what you want with your diet as long as you're happy with it, but a lot of vegans are like fundamentalist christians trying to convert everyone, which i detest. of course you can be healthy and not be a vegan. the easiest example would be for top athletes who eat something like 4000kcal per day. that'd be pretty hard to maintain with a vegan diet unless all you did was eat. for a sedentary lifestyle, i could imagine a vegan diet being pretty good. i wouldn't enjoy it, because i like meat, but yeah. it's certainly doable. if you're working out a lot, and you're in very good shape (thus you need a lot of calories), i have serious doubts that a vegan lifestyle is good for you. but if you're lazy, gogogo.
01-31-2011 , 11:08 AM
I personally believe in the diversified diet and nobody can convince me else We should definitely avoid too much meat, sugar and all the preservatives they put in food which are believed to be carcinogenic. I just found it funny that the first things that come to OP's head when thinking about healthy food are meat, fish and meat again (dead animals, dead animals, dead animals) as opposed to veggies and fruits
I have no problem w/ your choice, so if it improves your quality of life good for you. My problem w/ vegetarians (mostly vegans bc dairy is the nuts) is a lot of their arguments hold very little basis in scientific fact, yet they are 110% convinced everyone else is completely wrong. Are there some benefits to eating a vegetarian diet? Probably...but you will likely be compromising in some way just like anything in life. Going to the extreme one way or the other is usually not the most optimal play.

I still think vegetarians (mostly vegans again) are vastly over-estimating how much protein they are getting in their diet. I spend a lot of the time in the gym, and I try to get around 1-1.5 grams per lb of bodyweight (185 lbs currently) and there is a lot of science to back up the benefits. Eating 300 grams+ of protein on a vegan diet is going to be lol-hard/impossible. Vegetarians could do it if you're ok w/ consuming a ton of dairy.

For example, Lentils, which I'm hoping you will agree is one of the better veggie protein sources has the following macro break down in 1 cup of cooked beans (seeds?):

230 Calories
18g Protein
16g Fiber
40g Carbs

To get 300g of protein, I would have to eat over 16 cups of lentils which would be over 3500 kcal and 640 grams of carbs! There is no way I'm going to reach my goals eating that way. Now if you aren't as concerned w/ the look good nekkid factor, then more power to you, but as you can see it's more "different strokes for different folks" than most vegetarians/vegans want to believe. Not everybody benefits from your life choice, which is why I get extremely frustrated when people try to push their nutritional beliefs on others so blindly.
01-31-2011 , 11:09 AM
don't see how diet affects your mental state at all
Really? Diet has a massive effect on how our brain works. Do you really think eating nothing but ice cream all day everyday won't have any affect on your mood/mental state?
01-31-2011 , 11:14 AM
obviously, but there's a difference between eating a "normal" diet vs. eating nothing but ice cream all day.

it could just be that my expectations of ppl's diets are way higher because even though i eat an "unhealthy" diet, i'm still probably healthier than the average diet.
01-31-2011 , 11:15 AM
carbs are bad for u
01-31-2011 , 11:18 AM
full english breakfast
snickers/other snack for lunch
burger/pizza/whatever for dinner
insert random snacks/sweets during evenings

i could imagine someone who followed a diet like this would feel pretty terrible about themselves, but if you change it around a little bit, add little tweaks etc, it could be pretty decent. ie you eat the snickers, but you substitute the breakfast and dinner with healthier options for a decent diet.
01-31-2011 , 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by ooohjoy
but a lot of vegans are like fundamentalist christians trying to convert everyone
^ true. And that is definitely the wrong approach to spread the idea. But vegans are usually the minority in most conversations, so I do understand them getting a bit mad sometimes. Used to date a vegetarian in a country where no meat = no meal, and it was amazing that in 90% of the cases when people found out she was vegetarian they would start making the exact same stupid arguments without anybody asking for their opinion. I guess it is something like replying to "but how much did you lose" over and over again ^^
01-31-2011 , 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by ooohjoy
full english breakfast
snickers/other snack for lunch
burger/pizza/whatever for dinner
insert random snacks/sweets during evenings

i could imagine someone who followed a diet like this would feel pretty terrible about themselves, but if you change it around a little bit, add little tweaks etc, it could be pretty decent. ie you eat the snickers, but you substitute the breakfast and dinner with healthier options for a decent diet.
Funny how english breakfast is the healthiest part of that diet and you talk about substituting it.
01-31-2011 , 06:08 PM
I'm sick of running, I hate it hate hate it hate it and it makes my knees hurt really badly and I just hate everything about it. But I want to do cardio because I feel like I look and feel better.

What kind of indoor exercise type thing should I get? Something to use for 15-20 mins in the morning and probably again later at night. I don't want to spend a lot and will most likely just get something cheap at Wal-Mart.

Should I get a stationary bike? Elliptical? Something cool I don't even know about?
01-31-2011 , 06:14 PM
Elliptical will be really easy on your knees. Maybe you should try swimming? Bike works too.
01-31-2011 , 06:30 PM
burpees. the end.
01-31-2011 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by Keyser.
I'm sick of running, I hate it hate hate it hate it and it makes my knees hurt really badly and I just hate everything about it. But I want to do cardio because I feel like I look and feel better.

What kind of indoor exercise type thing should I get? Something to use for 15-20 mins in the morning and probably again later at night. I don't want to spend a lot and will most likely just get something cheap at Wal-Mart.

Should I get a stationary bike? Elliptical? Something cool I don't even know about?
what about walking with a high incline? can be a very good work out, and its gentler. you can add some leg or arm weights on top of that too.
01-31-2011 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by scoopdapoop
For mobility/utilitarian use, a bike. The glide cycle is much better complete leg and core workout, without the aftereffects of your body weight pounding the pavement + you meet mad chicks. Downside is its expensive/not entirely practical for anything other then exercising.
Yes, because cyclists are generally in bad shape. Glide cycle seems very unpractical to use anywhere but on a track, and even there others who are running would probably feel annoyed. Too big and clumsy for a sidewalk, too slow for the road.

Oh I see you work for that company, no problem.
01-31-2011 , 09:08 PM
Just bought this entry level elliptical for a pretty good price. $149 with shipping from here:

Probably a POS but is all I need for now.
01-31-2011 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by nakke
Yes, because cyclists are generally in bad shape. Glide cycle seems very unpractical to use anywhere but on a track, and even there others who are running would probably feel annoyed. Too big and clumsy for a sidewalk, too slow for the road.

Oh I see you work for that company, no problem.
seriously what? I've obviously have one, but haven't used it in months. We met the inventor in Ashland OR and a family member likes to spend money and buy gifts. They're a small company who started out by helping the physically impaired so I don't really mind spreading the word. Its definitely more for those of the baby boomer generation who can no longer run and not the young stud poker player.

I do seriously believe that there is real science behind the physical benefits (short and long term), just as I believe that there are actual health benefits to being veggie head, however I like meat and won't spend my life in a gym/healthfood store.

I don't see how wheels won't work on the road??? I've met tons of people, including young ladies, as its really quite a site to see a Glide Cycle in use. More of a 'WTF' moment then a 'Wow Awesome' one. But unless you're a major internet douche people will ask you about it. Getting exercise and being social is good?

As I clearly stated it is expensive and more for pure exercise and not for getting around town/offroad/speeds of 20+mph. Although the guy that invented it has tree trunk legs and can run uphill faster than the casual biker.

judging by your not so thinly veiled stupidity you must work for huffy bikes??
01-31-2011 , 11:21 PM
guys on ellipticals? what is this forum coming to
02-01-2011 , 12:48 AM
Originally Posted by mountaingoat
^ true. And that is definitely the wrong approach to spread the idea. But vegans are usually the minority in most conversations, so I do understand them getting a bit mad sometimes. Used to date a vegetarian in a country where no meat = no meal, and it was amazing that in 90% of the cases when people found out she was vegetarian they would start making the exact same stupid arguments without anybody asking for their opinion. I guess it is something like replying to "but how much did you lose" over and over again ^^
This. I'm not trying to force anything down anyones throat. "I just found it funny that the first things that come to OP's head when thinking about healthy food are meat, fish and meat again (dead animals, dead animals, dead animals) as opposed to veggies and fruits." I thought it would be a good idea to provide other available options. That is all.

lol @ trying to consume 300g of protein. Unless you're the incredible hulk youre pissing 75% of that away.
02-01-2011 , 12:54 AM
lol @ trying to consume 300g of protein. Unless you're the incredible hulk youre pissing 75% of that away.
lol. I would try explaining how wrong you are, but I stop caring once people start posting completely inaccurate information w/ absolutely zero scientific research to back it up.
02-01-2011 , 01:04 AM
im obv exaggerating BRAH i'd like you to explain your point though im interested

Took me 2 secs to google this:

There is some debate on what is a healthy amount of protein when it comes to the side effects of too much protein in the diet. Most health experts say we need between 0.8 and 1 gram of protein per kilogram of weight a day (about 7 grams per 20 pounds. So a person who weighs 150 pounds would need around 52 grams a day.

Last edited by Grin -N- Bear IT; 02-01-2011 at 01:15 AM.
02-01-2011 , 03:19 AM
Originally Posted by Grin -N- Bear IT
im obv exaggerating BRAH i'd like you to explain your point though im interested

Took me 2 secs to google this:

There is some debate on what is a healthy amount of protein when it comes to the side effects of too much protein in the diet. Most health experts say we need between 0.8 and 1 gram of protein per kilogram of weight a day (about 7 grams per 20 pounds. So a person who weighs 150 pounds would need around 52 grams a day.
True, but these are pretty moderate risks- you can supplement calcium, and live a lifestyle that puts less stress on the kidneys. And it leaves out the awesome side effects, like being a ripped-ass manly man warrior. There aren't many of those that are vegan.

FWIW, my opinion is that the modern diet paradigm is too gung ho on carbs, and too frightened of fats. It's kinda funny that since you had the govt supporting these kinds of diets, obesity has gone through the roof, diabetes has gone through the roof, heart disease, cancer, etc. Obviously there are MANY factors that contribute to this, fast food, toxic environment, etc. But I believe this plays a part for sure. And a lot of the advice given over time has been just plain bad (ie, switch from butter to margarine).

I switched to the anabolic diet a year ago, which is basically high fat/low carb 5-6 days a week, with a 1-2 day carb up. I eat as many or more calories than before, am stronger, leaner, and more energetic than ever. It's made such a big difference that I've really become convinced that humanity has been doing it wrong for the ~10,000 years since the agricultural revolution.
